February 1, 2010

Red, red, red, red, red!

Can you guess what this week's challenge might be? :)

This week, Davinie and I are planning some Valentine's Day inspiration for the blog here. It is February 1st today after all! So, we're keeping the challenge simple and to the point....use RED. The more of it, the better! You can mix in other colors if you must, but keep the majority of the layout the color of love! The theme is up to you.

Upload your project by this Saturday and we'll start a thread on the boards for linkage. A winner will be chosen for a $5 SC gift certificate! Thanks for playing along!


  1. Okay! Gotta get to work then!

  2. I am hoping this is were I put my link. Thank you for the challenge. I had fun with this one and found a new product I like.

  3. Here's my finished layout


    I haven't been working with red lately, but have a ton of it! Thanks for the push!

  4. Here's mine!
