August 19, 2010

Insider Tips: finding sketches.

when I run out of steam while working with a new kit, I turn to my book of sketches.
I keep a moleskin kraft journal for layout ideas and sketches I find in magazines.
It's really simple and a great way to get you out of a creative slump.
pull out some of your favorite magazines and thumb through them until you find an ad or article with a great layout.
visualize that magazine page as a scrapbook layout.
sketch a few examples on a piece of paper or in a journal.
easy peasy.

happy sketching!


  1. I DO THE EXACT SAME THING!! And with a moleskin journal too! In fact, I was cleaning out my nightstand (the pile of mags was embarrassing!) and before trashing them I went thru and sketched some layouts using articles/ads. Makes me feel better for tossing them ;) Nice to know I'm not the only one!

  2. This was such a helpful post! Love how using a magazine lo can be turned into a fab scrap LO!

  3. I would never think to do something like that!! It's a brilliant idea!!! Sometimes I totally run out of ideas and even though I have already some sketches at hand, they just don't work. This is a great alternative. Thanks a lot!

  4. I'm curious to know what magazines give you good LO ideas. None of the ones I subscribe to do so for me. I want to know where your great ideas come from!

  5. Jennifer-
    Real Simple is a good one. I find lot's of great sketches there. I'm drawn more to magazines that focus on creative photography so I really enjoy skateboard, surfboard and snowboard magazines. I find lot's of interesting sketches through those publicatons. Digital Arts and HOW magazine are also good ones but I find them quite expensive. So I try to remember a sketch while I'm thumbing through it at the bookstore, then as soon as I get in my car, I sketch it on paper. :)

  6. love this tip, tina!!!!! thanks for sharing!

  7. GREAT idea! I'm starting as of NOW! thank you! :D
