June 24, 2008

Prepare to be inspired!

In my last post I asked you about inspiration...where you find inspiration when your creative juices are running dry. And I was so excited that a bunch of you emailed me with your thought and links to blogs/sites that are full of eye candy. So, prepare to be inspired...and make sure your scrappy supplies are at the ready because you will want to dive right in after you get through this post!

Look at this photo with those yummy colors and patterns! Kimber-Leigh sent me the link to Boden which is a clothing catalog. Says Kimber-Leigh, " I love their bright (and sometimes unusual) mix of colors...their boldprints...and if you get the catalog, they print fun tidbits about the model'sinterests...which makes for some good journaling ideas!" I'm already in love with that blue and green together!

Iowapapergirl also said she finds inspiration in magazine and catalogs (when she's not checking out Tina's fabulous work!). She told me about Domino magazine and Anthropologie. I've never been in an Anthropologies store, but after checking out their site I think I need to! Lots of cool stuff there!

Melissa, aka Mrbuckwheat, listed several blogs as sure fire sources of inspiration. The Making Memories Blog, Heather Bailey's blog (check out these little strawberries she has on her blog right now..I'm in love with these!!!!), Cathy Z's blog, Heidi Swapp's blog, and of course there's always room for Pottery Barn and a little Martha.

Amy Christine said she loves a good film or window shopping for inspiration. She also loves just looking through photos to get ideas flowing... "it's pretty easy to find a photo that sparks amemory that I want to journal. I often build pages around journaling, so if I find a good photo that makes me think of the story to go with it then I'm bound to go scrap it." I feel the same way about photos. There's nothing like a fresh stack of new photos to get me inspired!

Vivian (ucla93) said she finds inspiration in commercials and ads. Have you ever checked out the ad challenge at 2peas...those are great for pushing you a bit when you are stuck for ideas. She also likes checking out Ali Edwards' blog.

Jen M., aka Jen:), hasn't subscribed to any scrapbooking magazines in over 2 years because she finds plenty of inspiration through online galleries. I know we all love to oogle the gallery here at SC! She also loves Jennifer McGuire's and Kelli Crowe's blogs for ideas.

Ally (scrapally) shared lots of sites that I had never seen before...most of them non-scrappy and all of them full of yummy designs. Ally says, "I can get lost in all the sidebar links" at Design Sponge. It's a home and product design site that is updated multiple times throughout the day and full of cool stuff. Then of course there is Paper Source which has paper, gift bags, and stationary galore. Such pretty stuff! Ally shared another stationary site that I'd never heard of... http://www.fabulousstationary.com/. There are cards here with the coolest designs and color combinations that are gorgeous. Look at this card I saw there. Don't you just love that purple and green?!?! And finally, Ally linked me up to http://www.decor8.blogspot.com/. Another blog with sidebars and links to lots more super sites! You could seriously get lost!

Well, I need to end it here...after all, my small children need to be fed! ;) But one last scrappy blog that I have rediscovered and love...Rebecca Sower. I don't have a vintage-y bone in my body, but I adore her stuff!

Hope you enjoy all the eye candy! If you have other sites to share, please do so in the comments section...there's always room for more inspiration! And please, if you are inspired by something you find through all this, link us up to your creation! We'd love to see!


  1. Well this post rocks! What fun inspiration!

  2. Wow! These are great! There's also great eye candy at hostessblog.com.
    Thanks for the cool ideas....

  3. Fabo ideas and lots of yummy goodies!

  4. ooh i actually get to take a class with the fabulous heather bailey tomorrow, making those cute strawberry pincushions... can't wait!
