July 19, 2010

Challenge...Vacation Photos

Hello Studio Calico friends...it's Monday, which means it's time for another fun challenge here at SC. Lisa and I are hosting the blog this week and we thought since summer is in full swing and so many of us have been on vacation or are getting ready for vacation, it would be fun to share some travel related inspiration and projects. Also perfect timing since Documentary is now available in the shop for you to purchase! These journaling cards should be enough to make anyone want to scrap...SO much fun!

Okay, so here's the challenge for you...Scrap a vacation/travel layout. Super simple, but we'd also love it if you used Studio Calico product. In fact, we'll give you an extra entry into the drawing for a $5 SC gift card if you already have some Documentary on hand and you use it on your challenge layout. Stay tuned to the blog this week for more travel inspiration. And be sure to post your challenge layouts on THIS thread, so we can draw a winner this weekend. Happy scrapping! :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.
    There have been some SUPER FUN Vacay pages in the gallery. So happy I *actually* participated! LOL
