February 6, 2010

Some Anthology inspiration

This month's kit over at Jenni Bowlin Studios contains a bunch of new SC Anthology and the design team over there has created some amazing pages. Jenni gave us permission to repost some faves here on our blog, but be sure you check out the whole team's work in their gallery.

Love the punched out circles of paper on this one by Doris Sander.

The journaling card looks STUNNING against the black patterned paper in this one by Ranjini Malhotra.

Keisha Campbell's style totally showcases the journaling cards just beautifully here.

Next month's guest designer, Lisa Dickinson, did a fab job with all the paper strips!
I love how Danielle Flanders stitched the circles and used the Anthology font in a tone on tone way. Beautiful!
There's much more gorgeousness over there in their DT gallery. Please, please make sure you check it out. :)

I'm so glad to see so many RED challenge layouts in the gallery this week! Keep 'em coming! You have until the end of today and we'll pick a winner tomorrow. Here's my take on the challenge. Have a great Saturday!


  1. Love these LOs! Can't wait for mine to get here so I can play.

  2. So inspiring! I can't wait to get my hands on all of it ; )

  3. They're all so yummy!!
