June 26, 2008

Reveal Night Madness

will start in less than 24 hours! Be there or be square. And don't forget to change up your avatar in celebration of Studio Calico's first birthday! Obviously, it's a birthday theme tomorrow night...so dig up a photo of your own sweet face on your first birthday. If you don't have any of those, use someone else's first bday shot or be like the queen of self portraits, Joy, and take a birthday themed photo of yourself today. Anything goes as long as it's BIRTHDAY inspired. :) The party will start tomorrow night with lots of hoopla, laughs, hot dates, and maybe even some RAKS...hope to see you there!

Also, don't forget to tell us what your most anticipated CHA release is for a chance to win this RAK from American Crafts.


  1. I am always excited to see Basic Grey.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ummhmmmm I am getting back into all these new acrylic stamps so I'll say that! Lovely RAK!

  4. I can't wait to get all the new thickers in my hot little hands!!

  5. Happy FIRST Birthday Studio Calico!!!! Psyched for tonight's party ; )
    CHA stuff....oh I can't wait for new stuff! I always love to see what AC, BG, KI, & SR come out with. Oh and excited to see what OA, my new fav, comes out with next!! Congrats again on one year! This is one fantastic thing you have going here!!!!!

  6. I'm looking foward to seeing new things from PINK PAISLEE. Their colors always make me smile

  7. Happy Birthday, SC! I am always excited to see new Basic Grey and Love Elsie. I am hooked on both of those. Really loving American Crafts these days - especially anything letter sticker! Oooh - thanks to the June kit from SC, I am all about anything October Afternoon! I am a hoarder; so, I am excited to see all things new! LOL!

  8. October Afternoon...definitely. or maybe AC thickers? cuz i don't have enough of them.

  9. Happy birthday SC. I see Liz/Karen said exactly what I was going to say - thickers and OA!!

  10. Happy Birthday Studio Calico!!!

    Anything by October Afternoon, Pink Paislee and American Crafts (especially the Thickers)!

  11. I look forward to all October Afternoon releases & also acrylic stamps.

  12. I always love seeing new Scenic Route, it never fails to put a smile on my face! I also can't wait to see what October Afternoon has up their sleeve!

  13. Happy Birthday SC!

    I'm looking forward to so much... Hambly, AC, SR, Fontwerks, Collage Press, OA, Maya Road, Love Elsie... I could keep going :)

  14. Jeez ... where to start ... American Crafts, Pink Paislee, Scenic Route. And I was never really too impressed with Sassafras until this last year. LOVE what they've done recently so I'm most excited to see what's next for them!

  15. I'll take some Pink Paislee, October Afternoon, Thickers and Sassafras please :)

  16. i am looking forward to the new Pink Paislee, the new Collage Press and the new October Afternoon and all of it appearing in a SC kit...PLEASE

  17. Can't wait to see some new scrap goodies from October Afternoon and SEI.

  18. i cant wait to see pink paislee and october afternoon...ohhh...and cosmo cricket...lol

  19. Happr Happy Birthday!!!!
    I can't wait for EVERYTHING???
    does that count? I hope so..I mean it!! I love new stuff!!

  20. Yay! So glad I joined up in time for the first birthday!

    I am looking forward to seeing what Scenic Route and October Afternoon have for us... and of course, the new Thickers. Yummmmm.

  21. American Crafts. It's always American Crafts

  22. I love Maya Road -- minibook madness!

  23. Wow! I joined just in time for the birthday celebration! Hooray!

    Most excited to see from CHA ... EVERYTHING! Seriously though I have been in love with anything Scenic Route and October Afternoon lately so I'd love to see what they have in store for us!

  24. Happy Birthday SC !!!

    I'm most excited to have the new releases from American Crafts and I'm hoping Making Memories will have some too :)


  25. oh man, you're kidding right? Can't I say ALL of it?! lol My favs are 7 Gypsies,American Crafts,Scenic Route, MM, Maya Road,MME,and many more. I just love new trendy things! :)

  26. I'm excited for the new Thickers like everyone else and also for the new Love, Elsie releases and the new Heidi Grace. I'm anticipating a lot of goodness. :]

  27. i can't wait to see pink paislee, october afternoon, scenic route, american crafts especially the thickers and many more.
    congrats on 1 year, love your site so many awesome designers and so much inspiration. thankyou.

