October 8, 2009

Insider Tips: Quiz Questions

I found this in a magazine I was perusing for house stuff. I think it was in HouseBeautiful, which, by the way, I got a stellar deal on. I got a subscription to Country Home magazine and for $1 more, I added a year of House Beautiful. Considering I rarely find anything in it I use, $1 was the perfect price.

At first, I thought I would use all of the questions on a layout with the answers, but I quickly found that most didn't really speak to me. So, I chose three and used them on the layout here:

For this layout, I painted over the pencil paper in blank canvas by Claudine Hellmuth. I then typed the 3 quiz question on the envelopes and hand-wrote my answers.

The question that really drew me into this piece of inspiration was, "What color was your favorite crayon as a child?" I instantly knew the answer. I used to spend hours just looking at my crayons and coming up with color combinations. The one that was in every configuration was always "periwinkle." I don't think I ever actually used the periwinkle crayon because I didn't want to mess up it's perfection. Sea Foam was my second favorite and I used it a lot, though. :)

Many times, I'm stumped for journaling or layout ideas. Most magazines have at least one quiz section or something similar to the idea above, so next time you need some mojo, look no further than the magazine on your coffee table.


  1. i love that layout. what a great idea!

  2. love this layout april!

    my favorite crayon as a child was midnight blue. :)

  3. seafoam green was my favorite color. still is :)

  4. I love the envelopes - did you make those yourself?

  5. A great idea on where to get some inspiration. Nancy Zieman once said she got inspiration for the tile in a hotel bathroom. It works! lol

  6. love this layout April!!

  7. Lori, actually the envelopes are by Maya Road and they are included in the October Main kit. Actually everything on my layout is from the main kit, YEARBOOK

  8. Great layout! I often need journaling ideas! Thanks! ;)

  9. Seriously, a great idea for a page. As a designer, I'm constantly getting bored with the ads I do...it really helps to pull elements from magazines :)

    And super cute page! My favorite was cerulean. I still can't pronounce it correctly ;)

  10. i have to laugh ... every dress i ever colored in any coloring book was some combination of periwinkle, sea foam, and thistle. lol! i took that quiz when i got the magazine and was a little surprised by how my answers skewed ... colors much cooler than what i typically think i like.
