December 18, 2009

Member Spotlight

Wow! There are soooo many amazing layouts hitting the gallery lately! Too many to post them all! (And I seriously don't like the job of picking members to spotlight! I wish I could share them all! but I guess that means you will just have to make sure you head on over and get browsing so you can see for yourself! :) )

The first one comes from taniawillis. Even though scrapbooking is typically about the photos, I do love layouts without any images at all. Sometimes we have stories to tell with no photos so I love to see people doing this. All of the bright colors and the layered bits and pieces came together so perfectly! I love the idea behind her layout as well... very sweet!

Next up is Jill Sprott. I don't really know what else to say except that this is amazing! The tree is to die for (how long did that take you.... seriously??) and again, I love all of the bits and pieces. (i must love bits and pieces! lol) Really, I don't know what else to say..... amazing!!

And finally, a layout from Amy Coose that instantly caught my eye in the gallery. I love yellow and turquoise together and I love how they just pop right off of the craft colored cardstock. I also love how she stitched right through the title! So cool! Everything is balanced just perfectly and yet it still has a fun and whimsical feel to it...... I love that!

Thanks for the inspiration ladies! You are awesome!!!


  1. awwww. thanks for the spotlight maggie. brought a smile to my face this morning.

  2. Whoa -- what an awesome surprise! Thanks for including me here. In answer to your question, the tree didn't take too long, really! I just sketched the edge of each layer roughly on the back of the patterned paper, and just freehanded the "branches" with my scissors. I circle-punched scraps of paper to make the ornaments, arranged them in rows, and then ran each "layer" back and forth under the sewing machine. The whole tree took under an hour.
