July 29, 2010

a peek into the Studio Calico booth

Hi SC-ers! This is Lisa, interrupting Kelly and Stephanie for a minute to share some photos of our booth at CHA. The photo above was taken by Stephen Ogden, our amazing graphic designer. The show is always opened with a bagpipe parade - isn't that crazy? So sad I flew in that morning and missed it! We were too busy to get many pics after this one, but Jen found some photos posted at flickr by shopping diva - we hope you enjoy them!

Also, I wanted to say THANK YOU to our members who were at the show and stopped by to do a make and take or say hello - it was awesome to put faces to names, and to get to chat a little. And I hear the SC member dinner was a blast last night - I'm sorry I had to miss it. We love getting to know you all better. We have such a wonderful community here and it was nice to have that support and love at the show.

April, Lorie, Greg, Nik, Emily and Stephen are all still at the show and have another day of make & taking, taking orders and scouting kit contents - here's to one more great day in the booth!!


  1. Glad to hear it's going well! Best of luck to SC and their orders! And we'll be anxious to see the lovely kits you put together for us for the coming months! YIPPEE!

  2. Glad you got home Lisa! It was a blast spending a couple days w/the SC crew! :)

  3. SC had a cute booth & fun make & takes! It was fun to meet you guys and get to play! :)
