November 20, 2008

have yourself a vintagey-glittery Christmas

Just a few of my favorite things:

(click on mosaic to make it bigger).

all of these items are from Bayberry Cove except for the light reflectors and the white feather tree.

Do you like your Christmas to have a vintage flavor? Or do you prefer more modern decor?
I know that Nik Harper collects vintage ornaments, and I collect anything that is glittery and old timey. Even if it is reproduction.

Share your favorite vintage Christmas touches with me. Do you have special ornaments or other mementos that have been handed down through the years? Or do you go thrifting and junking like I do to find your treats??

Have a beautiful day, everyone!


  1. We have ornaments on our tree in the familiy room that either the kiddos made, i made or family has given to us. These are our treasured items....we have what my family calls a "designer" tree in the formal living room.

  2. what a great idea, Karen...i might have to "borrow" that one from you!

  3. Karen , we do the same thing here with our real Christmas tree in the livingroom and our artifical tree in the family room. Each year we give our kids an ornament and a special book (usually Christmas themed). It's always fun placing the ornaments on the tree and having our pile of books out for our evening fires.

  4. I have my grandmothers aluminum tree. I used to think it was weird as a child, but one year while I was in college I started thinking about it. I went to my grandmothers attic and dug the thing out. I remember her saying "What do you want with that old thing?"

    Stephanie P

  5. I have some of my grandmother's ornaments that are kinda beat up, but I love them and they always go on the tree. We also have a bunch that ds made back when he was little and we had no $$ so we made our ornaments. love them all and so many good memories attached to them all!
