May 1, 2010

NSD Giveaway #1

Just post a comment here letting us know if you've participated in any of the scrap challenges today or if you plan to. I'll draw a winner in about an hour and post a new giveaway then.

ETA: And the winner is........................

sarah said...

i'm getting ready to clean up the mess from scrapping last night and then i'll dive into a challenge or three :)

thanks for the chance!

May 1, 2010 12:24 PM

Please send an email to with the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Subscriber? y/n
  • Contest: NSD Giveaway
  • Prize Won: Melissa Frances Banner Kit


  1. ca-ute...I'm working on the card challenges

  2. ha! i plan to do lots of them...holy toledo there is a TON...

    if only i could get out of the CHAT room...

  3. I plan on doing as many as I can!!!

  4. I would like a lot of challenges but... you know... 24 hours in a day, it's not so much!! So I'll try to make some. And because I love her...

  5. I'm working on the the misting challenge...

  6. I am working on Nicole S and Jenn's :)

  7. TOO sweet!! So much to do and so little time...sleep is over-rated, right?!? xxx

  8. I'm working on some of the SC challenges the gals posted and will watch/participate in Paperclipping live show and challenges

  9. i'm getting ready to clean up the mess from scrapping last night and then i'll dive into a challenge or three :)

    thanks for the chance!

  10. So fun! I plan to do some challenges...but I need to get at it!

  11. Awesome! I've done 15 challenges already :) It's been so fun!

  12. I completed about 11 of them over 3 layouts. But it is 6.30pm here now and it is date night with my husband.

  13. Cute giveaway! I'm getting ready to work on some challenges. Keep getting sucked into the message boards!

  14. Plan to post on some of the blog's challenges but haven't yet! We are traveling in the car to NC for the w/e & am trying to appease 2 unhappy kiddos!! Hopefully will get an opp to do some posting soon......
    Stephanie Eaken

  15. I'm going to attempt a couple of the challenges! =)

  16. I've gotten several done...just gotta get 'em uploaded!

  17. I have the whole day off, so yes! I plan on participating. Just gotta get my craft space set up :)

  18. I wish I could do a challenge . . . but I am going to a surprise birthday party (mine - but it is a secret I overheard LOL!)

  19. I plan to!! But I must break away from all the great blogs!!

  20. So fun! I plan to do some challenges!!!

  21. yep, I am planning on doing a t least a card challenge, hopefully more!

  22. Cute giveaway. No time for the challenges today but going to a crop in 2 weeks!

  23. Only got to Dav's card challenge so far. Hoping to see what I can rustle up for layered flowers later this afternoon! :) Having fun looking at what everyone is doing!

  24. Trying to... have had a migraine for most of the day, so not sure how much I'll be able to do - already early evening here in Europe...

  25. Haven't particiapted yet but keep checkin gin. Hoping to participate but it is just too nice out today

  26. I plan on participating in some if I can fit it into my schedule!

  27. I'm just sitting down to work on a challenge of two!

  28. I haven't scrapped yet today.. but planning on here very soon. I am going to do the ad inspiration challenge!

  29. I am working on mine right now. :)

  30. Planning on taking on some of the challenges...loving all the activity for NSD!!!

  31. I have huge plans on participating! It just isn't coming together like I want it to! :P Hopefully I will have time a little later! :D

  32. no scrapbooking for me today :( There is lots to do around the house to get it ready to sell!

  33. I've got Sasha's challenge done and posted and I am currently working on April's challenge!
    Super cute use of that SC paper!

  34. Hi!

    I've been participating in a norwegian challenge, you can see it here:

  35. I have a layout in progress...doing many different challenges! Thanks for making this a great day ladies!

  36. I wish I could but the kids are a bit demanding today

  37. Would absolutely LOVE to. But we have an all day soccer tournament today. Hoping to at least get some scrap time in late tonight. Gotta get some work done on NSD! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  38. I haven't been able to do one yet.

  39. Love that kit! I've got 14 challenges done!! Trying to squeeze in a few more.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I did not have any time during the week, but I have ALL of today to create projects for the challenges.

  42. Would love to find some time to fit in a challenge or two. Keeping my fingers crossed. Now, off of here and back to housework so I might get the chance!

  43. if i get some time between laundry & prom pics i am planning on some scrappy time!

  44. I'm working on several right now!

  45. Not yet. I plan to try some out.

  46. Am planning to start soon! Love that there is so much to choose from. X x Lara x X

  47. I'm heading for my crafty stash right now....wait for me....

  48. Yes! My dd and I are scrapping together today :)

  49. wish I could but no babysitter=no scrapping getting done. I do have time to sneak on the computer though :)

  50. I've participated in a couple already, have a few still waiting to post, and a few still waiting to be completed!

  51. Im working like crazy to make stuff for the challenges......too bad my life keeps getting in the way :). Should be done by midnite!!!!

  52. I wish I was participating. I have to work. I managed to buy my mom her mother's day gift and now I'm trying to forget how much pain I'm in and get ready to head out. I hope everyone is having a blast!

  53. I am doing some layout for challenges.

  54. I might be too slow for this one--but yes, I am planning to do the sketch challenge today!

  55. Not sure which one to do but I guess I'd better hurry up and make up my mind, eh?!?!?!

  56. Yay! What a fun day this has been! I'm trying to get as many layouts done and contests entries done as much as possible!

  57. I'll probably do some of the challenges but I doubt I'll have time to do them today. Any form of inspiration is welcome!

  58. So cute! I am hoping to do 2 challenges. Just need to make lunch for the kids, then nap time. I should then be able to get something done!

  59. I did a challenge, I actually created a page LO. I never do them, mostly I create mini books and stuff. I think I am on a roll!

  60. I'm working on a spring layout and cruising the blogs!!

  61. yes several challenges, Two Chicks Design, blog hops, Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine! Happy NSD!

  62. I'm planning on it as soon as the kiddos take a nap!

  63. HOOOOORAY for NSD:) I am working on a super CUTE LO right now! I just took a break so I could get something to eat:) THANKS!

  64. Can't work on any challenges today as I'm away from home but just had to check-in to see what's going on! :( Sorry to be missing all the fun!

  65. Happy NSD!! I have the two card challenges finished and after my "lunch" break will be tackling some of the layout challenges :)

  66. I spent this whole morning at the doc finding out I have Lyme Disease...ugh, it really interfered with my NSD! Ready to do some scrappin now :)

  67. I haven't done any YET...but the day is young

  68. Hope to finish at least one challenge, but it's already 9 pm here

  69. very nice. I'm working on the layered flowers and sketch challenges! Too much fun!

  70. I have completed 2 layouts for you guys!!! Back to do some more : )

  71. no way! i never win anything! thank you!!!

  72. After one last soccer game for the day I plan to do some!! Thanks for the giveaways. Would love to win!!

  73. i plan to scrap a bit, but you have the best NSD with real winning time lines!! /BBL

  74. I checked around and there were no events going on near me for NSD. I am looking online at what is happening elsewhere. That is one of the drawbacks of living in a rural area.

  75. Not able to participate in any challenges - had to cook for a team that had to move from one apartment to another! But a little girl of theirs stayed at my house and we mada some flowers and cards!
    See it on my blog!!

    La Vikinga

  76. just what i need for my baby girl's friend !! so much to do and so little time...
    thanks for the chance
