August 14, 2010

Inspired by Sasha...

...and her love for food because, yes, I'm pretty much the same! :D

I made a brand new layout using my Elk Lake & Adirondack add-ons, celebrating my love for icecreams, esp. Ben & Jerry's! :D

I'm sure there are some good recipes you'd like to share!

Mine is CRÊPES :) In France, we love them especially for breakfast and even as snacks :) we put sugar, strawberry jam or nutella inside and enjoy them with a good espresso :)

Crêpes are delicious with melted chocolate and Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough icecream...

oh well...can't wait for dinner now! :)

Have a great day!


  1. Superbe Céline comme d'hab !!
    j'ai fait suivre à Ben&Jerry t'auras peut etre des glaces gratos mouarfffff

  2. I adore this... I especially love the 'traffic light' great layout ♥

  3. now i am ready to scrap after seeing this layout!
