September 24, 2008

Are you ready for a stamp challenge?

I have a challenge!
A daring kind of test!
She has a challenge!
That's why she needs the best!

I have a challenge!
I hope you don't protest!
Oh, queen, tell us your challenge,
we're ready for our quest!

(Disclaimer: The above catchy tune was taken from the often-watched Backyardigan's movie, Mighty Knights. Some wording was changed as I am not a male blue penguin named Pablo...)

Anyway.... lol

Are you prepared for a challenge?

As you may have noticed, the last few Studio Calico kits have contained exclusive stamps designed by a very cool guy named Stephen. You may have even met Stephen, as he ran around with us at CHA. He's got a lot of great ideas, so look forward to more stamps in the future.

More stamps you say? Why yes I did.

Let's take a look at what we've had in the past:

Aren't they very cool?! And most of them have been in the main kit.

But alas.... is there one, maybe two that you missed out on? What a bummer. Wouldn't it be great if you had the opportunity to purchase them sometime? Yep. That would be cool.

But I digress.

I have a challenge for you. Use any or all of the above stamps on a project. Card, tag, layout, home decor project, your bathroom walls, whatever. I want to see the SC stamps put to use. I want to be inspired by what you come up with.

You have until the end of the month. Post a link to your project to THIS THREAD and on October 1 I'll draw a winner. That person will get a little something from me, which will include a black Stazon ink pad. Yep. The ideal companion to any stamp.

Are you able to do more than one project? You will be entered once for every project you do, so the more the better!

Hop to it! I expect inky fingers by the end of the week!



Anonymous said...

hmmmm me likey Stephen!!

Ann-Marie said...

what a GREAT challenge!! I LOOOOOVE these SC stamps but need to get them out and get them inky more!! thanks for the inspiration!

chemgirl said...

I really, really hope you aren't teasing about being able to buy the stamps! I have only just found Studio Calico, and I would LOVE to be able to get my hands on some of the stamps from past kits!

Eleanor said...

They are certainly striking and unusual stamps. I used the wood grain one yesterday on a layout at the bottom of this post:

Kimberly said...

Check out my blog. I just created a party hat with the Butterfly stamp. I love that STAMP!

Séverine said...

I can't resist to a stamp challenge, espacially because ICONIC was my very first SC kit!
Here is my layout:

vtpuggirl said...

Here is mine:

Kimberly said...

I used the Woodgrain stamp on naked chipboard and uploaded to my blog that I keep about my son over in Iraq.

It is used on a layout under the August 23, 2008 entry.

Angela W said...

I have only been a subscriber for a couple of months, but I will see what I can come up with! I knew that little ditty was from Mighty Knights! We watch that often also!

mommy2alex said...

good challenge!
I'm bummed because I only have two of those stamps, they're all so cool - I want them all!!!
Do I hear a hint that I'll be able to buy some of them in my near future?!?! Hmmm...happiness!

stephanie aka scrapandthecity said...

i would love to be able to buy these stamps! they are wonderful!


Anonymous said...

ooooh, love the hint about future stamps! love ALL my SC stamps so far! off to see what I can come up with...

Nicole said...

I can't wait to buy the ones I don't have! I must go decide what to do with them.

Tam said...

I've been loving the stamps for cards lately... here's one I made for our little 3 year old friend:

Tam said...

And I made this card for my beautiful parents' wedding anniversary:

Suz said...

I love your stamps - they are the first thing I look at in the kit.... I haven't been a subscriber long so I don't have many

Here's my layout

Glenda T. said...

OMG, I love these stamps, especially that "those were the days"!! Way to go Stephen!!

sylvie said...

I REALLY wish I could participate, unfortunately I just discovered Studio Calico also, so I do not own any of these stamps. I do hope that we will be able to buy some of those stamps in the future to catch up!

Good luck to those who can participate to the challenge.

Rhian said...

I love,love, love my sc stamps Here is a loyout i did last night with a couple of them.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE my SC stamps! I try to use them as much as I can... here are a couple of cards I just made with them...

Anonymous said...

Here's the last of mine! Thanks for the fun challenge! It was great to see what I could come up with my SC stamps, and to get my card stash built back up!

waleska said...

I just posted one (using 2 stamps) here:

TNChick said...

I'm ready,,,,not sure I did this right but maybe. I used two stamps as well....


Sweet Peripety said...

oh i must be the last to do is my page!!!

Denise said...

Nothing like waiting until the last moment. Here's mine:

Carrie K said...

ok...couldnt get them into the here they are on my blog

and Denise...mine is more last minute then yours :)

Anonymous said...

Think I'm too late, but here's my link anyway!