November 27, 2008

I am thankful....

have you ever had so many things to be thankful for that you just don't know where to begin? That is where I am today, this day in America where we sit down and give thanks for the blessings in our lives. Let me outline just a few:

I am thankful for my wonderful husband. We've been together for 16 years and I grow to love him more and more every day. He is my best friend and we've been together through thick and thin. It warms my heart to see him with our daughter, he loves her with all of his heart and would do anything for her. He is a wonderful provider and he gives me strength. He is my rock.

I am thankful for my beautiful daughter. We tried for so many years to have a child and then to adopt, I had almost given up when we got the call that she was going to be ours. From the moment our eyes met, I knew that I would lay down my life for her and that I would love her forever. She has blossomed this year, growing into a sweet, funny, energetic little toddler. Everyday is something new and exciting. When I look into those blue eyes now, I am overwhelmed by the emotion, the love that I feel. She is the light of my world.

I am thankful for my best friend April. She is has such a good heart and is one of the best people that I have ever met. She is such a good Christian example for me and makes me want to be a better person. I that she is so creative, but not only that....she brings out the creativity in others. She encourages others to unlock their hidden potential and reach for the stars. She is my inspiration.

I am thankful for my good friend Scarlet. She is a wonderful mother and loves her kids so much that she is willing to make sacrifices for them. She is kind and works so hard to provide for herself and her children. She really cares about our environment and works very hard to instill that into her kids and the people around her. Some of us are not as dedicated as she is, but she is patient with us. She works even harder to make up for us slackers. She is my example.

I am thankful for our Design Team. I have not met all of them in person, but I feel like I have known them forever! They are witty, charming and amazingly talented! They make Studio Calico THE Place to Be!! Each one brings something different to the table and inspires me in a different way. It seems that many of you feel the same way, just from reading your posts about why you came to Studio Calico. They are my sisters.

I am thankful for Studio Calico. It has opened my eyes to a whole new world of creativity and fulfillment in art. Not only that, I have been blessed to meet all of you talented ladies through the message boards and blogs that I am now addicted to. I feel like I am a part of your family and you are a part of mine. Studio Calico is my outlet.

Well, that is enough introspection for today. I hope that you all have a chance to sit down and count your blessings today. I'll be blogging over the next couple of days about shopping on "Black Friday" and making homemade Christmas ornaments. For those of you in the US, enjoy your turkey day! I hope that you will all be here with us tonight for reveal at 12:00 EST!!


  1. you brought tears to my eyes. That is so sweet!!! I'm thankful for you too and your dedication and excitement for SC!!!

  2. Lorie, you write so beautifully!
    It's amazing how we feel connected to one another through the internet and for that I too am thankful:)

  3. Lorie, that was a wnderful blog entry... bless you xx