  28. Happy, happy Birthday! I'd like to see the new pink paislee!

  29. I can't wait to see some fab fall patterns from ALL the manufacturers. :)

  30. EVERYTHING!!! Love looking at scrapping supplies! Hoping more companies choose to put shaped edges on their patterned paper.

  31. Since receiving my first kit this month, I'm addicted to October Afternoon and can't wait to see what new stuff they will have. Basic Grey is always a favorite, as well as Scenic Route and American Crafts.

  32. Happy 1st Birthday SC!!!

    But how can I pick juse one CHA release?? I totally want the new OA, Collage Press, Pink Paislee, and Thickers!!

  33. Happy Birthday! I can't wait to see the new Making Memories!

  34. I'm going to go with Collage Press, but the truth is there are too many to mention.

  35. I'm excited to see what Pink Paislee has for us (LOVE what they've released so far), and also October Afternoon! Have soooooo enjoyed what was in the most recent SC kit!

  36. I'm looking forward to the Pink Paislee, Collage Press, October Afternon and Crate Paper releases...and at least a dozen others too! LOL!

  37. i'm excited what prima and making memories has in store. :)

  38. Love American Crafts Thickers (esp. the Glitters) October Afternoon, Pink Paislee, 7 Gypsies...essentially everything you out in the kits!!! Happy 1st Birthday!

  39. fabric thickers and new collage press!

  40. i am most excited about American Crafts & October Afternoon! i bet Making Memories has some fab product coming too!

  41. Ohhh I am excited to see the new American Crafts thickers and the new Basic Grey and Scenic Route!! w00t!!!

    Happy Birthday SC!! :)


  42. happy anniversary studio calico!! woo hoo!!
    for cha-s... the new collage press! and... those shiny AC thickers! and catslife press!! LOVE them!

  43. I am excited to see the new pink paislee :)

  44. Happy Birthday SC!

    I can't wait to see Pink Paislee, Sassafrass, and October Afternoon!

  45. Oh my...there seems like there are so many great products brewing for CHA...I'm most excited about the new AC thickers. I've heard rummors of fabric thickers. I think Making Memories is going strong and will come out with another great line. Pink Paislee is on my mind as well...I hear the new stuff is amazing! So hard to pick one!

  46. I cannopt wait for the NEW Making Memories and Paislee Press...BasicGrey...OMW The list goes on!!!!

  47. I'm loving Hambly overlays right now, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with next!

  48. I can't wait to get my hands on Hometown by October Afternoon! Love it!

    Stephanie P

  49. I can't wait to see the new Pink Paislee!!!

  50. I love their new holiday thickers coming out, and the remarks journalings stickers. Anything AC, anything at all.

  51. First Happy Birthday Ladies and Gents!
    I am looking forward to Collage Press, Basic Grey, Pink Paislee, Maya Road, Font Works, Prima, AO, 7 Gypsies and MM... Ranger... New Lines too.
    Thank Ladies,
    Anne aka anniescraps
    who needs to get a blog

  52. Hmmmm.....always SO much to anticipate. I wou;d say, Rouge De Garance, October Afternoon, Quickutz and any new companies. I always like innovation

  53. October Afternoon and Collage Press and Pink Paislee and... Can I just say all?

  54. Definitely October Afternoon! Every thing I see has me drooling!

  55. Basic Grey is always an old favorite, and I get excited to see new lines!

  56. Definitely the new October Afternoon and Pink Paislee! :)

  57. October Afternoon, for sure - the stuff in the June kit was so cool!

  58. Happy Birthday Studio Calico!

    Hmmm I havent seen many sneak peeks yet, but my favorites are American Crafts and October Afternoon (thanks to SC) and any acrylic stamps I can get my pretty little hands on!

    Heather S

  59. i'm excited to see making memories, hambly, sassafrass, AC

  60. Lots of OA!!! And even more AC Thickers..maybe covered in color/patterned fabric....I am sure that have awesome ideas in the works.

