July 28, 2010

Top Ten Favorites...#5-#10

Ever been curious as to what the most "favorited" layouts of all time are? I'm here to show you numbers 5-10 and Steph will be back on Saturday with the top 5. These layouts have been added to your favorites in the gallery more times than any other layouts. That's a pretty amazing honor, don't you think?! :)

We'll start off with #10 by our very own Waleska! Her fabulous grid design draws you in and who doesn't love a layout made with Yearbook? Definitely an all-time favorite kit!
Paperandglue wowed you with this stunning layout in our #9 spot...she rocked February's Baker's Dozen kit with those sweet punched butterflies.

The fabulous Keisha wins our #8 spot with this gorgeous layout. Her stamping is so subtle but amazing here...
#7 belongs to Chelseavn, who always creates such stunning layouts. What's not to love here...the misting and banners and all the little details are amazing!
Bluestardesign wraps up my part of the countdown in our #6 spot with this beauty. That title with the baker's twine is so creative and fun. Lisa's layouts are always so perfectly done...
Congrats to these five designers for being in our top 10! :) Be sure to check back on Saturday for the top 5!


  1. Cool idea! I'm excited to see the next five.

    There has to be at least one from Jill Sprott somewhere in there. I love her stuff.

  2. congrats on being featured as top 10 favs! your works are truly amazing!!

  3. Oh. my. goodness. I can't believe I'm in the all-time top ten. That is literally crazy. Congrats to all the other ladies...very well-deserved, and I can't wait to see the top 5!!

  4. Oh, this is so fun! I love these 5 layouts; they're gorgeous. Can't wait to see the other 5! Congrats to these ladies!

  5. I love the calender idea. So need that paper.

  6. Oh wow! what a fun thing to do :) can't wait to see the next 5!

  7. These are seriously CUTE pages! Love the 11 year anniversary one! :)

  8. What beautiful layouts, and certainly well deserving of being in the top 10. Looking forward to seeing the Top 5.

  9. PLEASE tell me that you're gonna sell your new stamps online. All my LSS have gone out of business and your online store will be the only way I can purchase them. StudioCalico stamps are my all time FAVES! Best quality!

  10. These are truely stunning LO's. Can't wait to see the top 5

    Wonderful inspiration ladies
