February 14, 2009

ReUse Examples

Here are a few examples from the Design Team where they reused packaging iteams:

The famous SC paper bag: A lot of our ladies have used and reused our paper packaging. I love the results, and I LOVE that SC isn't littering the scrap world with plastic bags!



Kirsty is FAMOUS for her use of the SC paper bags. Here are two great examples! I just love the bow she made...ingenious!



Tina also has used the bags to make a great mini book. She also blogged about how she made her book HERE.


I love this two page layout by Davinie. She painted the white SC bags green, and used them to mimic her daughters painting and make adorable ruffles.


Emily used a plastic bag that she got from Target to embellish this layout.



I used the background of Scenic Route chipboard pieces to make these two wall hangings.

DSC_0030-1 (Large)

This was made with the suitcase that housed embellishments from Making Memories Passport line.

These cards were all made with different packaging:

recycle card 4

made with Little Yellow Bicycle packaging.

recycle card 3

made with Making Memories Paperie packaging

recycle card 2

made from the sticker backer of a Martha Stewart alphabet

recycle card 5

made from the chipboard backer that those circles came on (by Scrapworks)

recycle card 1

made from the advertisement inside of my Studio Calico kit.


  1. these are great! I especially love the throne sign. :) Very clever!

  2. hey joy - i didnt know you were doing such a fab post about going green. I LOVE THIS POST XX
