May 28, 2010

Member Spotlight : Michelle Alynn Clement

Hi everyone! I hope you're having a great Friday so far :) This week, I'm shining the spotlight on Michelle Clement! She goes by MichelleAlynnClement on the forum, and while being new to Studio Calico, has been a constant source of inspiration to me and I know many other SCers :)

Let's get to know her better!

Where do you go for inspiration? Any site you would like to share?
I have a few usual daily reads, blog-wise, that never fail to inspire: Elsie Flannigan, Kara Haupt, Mandi Johnson, Rachel Denbow, Rachie's Place, Freckled Nest, The Dainty Squid, Danielle Thompson, Wild Olive, Helen Dardik, Dottie Angel, The Black Apple and about a kabillion more! lol. I like to go to these, and then hop around to other blogs from them, too - it never fails to make me want to get creative! My other fix is flipping through the magazine section (mostly art/illustration and craft magazines) in a local bookstore with a favorite coffee, and then a trip to my few favorite thrift shops. Or flipping through 'Uppercase' magazine or the Studio Calico gallery!

How would you describe your style of scrapping?
think it's a messy, distressed, sometimes-a-little-crazy style. I pay attention to lots of little details using splatters and sewing, and use lots and lots of layers! Also, I've been known to just stick a whole pack of buttons on one page, sometimes, and I go nuts with the walnut ink, often. I love a mix of bright colors & vintage, the most!

How many layouts on average every month?
Ah! It fluctuates on my busy-ness, of course, and right now it's only about 5-10 per month.

Are you a morning or night person?
I'm definitely a morning person! Happy as soon as I wake up, with a coffee in my hand (although it's so nice to sleep in once in a while, I always feel like I have no day left when I do!).

Coffee or tea?
Coffee, all the way! I'm addicted to Mocha's, and anything Starbucks Christmas. Yum! I have at least 2-3 cups everyday, it's just so yummy!

Three current favorite from your own gallery.

Five years down the road . . .
I will be just about to graduate design school with a degree (fingers crossed on going back to school!), and will be successfully running a small design/paper goods/indie business on the side. I will have accomplished a lot of my list of secret creative dreams. I will be looking into buying a separate studio space. I will own a rad loft with hubby and have a new lil boston terrier pup. I will have travelled to Europe with a backpack for more than a few weeks. I will have still be super-happy!

Can't get enough of Michelle's goodness? Visit her Gallery!

Thank you Michelle for answering my questions :)


  1. Does Studio Calico ever not come out with something fabulous! Love it all!

  2. i am a HUGE fan of michelle's work! she is daily inspo for me too!

  3. Love your work Michelle!!!

  4. Michelle, you rock! I love your style because it's so different from mine. I sure miss you from when you were on the Pink Paislee team. It was fun reading about you! Hope everything is going well. :)

  5. Michelle's style is SO unique and SOOO inspiring! I've been a fan for a long time now! You're awesome, girl!

  6. SC Thanks for featuring Michelle's work... I loved it. and will be adding her to my multitude of inspirational blogs... These layouts are totally FUN!~!!

  7. I adore Michelle's work. Thank you for the inspiration.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Awesome choice! I just love Michelle's unique and innovative style.
