December 4, 2009

member inspiration- chelseavn

Happy Friday, everyone!
Hope you have had a creative, lovely week.
I just wanted to pop in quickly and share my member inspiration choice for this week-
chelseavn (click on her name to see her entire gallery)

Chelsea is from Japan and she makes beautiful, beautiful things.
visit her blog HERE.

I've admired her layouts since I saw this one last may:

I adore the way she uses bits, pieces, slivers of paper, scatterings of embellishments, and splotches of paint.

and this one? i'm kind of obsessed with it. it's marvelous.
the kind of page i wish i could scrap.
but i'm not nearly cool enough to make a page like this.
i mean...seriously, how great is this?

sigh. okay. i'd better stop the lovefest, or chelsea might never come back to SC.
happy friday, sweet friends!

P.S. don't forget about this week's studio challenge!! xoxo


  1. That last layout is very creative! It's already in my inspirational journal!

  2. Love every single thing she creates! Such an inspiration!!!!!

  3. They are all lovely, I especially like the misting in the third LO :)
