August 4, 2010

Photo Tips: Photgraphing Babies

Hey everyone, Susan here again today. :) And I thought it would be fun to talk a little bit about photography with this post.

Since I had my son (Noah) at the beginning of June, I have been taking a LOT of baby photos. :) I love photographing babies (especially newborns!) - and whether you are pregnant and expecting a new baby, or have a little one already, these are just a few quick tips to keep in mind while snapping pics...

*Don't be afraid to move in on your baby! Fill the camera frame completely with your baby's face - Up-Close style shots like these sometimes "say" more than a full bodied shot of your sweet pea.

*Don't forget how cute baby "parts" are! Make sure to photograph all of the adorable small features - hands, feet, ears, belly button(!) - of your baby. These types of photos also make great "supporting" shots to accompany baby photos on a scrapbook layout.

*When you're just hanging out at home, and snapping endless candids (as I mostly am these days), don't be so quick to delete. While you'll probably end up with a few "good" shots...

the "bad"...

and the "funny"...

...are also fun to look back on and really help to accurately tell the story of your babe's early days.



  1. very cute shots. the tips are great. thanks

  2. loooove that tongue sticking out, sooooo very funny.

  3. Beautiful pixs!!...and name, I have a Noah too :)

  4. What lovely shots! And you're right about that delete button!! :)

  5. Thanks for the tips Susan! I love the photos you take.

  6. beautiful pictures! susan, you are so talented!

  7. Love the photos, the logo and the polka dot blankie ;)

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