December 16, 2009

Inspiration Tuesday

Hello! I know it is technically not Tuesday anymore for some of you but it is still 11:50pm where I live so it counts right? Today was one of those days where I blinked and it was over... seems like I have a lot of those this time of year! :) Anyway, here are some things that have been inspiring me lately.......

How amazing is this? I found it on design sponge. You can get all the details over there! Pretty amazing and so beautiful! Reminds me of the Hambly rub ons! I also love the wall color - such a pretty red with just a touch of pink!

This gorgeous Christmas display was found on Country Living. The whole thing is just perfect to me... the pine cones, the birds and the paper flowers. I love the little pops of color set amongst the rustic feel of the natural elements.

And finally, this little beauty (which is on its way to me as we speak! can't wait!) I have been loving these little vintage bottle brush trees and glittery houses for quite a while but hadn't found the perfect one to start my collection.... until I saw this. Isn't it adorable? I love all of the little details! I would love to make some of these. (Loving the ones that Rhonna showed on her blog as well.) I definitely won't fit it in this year but it might be a good summertime project for me next year! So fun!!

That's it for this week! I hope you enjoyed some of these things that have caught my eye recently! Let me know what's inspiring you this week as well! --- Maggie

1 comment:

  1. awww, Maggie..thanks so much! LOVE these inspiring images! you're so fab!
