November 7, 2009

Are you looking for Studio Calico stamps from the past? - THE STAMPS HAVE HOMES, THANK YOU!

All 5 stamps have new homes. Thank you for your interest!
I've been fortunate to have been part of the Studio Calico family since 2007. Because of that, I have every stamp that has been created as part of my collection, and they are treasured pieces to be sure.

I've also been fortunate to get my work picked up in Scrapbook Trends magazine. As you know, ST pays in goodie boxes, something I look forward to getting every time an issue comes out with my name in it.

One thing that can be found occasionally in these goodie boxes are Studio Calico stamps. I have accumulated several of these stamps, and feel bad keeping them buttoned up in their packaging. They need a new home.

I have 5 stamps to share with you today. If they interest you, please email me at cooperdees (at) yahoo (dot) com and let me know which one you'd like, and I'll gladly put one in the mail to you (Sorry girls, US only please). First come, first served. If you are interested in more than one please list them in order of preference and if I've already given one away, I'll go to the next on your list if I can.

I believe this first one is from the Via Airmail kit, July 2008. It was in an add-on, I think. This stamp is very versatile and would work great for cards too.

This is next one is a two stamp set from November 2008's Fountain Square main kit.

These next two are from December 2008's kit, Center Stage. I'm not sure if these were part of the kit or an add-on, or if they were available separately. These would be great for upcoming winter layouts or Christmas cards too!

This last one is the main kit stamp from the Bibliography kit, January 2009's kit.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday! I look forward to a couple of emails, lol.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I want to know how come out of all my ST boxes I have never gotten anything so cool as an SC stamp!!! ;)

  3. i will take the airmail or anything that is left!
