November 19, 2008

The Holiday Buzz...

Yes, people, it's that time of year again. The older I get, the faster it comes that some sort of weird scientific law? I'm typically one of those people who gets a little bit of the doldrums around the holidays, while my kids and husband get overly excited. Quite surprisingly, when the subject came up with my husband the other night, HE is feeling rather grinchy and I'M the one who is getting into the spirit! Imagine that, holiday miracles are happening already!! :)

Today's QOTD on the message board is all about color schemes in holiday decorating. I'm loving your answers and hope you'll chime in if you haven't. In case you need to feel a little inspiration, I have a few links and a few pictures for you!

I think there's a little something for everyone in these links, maybe even some scrap page inspiration...remember, holiday miracles!

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