September 20, 2008

10 for $10 and some monkeys

The winners of the Little Monkeys stamp storage giveaway are #98 and 141 thanks to

Chelsea said...
i love it! too cute...
September 14, 2008 3:56 AM

Laura said...
what an awesome idea for stamp storage and how nice of SC! :)
September 14, 2008 11:24 AM

Please send an email to and let us know if you're a subscriber and your storage system will be mailed with your Oct kit. If not, please provide your address and we'll send it.

The winners of the 10 $10 gift cards were decided using Each subscriber has a unique order ID. Using those numbers we used to generate the numbers. If there was not a subscriber # that matched the integer generated by, the next number on the list was chosen. Also, if the number matched, but the cc info had not been entered, we took the next number. (That happened 2 times and I won't tell you the names, but you really missed out!!!)

Without further adieu, here are the 10 winners of the $10 gift cards from Studio Calico. Thanks so much for entering your cc info early.
OnTheBrink - Susan Wildt
Danielle - Danielle Clement
zackalor - Linda Harper
Melinda - Melinda Kantz
Alexis - Alexis Hardy
lelistef - Stephanie Hoareau
09122007 - Amy Parker
cvardama - Celeste Vardaman
alison239 - Alison Black
joyfull - Laura Thomas

If you've won this prize, you will be emailed on Monday with a promo code to enter online to redeem your prize. Also, your name will be re-entered in the $100 giveaway!!!

The $100 gift card will be selected at 10:00pm EST next Saturday.


  1. Holy Cow! I can't believe I won! Thank you so much Studio Calico for the $10 gift card and a chance at the $100 giveaway! I am still stunned! Congrats to all the other winners and thanks again! -Amy

  2. What the heck?! I just happened to check the blog and saw my name. Wow; I usually don't have any luck in online giveaways. Thanks, Studio Calico!

  3. Yippee!! Thanks so much...will be very fun to shop a little extra...thank you again!

  4. Wow! Thanks so much! I better go take a better look at the add-on sneaks now...
