June 26, 2009

Photography Week Installment 3

Hi there! It's me again... bringing you some more fun photography tips to help you kick it up a notch!!


When taking pictures, there is always the option of shooting your subject from straight on and at eye level. This is something that we all do a lot and often makes for great images. But, it is always fun to change it up a little and try shooting from a different perspective or point of view. When doing this you have to be willing to get up high or crouch down low (or even lay right on the ground like I often do). Others might think you are a little crazy at the time but when they see the images, they will be glad you did it!

Changing your perspective also helps you to capture parts of the image in a different way and makes you see things differently..... like the wall in the image below.....

and like the yellow lines on the ground in this image. If I was standing at eye level to him, you would not see the yellow lines like this and shooting it this way makes the image more interesting and fun!

Changing my perspective in this image allowed me to get the blue lines in the foreground and it also frames him and the photo perfectly. Again, standing in the usual spot - at eye level and shooting straight on would have produced a nice image but this one ended up being a favorite because of the unique perspective.

In this case, shooting from down low allowed me to add some texture, color and lines to the image in the tree and the wall.... again things that would not have been in the image had I just shot straight on.

And finally, shooting from a different perspective in this one helped add to the playful nature of the photo. It helps to highlight her feet well and also makes it very clear to the viewer that they are the focal point of the image.

As you can see, I really love to shoot from a low perspective lately and this is a comment element in my photography. But, remember that you can also shoot from above and get some great "bird's eye" type of shots that way as well.

Mostly I encourage you to just go for it and have fun trying different perspectives. There is no right or wrong and you will never know which point of view is the most effective for a particular image unless you get moving around and try a bunch of different things. I promise that it will help to infuse a lot of added interest to your images!


  1. Gorgeous photos! The yellow lines photo and the blue ladder are both so fantastic! They are all amazing!

  2. Love these photo tutorials! Helps me bring a fresh approach to my photos....now I just need a little time to try them out!!

  3. I went to your website and went through your gallery several times, enjoying the shots. . . amazing!
