May 13, 2010

Shall We Scraplift?

My dear friends, this is my final post for our week. Miss Joy will be back tomorrow and Saturday with more scraplifting inspiration. I have for you today, my version of a scraplift. I tried, with great difficulty to CASE Miss Joy's layout, but alas, I didn't have every single supply she used on any of her layouts, so I came as close as I possibly could. I call mine a CASA--Copy And Steal Almost. I must admit that I found such a direct scraplift to be rather difficult for me. I've scraplifted before, but I always add my own twist to the lift. Trying to do something so exact was tough for me. But if you are newer to scrapbooking, I know it's a wonderful way to get techniques tried and design learned. Here's Miss Joy's version:

The reason I decided to lift this layout is the Hambly transparencies, even though I LOVE how they look, scare the bejeebers out of me. The way Miss Joy took more than half a sheet and used it on her page inspired me. I also love the way she used the yellow jute, tying a little circle around the heart. It was also the only layout in her gallery that I had nearly the same supplies in my stash. :)

So I lifted the design, many of the products, most of the colors, and even the topic. I didn't want to hunt for the blue cardstock she used, so I went with a white base. I had used my Hambly transparency for another couple of projects so I couldn't cut the exact same piece out for my backdrop, but I don't think that matters. She used a Cricut for her red letters. I don't own a Cricut, so I used the red alpha from the Trinkets add on. I was out of white Pink Paislee brads (I didn't think I'd use them all up, I was wrong!), so I used the yellow one. I thought it matched the yellow jute quite nicely (this layout is the reason I bought my jute. I love the look!). I do not own a tiny attacher. After seeing the difference between her staples and mine, I think that needs to change. Her's are so cute and dainty. I had to change up the title just a bit, because the journaling, inspired by Miss Joy's, is about how I didn't get a middle name, so I gave it one to myself when I was a little girl. That's the "OK not really" part. The little card that says "They should have" houses the journaling, it tucks quite nicely behind the photo of a 3 month old me.
Miss Joy also did a lift of me. She picked this layout because she liked how I used the umbrella. Quick story about that umbrella. When I started designing this, I started with the title. I loved the graphicness of the vertical and horizontal combination. I usually start my process with the design, so once I had the title, I was a little perplexed about where to go next. I decided to put the project away for the night, but as I cleaned things up, the umbrella slid onto the page, just about where it is now. I was in love! It has nothing to do with the subject, but the design was so strong, I kept it there. As luck would have it the journaling lines and the photo fit perfectly under the umbrella. So go with your happy mistakes. They can turn into nice surprises.

Miss Joy liked that umbrella and title, but her's actually fit the theme. :) She took my design and stretched it a bit taller to fit her journaling. I love that she added a block of the red paper to house both her journaling and photo. It still echoes my original design, but works for her better this way. That's an important thing you can learn from scraplifting. Make it work for you. They are your stories.

One final note: I found this lovely article about where and how the hugely talented and equally sweet Dina Wakley gets her inspiration. The things she says about gathering ideas from art further compliment the theme of our week. No ideas are original, it's how you make them authentically you is what matters!


  1. I totally Love that umbrella idea...And I have one in my stash....May I scraplift it? :)

  2. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the article I asked Dina to write for us at Copy+Paste! Having that insight into her tour-guide role really helped put the idea of her inspiration and her practice together for me - so I'm delighted that others enjoyed it too.

    Julie :)

  3. thanks for posting here julie, it was a great article!
