August 27, 2010

Friday...More on Memorabilia

Thanks for all your great comments and e-mails on my memorabilia post. I by no means have a comprehensive system, but it's working for now (we'll see when we have a second baby - that poor child will probably have no record of its childhood!) I wanted to show you a few more pictures and also a few more ideas for how I memory keep (outside of scrapbooking).

This is the folder I keep all of Charlie's memorabilia in before it either goes in the storage book, gets laminated and goes in the scrapbook, or gets tossed.

This is another snapshot of the storage box, and his itty-bitty newborn diaper. It was fun taking these photos yesterday and going through all the stuff I'd already forgotten was tucked away in there. I also have all the newspapers and magazines from the week he was born (this box is big, so it's the perfect size for all that stuff!)

Something else I do is every night before bed, I write in this book. It's usually something Charlie did during the day, something I'm thinking about. It's easy. And it's a great reference too when I am scrapbooking, say I'm doing a page about when he was 8 months old and I can't remember a detail, I can go back to this book and look back at that point in time.

Lastly, I have all of Charlie's photos developed in wallet size. I don't scrapbook all of them (the ones I do plan on scrapbooking, I usually print in a larger size), but the ones that don't get scrapbooked get put in these baseball card holders. They fit perfect into my album from American Crafts.

I hope this gave you some ideas for things you aren't already doing to save some of your memorabilia...I'd love to hear any ideas for what you do too. Have a great weekend, everyone.



  1. Hey Laura loving these posts about organization. I have been looking for a laminator for some time. Do you like the one you use?

  2. Great post Laura! Love that you used the twine and tags in such a simple and cohesive manner. It just makes it all that much neater to go through. Love it!

  3. This looks awesome, Laura! Did you buy the baker's twine in bulk? Or just from here at SC? It looks so cool! Thank you for sharing your processes with us!

  4. I'm also a memorabilia lover and love to see how others organize, so thanks for the post!

  5. I love the way you've tied specific bundles together. Keeps all the relevant things together. Thanks for sharing.
    BTW - adore your new work in the gallery:)


  6. I didn't start scrapbooking until our "baby" was four years old. I wish I'd seen this years ago to inspire the way I saved memorabilia. I do LOVE your idea of the five-year-memory book. I just gave one to a friend and toyed with the idea of having one for myself. You've inspired me...I just ordered one from Amazon. I have five years until our "baby", now 13, goes to college. There'll be as much to record in these last five years as there was in the first five. Thanks Laura!

  7. Where can I get those super cute tags?

  8. Hi guys! Happy Saturday. :)

    I LOVE my laminator. It is so easy and awesome. I would laminate everything if I could. :) Here it is:

    And twine, I confess I buy in bulk. As in, I have enough to wrap every present for the rest of my life in twine. I have brown, blue, and red spools.

    The tags, and everything else are from Staples! I love Staples...It's almost as bad as IKEA!

  9. Great post, Laura! I was wondering your workflow to print in wallet. Do you crop them in Photoshop to print them that way? Or is there somewhere you can order them that size?

  10. Hi Laura,
    I'm just catching up after being away. I've loved your two memorabilia posts, and would love to see more if you have the chance.

    I have memory boxes for my children and was looking for a way to identify all the items I'd saved. Your twine and labels are perfect and it looks so neat.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Kathy (kathyb)
