January 26, 2010

CHA challenges!

With most of the crew away at CHA, we're doing things a bit differently this week... instead of ONE weekly challenge, we've got SIX. =)

Sasha's Ephemera Challenge

Jenn's Draw on Your Layout Challenge

Kelly's Hearts Challenge

Stephanie H's Lift a SC Member Challenge

Stephanie W's Use Your Stash Challenge

Lisa's Whitewashed Background Challenge

Link your layout to the appropriate challenge thread (and feel free to combine them with each other, or with our weekly sketch) by the end of Friday, January 29th for a chance to win a $5 gift certificate to your favorite shop. We'll post the winners on Saturday morning. Happy scrapping!


  1. Oh - how FUN that we can combine them!!! That's awesome and makes it a lot easier to get them ALL done by the deadline!!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I enjoying playing! Whipped out 4 entries. Check out my blog if you have minute. :-))
    Thanks for the challenges.

  3. I just noticed - you forgot to include Kimmi's challenge on this list. It's the "use your packaging" challenge. I thought you would want to know. :0)
