January 14, 2010

Insider Tips! "Sunshine & Waves"

Hi! Susan here again today with a few insider tips on how I put together one of my layouts with January's Whodunit Kit... "Sunshine & Waves"

I love this photo of my son, Evan, that I snapped of him playing on the beach. Despite it being winter, I wanted my page to have "beachy" feel. The kraft cardstock underneath my photo & journaling helps with that overall feel, as does the turquoise blue + yellow colorscheme. I used the Hydrangea Blue mist to very simply add a bit of depth to the light blue background cardstock.

I used my circle cutter to cut out my "sun" and then pinking scissors to give the sun some "rays". I thought that the sun could use a cloud in front of it, and decided that one of the pages from the Maya Road scalloped chipboard mini album would be perfect as my cloud. I painted my cloud white using white paint, and then after it was dry I sprayed it with the mist. The cloud needed to pop off of my page, so once the mist was dry I used a smaller paint brush to gently edge the scallops on the chipboard cloud with white paint.

The cute, CUTE birdie stamps in the Colonel Mustard Add On kit were a perfect embellishment for this page. To use the bird stamp in a similar way to the way that I did, stamp your image, and then trim from cardstock leaving a "tab" underneath the image like this:

The stamped birds can then be tucked into anything like a punched border (as they were on my page!), or under a sticker, piece of paper, or behind a chipboard alphabet letter.

I hope some of these tips will help you try something new on one of your projects sometime soon!
:) -Susan


  1. I love the name Dark Cornflower so i will go with that as my pick! I love the mist and would love to win them all! I love that the companies are coming out with all these great colors and I can use them all with my style of scrapping and creating my paper items! I love that your giving us two chances to win!

  2. ANother for the Dark Cornflower! awwwwwww! love :) I'm afraid though I have to admitt I don't own any maya mists....I think I need too though!~

  3. I love the sunflower color, I am ready for some hot summer days!

  4. I loved the last two tutorials on misting/masking/punching... thanks for your ideas Susan! I'm going to try one out right now!

  5. I like that you made the stamps into t̕absʼthat gives me a whole other way to use my stamps - Thanks!

  6. The little tabs for the birds is such a great idea! Gives them a little height and also makes it easy to move around. Great idea.

  7. What a fabulous way to give thos"e little birdies some dimension! What a great "beachy page!

  8. What a sweet little boy you have, and love the beach page. I haven't yet tried any of the mists and am so looking forward to trying a new technique in my crafting.

  9. Thanks for the info on your cloud and the birdies! The layout is great!

  10. you make it look so easy !~ thanks for the wonderful tutorials. love the LO, so bright and cheerful !~

  11. Sweet layout and great tip about the tab for the birdies!
