November 1, 2009

Home Front Sneak #1

With Home Front shipping mid-November, we're anxious to show you what we've designed. Click the video below to see the full version of our excitement. Or, if you just want to make fun of our Southern accents, I give you full permission to watch for that reason.

Home Front Label Stickers have arrived! from studio calico on Vimeo.


  1. so exciting! I love this and can't wait to see more. the video was so fun to watch too (no making fun of accents here ;))

  2. Perfection! Love the labels and can't wait to see the whole line! :) {no making fun of your accents here, either ;)}

  3. Yes awesome! I can't wait to see more!!

  4. I didn't realize how country I sounded!!! All that snarling and growling that you hear in the background is Addy & Jett fighting over Addy's frisbee!

  5. i LOVE your accents... no making fun of them from me!

    i am so falling in love with Homefront even with this first little peek. NEED it!!

  6. those are so cute!

  7. April, you are tooo cute!

    The stickers look delish, I can't wait to have them in my hot little hands!
