February 15, 2009

Etsy Inspiration

Etsy, Etsy, who doesn't love Etsy?

All you have to do is go there once and you will be hooked! That's for sure!

Not only do I love the fact that I can pick up things for my home and cute little rings and little bits and pieces for my scrapbook projects....

 but one of the main reasons I love Etsy is that I can always go there for inspiration. 

One of my favorite things to do at Etsy is to type in a color in the search box and then browse through all of the goodness that pops up. I am always sure to be inspired....

Today I am in a yellow mood because I love yellow and it reminds me of all things sunshiney and warm and happy!

Here are a few things that were inspiring to me today:

I love the muted yellow in this paired with blue and a touch of red and black. A perfect starting color combo for a scrapbook layout!

I love this original illustration and am inspired not only by the colors but also by the little squares that make up the tree!! How cool!

So simple but I am totally inspired by the bright and rich colors in this ribbon!

And last but not least,

How can you not be inspired by this one? The colors and pattern are fabulous! Need I say more?

Remember, if you are ever in need of a little inspiration, don't forget Etsy!!

I also wanted to say thanks to all of you for playing along with my get-to-know-you game! It was fun reading all of your random facts and I also appreciated all of your sweet welcoming wishes here and on my blog! Thanks again!

Hope you all had a great weekend and a nice Valentine's Day! Happy Scrapping!


  1. I am digging that tree as well. Art is so much fun!

  2. That tree is cool! I never thought to type in a color! Thanks for that idea!

  3. Beautiful blog! Thanks for including my purse!
