December 26, 2009

Some Studio Calico sneak peeks and Christmas Card photo inspiration

It's the day after Christmas! Did you brave the crowds today? I wasn't going to, but did just manage to get in and out of the store, restocked with wrapping paper at 50% off. I just couldn't help myself!

I know that Christmas is over, but as I prepare to start thinking about packing things away, I thought I'd take advantage of some of the items in the next kit from Studio Calico and get a head start on next year.

Take a peek:

These are Studio Calico stamps at their finest! Stamps are from the main kit and the "with a Candlestick" add-on. Aren't they fun? I've already trimmed them out and bagged them up so I'll be all set when December hits next year. I don't know about you, but I know my list is always long and the time is always short. This will help take the edge off.

Be sure to check in Sunday morning if you are a subscriber, to take advantage of those add-ons, and again at midnight! If you haven't already heard, the January kit is fabulous! You can check out sneaks here.

Speaking of sneaks, I created my layout for the challenge this week, to use your holiday cards, but I used the January kit to create it, so I can't share the whole thing. Just a sneak:

What do you think of that punch on the yellow? It's a holiday punch from Martha Stewart.... it reminds me of my favorite punch, the scallop sentiment, and the Apron Lace, AND the embossed scallop punches, all mixed together. Let me know what you think and I'll ask April to add it to the shop. I like it a lot.

Anyway, you still have time time to participate in the challenge! You have until midnight PST to link your layout or project to the challenge post. I hope you'll have a chance to play along!



  1. cute tags and fabulous little sneak. wish i could join in on this challenge, but i am at family's house all week now! ... and i even have pictures printed out for last year's card all ready to scrap. will have to join in on the challenge a little late, next week :)

  2. Dav, I am CASEing your tag idea for gifts I give in 2010! I might even get next year's Christmas tags early, too! :)
