October 9, 2009

Guest DT Spotlight - Jen Jockisch

I'm a huge fan of Jen and her work, so when I found out she was the Guest Designer for November, I jumped at the chance to get inside her creative brain.

The sweetie in this pic is Jen Jockisch, who hails from Central Illinois. She's been scrapbooking for 5 years, was previously a SIStv Fashionista for two years, and as of about 10 seconds ago, is a Garden Girl at 2peasinabucket. Wow! She's also a designer for American Crafts, Sassafras, and Prima.

In case you've missed her, Jen's work is everywhere. Most recently she adorned my favorite CK cover to date with the August 09 issue.


I just adore her work! Her mix of product and texture and stitching (yahoo!) makes my heart happy.

You can see more of her work and hear about her (self-proclaimed) boring self on her blog:


I took this opportunity to get inside her creative self with a couple of in questions.

1. What is your creative process?
This is so hard for me to answer. I don't really have one, quite honestly. Some times my projects are photo driven, sometimes product driven or assignment driven. I do typically begin with cardstock (duh) then add in photos, papers, and embellishments last.

2. If you could choose one piece of patterned paper to use for the rest of your crafty days, which one would you choose. Do you have a favorite?
This is SUCH an easy answer for me. 7 Gypsies Life in Cream. I use it in some way on almost every single page I make. Unfortunately, it's discontinued, but a friend was able to get me a pack to tide me over. I will, however, be out soon, so if anyone would like to donate to my cause that'd be great. :)

(nice choice)

3. Do you have any tricks for getting photos of Ayla? I know she isn't a fan of the camera.
Ayla seriously hates the camera, although she's gotten a little bit better in recent months. Typically, I just have to be very quick, and follow her around with the camera a lot to get a good shot. I've found bribery also works well.

4. How often do you get to create? Do you work outside the home?
I do work full-time, so finding the time to create can be pretty tricky. My husband is so fantastic about making sure I have time to get downstairs to scrap, and you can often find me downstairs late at night.
I would say on average I spend about 6-7 hours a week scrapbooking.

5. Your blog is called Ginger Grace. Can you tell me why?
Ginger and Grace are the 2 nicknames I've had my entire life. Ginger because (I think?) I have strawberry-blonde hair and TONS of freckles, and Grace because I'm such a klutz.

6. You are our November Guest Designer. Have you started playing with the kit yet? If so... is there anything that stands out as a favorite?
I just got my Studio Calico box yesterday. I opened it and pretty much gasped. It's filled with SO MUCH, and such a great mixture of textures, patterns and design. I've not began working with it yet; we have a 3 day weekend due to Columbus Day so I plan on scrapping my little heart out. I do know that I was incredibly excited about the wood sheets.

7. Will I be seeing you at CHA in January? Because I hope so.
CHA January... It could happen.:)

Thank you so much for answering my questions, chickadee! I really look forward to seeing what you did with this month's kit (and did you notice, she gave a little hint to the contents, too).

Have a great day! Davinie


  1. YAY! I have a serious scrap crush on Jen! So happy to see her here. congrats on 2 peas!

  2. Hi! While I don't have any excess Life in cream paper to donate, I *do* have a link to a vendor on Etsy who is selling it in sets of 25 sheets for around $12....

    Hope this helps some! Have a great day!

  3. thank you Lane! I'll check it out! :)

  4. Hi Jen! I really love your style and I too am from central Illinois! I've been looking for some new scrap buddies since moving away from my old ones. ;)

  5. Jen, you make all of us very proud and in awe just a little bit. You really need to not have so much energy because you are making the rest of us look reeaaaallly lazy. Have a great time in the spotlight, you deserve it all.
    Love you!

  6. Jen's work is amazing and I am so excited!!!

  7. I love Jen's work too - apparently for all five years she has been scrapping because I could have sworn I'd been paying attention longer than that! LOL And why oh why did I also think she's been a GG for that long too! Well-deserved and so exciting!
