December 11, 2009

member inspiration : orchestra

I love this time of month - brown boxes are being delivered to porches all over the world, and happy scrappers are covering their desks with the gorgeous kits inside. Orchestra layouts have begun popping up in the gallery, and I wanted to share a few with you. By the way - the main kit and Woodwinds add-on are both still available in the shop. =)

This page by Erika is just plain fun. I love the mist, I love the titlework (how fun are those buttons o's?) and I loooooooooove the little bits of paper!

Keshet had posted on the message board earlier this week that the back of one of the Collage Press papers had a passage from a Jane Austen novel, and would be perfect for documenting her love of the author. And it certainly is! I love how she used the Jenni Bowlin stickers along with a stack of strips of paper on her page.

Angrystarlyt totally rocked the charcoal mist on this page - isn't that an awesome effect? I love how she grouped buttons inside the masked portion, and the little bits of the banner paper make a perfect accent at the top and bottom.

LaVon made the cuuuuutest card from her kit - wouldn't you love to get this in the mail?

And lastly, I'll share this page by Donna. The small Basic Grey chip letters are perfect for longer titles like this, and I love all the texture she added under her photo. She's used a lot of colors and patterns without making the page busy or taking away from her photo.

I can't wait to see more Orchestra layouts in the gallery! I know it's a busy time of year, but open those boxes and get scrapping. =)

1 comment:

  1. all of the layouts rocked... but Lavon's is so awesome! Love the idea!