  61. Really looking forward to all things October Afternoon, Pink Paislee and Sass. Would also love to some new Thickers!
    Happy Birthday Studio Calico!

  62. I can't wait to see OA, and pink paislee, and AC, and...LOL! Thanks for the chance at a fabulous RAK!!

  63. Do I have to choose? I'm sure there will be tons of good stuff, but I'll be waiting to see hambly, collage press, pink paislee and october afternoon for sure!

  64. Happy Birthday, SC!!!! Here's to many more to come! I love me some AC, so I can't wait for their release and OA which I have never been disappointed with...oh and Collage Press which I love! Was I supposed to pick just one?Sorr.

  65. Definitely AC and collage press

  66. I love thickers and mini-marks. Love AC.

  67. Happy happy birthday! What new stuff... well, I LOVE Thickers and I just bought an AC album, gorgeous! So more AC please. I'd also love to see October Afternoon stuff. SO pretty!!!!

  68. honestly? it's october afternoon. they have 4 new lines coming out and i'd really like to see the other three :)

    excited for sei and tinkering ink too :) and american crafts.

  69. I'm excited to see the new Pink Paislee.

  70. I'm excited about the new Collage Press. Thanks SC for introducing me to Collage Press a few kits ago!
    Michelle Early

  71. I wish I could pick just one! I love everything...but I always seem to buy American Crafts and Basic Grey. Can't wait for more Thickers!
    Happy B-day SC - love that I get to celebrate w/you.

  72. Can't wait for October Afternoon!!!

  73. Looking forward to the new thickers, MM, Pink Paislee, Scenic Route, Fontwerks releases :)

  74. Happy B-Day!! Can't wait to see Pink Paislee, Oct Afternoon, BG, Bam Pop, Sassafras Lass & Autumn Leaves plus a dozen more... :

  75. Can't wait to see the new American Crafts, Prima & Sassafras Lass stuff. Although I know there are a bunch of companies out there that I'm gonna want a bunch of!

  76. I just changed my avatar wiht my girls photo when she turned 6 months old!!

    And I can't wait to see what Pink Paislee brings to CHA S08!

  77. I would like to see more guy paper from Yellow Bicycle. Also new punches from Fiskars. Although you never know who may have something new that will inspire you. I love the look the Studio Calico has gone with for their layouts. Otherwise I would have never have paid for an SC subscription. So just give me something that will push me creatively and open new doors.

  78. I can't wait to see the new Imagininsce, Basic Grey, and of course October Afternoon!! Plus... any new stamps. I can't get enough of those!

  79. I would like to see any new products from Heidi Grace or Melissa Frances.

  80. I am interesed to see it all of course, but to picke just one it would be the pink paislee.

    Melissa e

  81. I am jsut excited to see new Thickers. I have developed quite a love for these things....

  82. Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday Studio Calico!
    Happy Birthday to you!

    I look forward to seeing what October Afternoon, Basic Grey, Hambly and Love, Elsie put out.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  83. I want to see CHatterbox, Pink Paislee, and Thickers (more Thickers never hurt anybody)!

  84. more hambly and 7 gypsies :)

  85. I just thought of one more thing that I would love to see. Acrylic letters... I know they are hard to find, but I love them... don't care who makes them, just bring them back...
    And of course anything for Boys! I loved the last CHA cause there were so many lines for boys!!!

  86. Happy Birthday!

    I've got to say that I can't wait to see what Scenic Route has in store this time :o)

  87. Happy Birthday SC!!! :)

    I think I am most excited to see what Cosmo Cricket, Sassafrass Lass, and Doodlebug have coming out!! :)

  88. Happy birthday!!

    Beautifull RAK would love to get thisone in the mail..

    I can' wait to see what more Making memories have to offer of news at cha

  89. It has to be AC Thickers for me- ohhhh plus october afternoon and pink paislee too- a girl can never have to many of those right??!! :) :)

  90. Hambly and Prima for embellishments and OA and Pink Paislee for Paper.

  91. Very anxious to see what Pink Paislee has been up to!
