October 21, 2009

insider tip

continuing on with texture week, I wanted to show how I like to add a little texture to a page with paint. It's really simple and the texture is flat yet dimensional which I find desirable
when scrapping.

All you'll need is paint, an old plastic card, and a foam brush.

brush some paint along the edge of the card.

place the card, paint side down onto your card stock and drag it down putting pressure towards
the middle of the card. This will create a more solid block of color. If you want less, apply less pressure.

see...easy peasy.



  1. Great technique, Tina! Thanks! ;)

  2. I always wondered...totally using that in one of my next layouts.

  3. awesome - love this technique, i'm going to have to try it!

  4. that is the coolest kick butt idea! I remember doing this in an art class once and never thought to use it on a layout.

    THANKS for changing my scrappy world

  5. it makes TOTAL sense, but i could never figure out how you did that. you made my day. thank you.

  6. Great tutorial. Thanks so very much for this!

  7. Kicking myself for how easy that was to do! Thanks for the tip!

  8. Ooooooooo. I'm off to use that right now. Thanks!
