January 4, 2010

Year in Review Challenge

Hello everyone. StephanieW and I (Waleska) are hosting the SC blog this week. Happy Monday!

Today is back to work and school for many. Actually, today is the first Monday of the month AND the year. It's the perfect day to start something new... to get working on those goals you set for 2010.

But before you do that I have a CHALLENGE for you: take a quick look back at 2009 and create a YEAR IN REVIEW layout. Take a trip down memory lane and pick your favorites of '09. If your year wasn't that great and you'd rather not look back, you can create a layout about your favorite things?

You have until Saturday night at midnight, PST. I'll then draw a winner for a $5 gift certificate to the SC shop. I'm working on my page today and will update this post when I finish. I hope to see lots of you participate too!


  1. Sounds like the perfect way to get myself motivated to scrap something!

  2. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Scrapbooking Challenges & Competitions search engine today (look for timestamp: 04 Jan [LA 03:00pm, NY 06:00pm, UK 11:00pm] - 05 Jan [OZ 10:00am]).

  3. Thank you for this challenge ... there is my year review layout on the gallery : http://www.studiocalico.com/forums/galleries/show/17867

  4. I just made this not too long ago...not sure if it will count or not! :)

  5. Mine's up in the gallery...in fact, I started working on this on Sunday, soon after I got the December kit. Now I have the January kit (& add on! whoo!!) but I have to pack up for a scrappy weekend away...I will finish it then, promise! ;)
