December 28, 2009

New Year, New Challenge heading your way.

Hi everyone!!

Nik H. the blog this week with Steph H. Wanted to get the challenge up early, so that LOTS of people can join in...hopefully with the holidays, you can squeeze in a bit of 'you' time and do something crafty!

For this week, with 2010 staring us straight in the face, we thought we would challenge you to do a layout about what the new year has in store for you and/or your family. Hopes, dreams, wishes, resolutions, good ideas, intentions, name it. We want to hear about/see what you have in mind for the new year...and don't be afraid to journal your hearts out, because I know that sometimes it's less intimidating to write down your goals without actually speaking them, if that makes sense.

We'll start a thread for everyone to post to...and will choose a winner at the end of the week. (hopefully by then, we'll both have had time to whip something up for this ourselves!) What better way to start off your crafty New Year than with some SC Cash?!

Looking forward to your work as always...some of our best inspiration comes from our members, so we'd love to see as many of you as possible join in on this one!



  1. i'm definitely in on this one! thanks girls!

  2. I love this ... I have an idea already. :)

  3. Oooh...I like this idea. You've definitely got my creative mojo going.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. loved this first time playing too!

    sorry about the double post!
