November 13, 2009

Member Inspiration!

Another chilly morning in the Pacific I'm feeling pretty good about that 40 degrees from the other day because THIS morning, it's about 20 degrees! Wow! I didn't know how good I had it. :)

I have to admit, I don't spend as much time commenting in the Studio Calico Member Gallery as I'd like to...but I'm always checking it out! There are so many amazing things gracing our's hard to choose just a few to talk about, but here goes:

christap really knocked it out of the park with this pencil holder...admit it, you see this and just instantly want to go make one! Totally inspiring!

You know when you see a page and immediately think "I wish I would have thought of that"...that was christyn's tree for me! What a great idea and out of that particular paper? Perfect! The sweet photo and the butterflies are just icing on the cake.

Art journaling has always been of interest to me and I've been ogling ravenea's gorgeous, meaningful pages. The rich colors of this particular page really emote the feeling she's conveying, don't they?

This fun, fun page from livingroomfloor caught my eye immediately. I loved the colors first off, the faint little paint splotches, the leaves and the way she used the Hambly...yes, you're right, I just love it all.

I hope this inspires you to not only create something today (maybe something for Emily's Card Challenge?) but to take a walk through the SC Member Gallery, as well. Happy Friday! Tomorrow I'll be back to talk about creating your own photo textures. :)


  1. Very inspiring! Exactly what I need tonight.

  2. How exciting to see my art journal page here! Thanks so much - you made my day! The other projects are gorgeous!!!
