February 4, 2010

More Heart Love - Valentine Crayons

I've been saving this little tidbit of craft for a while. I am a huge huge huge fan of Gigi Kennedy, and when I was peeking at her blog in December, I came across this post. I loved this idea to bits and immediately wanted to do it for my treat bags and the With the Candlestick add-on that I was working on (there are still a few of those left, by the way).

However, once I bought my super cute pan, I realized the hearts weren't going to fit in the little treat boxes for that add-on, so I decided to save the idea.

Now that Valentine's Day is almost here, and I have two girls and two different parties, I can do two different things, and heart shaped crayons are definitely on the list.

This is how we do it (channel your inner Montell Jordan as you read that line please, lol):

Start with your silicone heart shaped pan. Be sure to use one you don't mind turning into a craft supply. No more muffins here.

1. Put your kids to work with the old crayons around the house. Have them peel off the paper and toss them in a bowl. Be sure to grab the white ones. Why white crayons were invented, I'll never know, but they'll look pretty in the hearts so make sure they are part of the pile.

2. After the crayons have accumulated, chop them into little pieces. Then have the kids fill the heart shaped tray with the colors of their choice.

3. Bake them in the oven at 220 degrees for about 20 minutes, depending on how finely you chopped the bits. I admit to overdoing mine a bit. But that heart that is front and center took a long time to melt, so one piece of advice is to make sure they are all evenly filled. It didn't hurt anything, but the colors mixed more than they should have.

4. When they are blended together and not lumpy anymore, remove from the oven, and if you are me, stick them outside. They need to cool completely before removal from the pan, and this will help speed up the process. I don't like to wait.

5. Once they are cooled, remove from the pan (Cooling didn't take near as long as I thought it was going to).

6. Toss them in a baggie. Use the tag stamp from the With the Candlestock add-on to create a Valentine tag, trim it out, and tie to the top of your bag with twine.

7. Voila. A great Valentines Day gift!

I wanted to also share this cute presentation, found when I was tumbling the other day:


Need some more Valentine ideas? Check out what some of our members have been uploading to the gallery:

Tania's sucker treats

Kimberly's digital cards

Kimberly's Valentine ATC's

Have a great day! Davinie


  1. I made those last year for my son's class and they were so fun to make. Thanks for the great craft project and love the tags you made.

  2. looooove rainbow crayons! we make them every christmas in the shape of snowmen! the ohdeedoh presentation idea is adorable. thanks for reminding me how easy these are for any holiday. :)

  3. I have never seen these before! I couldn't for the life of me think why you would "cook" crayons lol. They are sooooo cute! Fantastic idea :)

  4. What a fun thing to do with your kids, and your presentation idea is a million dollars.

  5. we have crayons from when our oldest kids (20/19) used them. lol this will be a great idea for the youngest to take to school. thanks for the tutorial =)

  6. This is a great idea! I've been saving broken crayons for awhile now, and I saw a perfect heart tray at Target the other day. I think we'll do this for my son's class...thanks!

  7. i actually picked up this little tray at Target yesterday, said to myself "now what could I do with this?" and didn't have an answer. You've given me the answer! Oh my heck, my son is going to LOVE this!!!

  8. We did it!
    Thank you for this inspiration! We had a lot of fun.
    Best wishes from Germany,
