September 4, 2010

DT Highlighted

Hi All! Happy Labor Day Weekend! :)

I wanted to take a minute to highlight 2 of the many talented and special ladies designing for Studio Calico. Because Sasha and Celine didn't get their kits until after reveal day...they both busted their hiney's to crank out FABULOUS creations in a very short time. I wanted to pick on them and put them in the spot light here to show off my Fav's of theirs this month.

By Sasha: I LOVE "We Trip Daily"

I LOVE how she splattered color, I LOVE how she did the title...and I LOVE the message to her daughters. Fantastic! :) Be sure to check out all of Sasha's GORGEOUS creations here to get inspired.

By Celine: I really LOVE "Enjoying our London Getaway"

Celine always inspires me with how atrsy she is with all her creations. She is not shy with her misting, paint or stamps...and I LOVE what she did with the border sticker with this. I also LOVE how she did the title...very creative! :)
You can see all of Celine's AMAZING creations and inspirations here.

Now I want to go over seas to see these girls in person! :)

Have a blessed day!


  1. How fun! I love both of these creations!!

  2. I agree! Both of these layouts really "wowed" me in the gallery!
