July 24, 2010

Sunday Sketch Winners

by nati

by sarah

Congrats to the winners of the Sunday Sketch! Please send an email to info@studiocalico.com with the following information:
  • Name
  • Contest: Sunday Sketch 7/18
  • Prize Won: $5 gift card


  1. I l love the "throwback love" layout! Just make sure you drink it before the sell by date. I've stocked up on discontinued lines in the past and then kept them beyond their use by. Just doesn't taste right and ruins the experience! :(

  2. congrats ladies....both great layouts!

  3. So funny to see my own layout here! Thanks, SC! :)
    And the Throwback is almost gone, but I did see some at the store the other day, Laura! lol! ;)

  4. congrats to the sketch winners. Sarah, love the throwback. my hubby loves it and the coke made with real sugar in the bottles too.
