September 22, 2008

Say Hello to Fall

It's beginning to look a lot like fall! The leaves are turning, the temperature is starting to drop (at least in Oregon where I live) and the summer clothes are being filed away. Fall means school time and tap dancing lessons and soon there will be the pumpkin patch and trick-or-treating on Halloween. Morgan has already declared that she wants to be a witch with a fiber-optic skirt so wish me luck. The site that has this outfit is currently sold out of her size, although they expect to be restock before Halloween.

Change is in the air and change is at the Studio Calico site as well. When you log into the site, do you have a red tab at the top, on the right? If you do, we need your updated credit card information. In case you missed it, Studio Calico is stepping away from Paypal and heading toward a more secure way of purchasing kits. This makes me happy, as not long ago I had an issue with Paypal where an unauthorized $800 payment zipped right out of my checking account. This happened the Friday before I left for CHA! This has all been corrected, but we shouldn't have to worry about such things.

So if you haven't had a chance to update your payment info, you need to do so before reveal night on Friday night at 12pm because if you don't, you may miss out on the opportunity for kits and add-ons. And let me tell you.... I bought all three add-ons this month. It's a must have.

Also on reveal night, don't miss the opportunity for one of these:

Pretty cool, huh?

Sneaks from the October kit are starting to crop up. I'll hopefully be able to upload mine tomorrow, but for now,




and Steph

have a few sneaks up.

Lastly.... I want you to prepare yourself, as I have a challenge for you. I'll get it posted tomorrow. Let's just say you need to get your inkpads to the ready. More on that later.

Have a great Monday!



  1. Inkpads are primed and ready. Bring it on. :o)

  2. ready to go....would love the distresser


