September 4, 2010

Layout of the Week

The layout of the week is brought to you by Meghann Andrew (megnard), featuring the Summer Camp kit (still available) and the Classic Butterfly Punch. Another great alternative to the Classic Butterfly is EK's new Butterfly Chain. It's versatile in punching several different butterfly shapes, and you can create a paper chain as well.
Each week, the layout in the gallery is linked, so you can add it to your favorites easily.

This layout has been added to your favorites more than any other layout in the SC community gallery for the week of 8/29-9/4.

Congratulations Meghann! Because of this you have won a $10 gift card to be used on any new purchase at Studio Calico.

Want a chance to win next week? Be sure to upload your projects to the SC gallery, and support your community by adding special projects that catch your eye into your favorites! It could be YOU next week!


  1. This Meghann is awesome! I love her layouts. She seems to have a keen eye for color. Her stuff is simple yet SO perfectly detailed. I can't wait to see what else comes out of her studio. Congrats, Meghann!
