June 2, 2010

Documentary Blog Hop Winners

Thanks to all the participants in the Documentary Blog Hop. The comments were overwhelming and we're so lucky to have such wonderful online friends. Below are the winners of the Documentary Collection Packs. Please check back if you don't see your name listed here as it will be updated throughout the day.

  • SC Blog Winner: Paula Prado
  • April's Winner: Caroline Hancock
  • Celine's Winner: http://cskuse.blogspot.com
  • Davinie's Winner: Summer Cook
  • Emily's Winner : Heather
  • Jenn's Winner: Katie Turner
  • Joy's Winner: Linda, Holland
  • Kelly's Winner: Sarah hofseth1129
  • Laura's Winner: Kari O'Connell
  • Lisa's Winner: ShellyJ
  • Maggie's Winner
  • Nicole H's Winner: Lacey
  • Nicole S's Winner : Christie Wildes
  • Sasha's Winner: Jeremy
  • Stephanie H's Winner: Jennifer Harrell
  • Stephanie W's Winner: Val Allen
  • Susan's Winner: Julie Okada
  • Tina's Winner: Andi m
  • Waleska's Winner: Nicole (scrappingprincess777)

Please verify you are the winner by first visiting the blog your name is with. We will be verifying winners.

Winners, please send an email to info@studiocalico.com with the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Subscriber? y/n
  • Prize: Documentary Collection Pack


  1. Congratulations winners!!!!
    The hop was awesome! I got so excited, I went shopping at SC, and forgot to enter the code:)

    ps.. Went to grab a blinkie too. Can't get them to 'right click' to get the photo... any helpers out there?

    Can you tell I'm a dork?????

  2. Oh my goodness yipee! I can't wait to put this to work!

  3. YAY! Thank you!! I am so in love with this line...can't wait to see it in person! :)

  4. Lucky winners!! Congratulations, that is one awesome prize!

  5. Yay!!! Thank you so much!!! I'm so excited!! :)

  6. Wow, I can't believe my name is on that list! Thank you very much!

    Linda, Holland

  7. Thank you! SO fun to be picked.

  8. thanks sooooooooooo much , cant believe i won this ,very cool

  9. Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy!!!

  10. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Jenn in Vancouver
