February 2, 2010

Heart Love - A garland

With Valentines Day fast approaching, I thought I'd share a quick and easy decor item that even the most novice of crafter can create. All you need is a couple of punches and a sewing machine. If you have a sewing machine and have yet to try it on a scrapbook layout, this project is one to try. You can't mess up!

Got tumblr? Lisa recently introduced me to Tumblr and I can't stop playing with this site. It's not a blog. It's basically a place to store images and links to beautiful and inspiring things throughout the internet. This has made things much more organized for me, and really inspiring too. My tumblr page is here. I have changed my theme a couple of times, I'm still trying to determine which I like the best, but I love how easy it is to put pretty things all in one place.

The reason I bring up Tumblr is because I've been seeing a lot of beautiful images that would make a great home decor item there. I have loved the idea of these images since I first saw this on Etsy a few months ago (that Debee Campos is so darn talented).

Recently I've been seeing images like these:

and I decided to try it myself. I grabbed a couple of heart punches in different sizes and some pretty paper from my stash, and punched a pile of hearts while watching the Bachelor last night (SEND Vienna home!!!!, lol):

and then I got out my sewing machine and some pink thread, and started feeding them in.

I kept the foot moving the whole time and just slowly fed the hearts through. I didn't worry about shape, size, or color, or even how close they were to each other, I just kept going.

I liked it when two of them sewed together, and I liked a bit of length between them too. The key to the space between the hearts is to not let it go for too long or you risk your machine jamming up. It really wants to sew on something.

After I was finished I had a couple of adorable garlands that I strung up in the girls' room. They are going to be excited to see them when they get home from school today.

A project like this is a great way to create some fun homespun home decor, and also a great way to use up that stash. A couple of the prints I used were just small bits left in old Studio Calico kits that I couldn't bear to throw away.
Edited to add: I used both single and double sided patterned paper in this garland. I did not spend time adhering hearts together. You can see on the closeup shot that one of my hearts was trimmed near the paper description. woops! But it makes it more imperfect which is perfectly homespun. :)
Have a great day! Davinie


  1. Super cute!!

    Garlands must be the thing right now, because I posted a how-to on making them on my blog this morning, too! :)

  2. Soo soooooo beautiful! I am DEFINITELY going to have to try this!!

  3. This is SUPER cute! I can see doing this for so many things- flowers for spring, even! :)

  4. What a great idea! Love love love it! I wish I had a sewing machine so I could make this!

  5. these are simply adorable dav! so did you adhere two hearts back-to-back before sewing?? or just use two-sided paper?

  6. Adorable. Thank you for the idea.

  7. Cute project and i love the pictures in your tumblr! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. I *heart* this. heehee Seriously, though, what a GREAT idea!!!

  9. reallllllllllllly cute project!!! totally going to try this!!!!

  10. Homespun...I just love that word. I thought I was the only one who could not part with my SC scraps!! Love your garland!

  11. Very creative and simple! Love it and my girls will enjoy this one too!

  12. That's so cute! But even more than the garland I love the photo of that pile of punched hearts.

  13. love it...wish my dog would not have chewed my cord to plug in my sewing machine...


  14. This is super cute Dav! Love that garland!

  15. Great minds do indeed think alike. I posted a tutorial on this last week. Very cute!!


  16. I really need a sewing machine. Or at least to borrow my dear friends. I adore this heart garland.

  17. This is absolutely adorable! I am in love!

  18. Love love love that garland! I also think Tumblr looks great - have joined but am CLUELESS! Fancy sharing how you get your photos on? I've tried copying/pasting but it didn't work. I don't see a tutorial. Would love to try it but it seems pretty confusing for a complete novice!

  19. LOVE THIS...did something similar for Christmas with a scallop punch...it turned out to be one of my favorite decorations in the whole house!!!

  20. amazing - love this!! thx for the fan inspo!! smiles, m-

  21. I made one! It was so easy and fun! Thanks for sharing!
