December 12, 2008

Sneak Night Giveaway!!!

More goodies from Making Memories!!!

To win, please leave a comment letting us know what you're most looking forward to in January's kit.

ps: if you want a heads-up to what's in January's kit, check out this thread or check the newsletter on 12/13.


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Julie Marie said...

the exclusive papers!! can't wait to see them!

Kimberly said...

Ohhhh boy! What a JOY this would be to win!!!! xoxo :)

Christine said...

oooh! what a fun kit!

i am sooo looking forward to the exclusive papers in January! :D

Sandra Correale said...

The exclusive papers of course!

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait to see what SC has in store for us. This is the one kit club that I can't get enough of. Exclusive papers?? Are you going to start selling paper permanently? (Cause we will buy!)

Anonymous said...

I can wait to see the papers. This is exciting!

Shannon said...

I always look forward to my new kits, but YEAH!...
new, EXCLUSIVE papers? How cool is that?

GiGi said...

New papers by SC???!!! How cool is that? Can't wait to see them!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, papers that haven't been seen before will work!! Can't wait to see the surprise!


Anonymous said...

The exclusive papers i'm sure will be great.I really want to see them.

Fiorella said...

I'm sure the exclusive papers will be great...I can't wait to see them!!

Denise said...

Must I choose? I am excited for all of it, but the exclusive papers have me intrigued.

Anonymous said...

I'll jump on the bandwagon - those exclusive papers!!

Lisa J. said...

Ugh hello........those exclusive papers!!!!

Daniela Dobson said...

I want to see the new papers designed by SC!

English 12 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jill said...

Ooh -- easily the SC papers! I can't wait to see them.

Jenn said...

I also cannot wait to see the SC papers! I am so excited!

Christina O said...

Choose? I might have to say the exclusive SC papers!

Just Sew Sue said...

As well as the exclsuive papers, I love the October afternoon that's in the kit.

Anonymous said...

The papers! Also, love the clues.


Anonymous said...

I have a huge crush on October Afternoon so definitely looking forward to the Night Light paper!

Katy said...

The exclusive papers of course!!!

Anonymous said...

So excited to see the new papers. I'm sure they'll be fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

What are am I most looking forward too of january's exclusive papers, all of it. I just love receiving my box of goodies from across the pond.

Jenni said...

The fact that you created your own papers is amazing! Can't wait to see!!! Always love to see the stamps you have too!

Debra said...

definately the patterned paper... it is my one weakness .... my precious


Anonymous said...

The exclusive papers of course! Can`t wait to see them!

Kelly said...

Definately the OA - cannot get enough of their stuff!!
And if the exclusive papers are anything like the exclusive stamps - then definately the exclusive papers, for sure!!

Tiff said...

I think I see some orange houndstooth!!!!!! THAT'S what I want!

Anonymous said...

I am most definitely looking forward to seeing the exclusive papers! You guys always come up with the most incredible stuff!!!

Renee said...

I am excited to see those exclusive papers. They look fabulous from what I can tell.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the january's kit. And I'm sure it will be gorgeous as usual.

Kelleewynne said...

A box of infinite creativity. I am always inspired and excited to see what new levels SC can bring to us - ripstrips, paint, now papers? I love it all, but I love the most is that it really gets me scrapping!

Claire said...

January's kit is stunning, and the exclusive papers are really exciting! :)

Carol said...

Woweee! I wanna win!


Sam Ball (aka sammyb) said...

Wow - a fab idea to have your own exclusive papers... How many sleeps until reveal night X

Anonymous said...

Excellent kit!

Geralyn said...

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing those exclusive papers :)

Anonymous said...

The exclusive papers of course but I love too alphabets ! ;O)

Lynette C said...

Me. I am always looking forward to the stamp. I just love stamps. Would be a joy to win the Fa-La-La collection since it has stamps in it. ;>

Olivia said...

Looks like a fun kit, I'm hoping there will be some cartoon style characters featured. Love text prints though so like the look of the OA paper :)

Kimberly said...

OH, I simply cannot wait for the exclusive papers! How fun is this?!

avidreader said...

Did someone say "exclusive papers"?! Sounds intriguing!!!

Anonymous said...

I dying to see the exclusive papers!!!

Sweet Peripety said...

hehe everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cath said...

definitely the exclusive papers, can't wait to see them! So far the kit colours look perfect for my little redhead!

Anonymous said...


Princessmoon said...

Exclusive paper!!!

Anonymous said...

The exclusive paper!!! :) I would absolutely love to win this!

Anonymous said...

I don't need to think: the exclusive papers!!! Sure!!!

Haberdawoman said...

Without a doubt...the papers!

The Mom said...

I just got the newsletter about exclusive papers and think that is great! I can't wait to see them!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely the exclusive papers! Can't wait!

-Heather G.

Anonymous said...

I've loved the exclusive stamps, so I'm really looking forward to exclusive papers as well.

Jingle said...

I can't wait to see which brand new embellishments you've included!

Nicole said...

the new papers and the stamp! can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the new papers!

Anonymous said...

the exclusive papers of coiurse!!!

Anonymous said...

Exclusive papers! That is awesome. Can't wait to see them!

Kristin said...

Hello, The exclusive papers, I love paper, I am addicted to of course new paper!

Your kits are always great but with new paper, that is exclusive that is even better!

Erica Hettwer said...

I really can't wait to see what great papers you have this time. So exciting! :D

Elizabeth said...

Congrats on your own exclusive papers, what fun! Can't wait!

Tina Schadone said...

I just joined and I love my december kit. I look foward to seeing all the designers ideas because they help take some of the stress out of where to begin when creating a layout!

Unknown said...

I am most looking forward to the stamp in the Jan. kit. They are always stamps that I probably wouldn't buy on my own but I love how they push my creativity to a new level! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What am I looking foward to? Of course the exclusive papers, but I also look forward to seeing the combination of embellies, papers and well...everything!

Anonymous said...

Oh can hardly wait....tick tock, tick tock. I love embellishments and I can't not mention exclusive

Thanks, Catherine A

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to have the chance to have a SC kit - I had to cut out scrapbook supplies as part of my budget cuts and would love to have some new stuff to play with!

Karen said...

can't wait to see the papers.....

just me....lynn said...

wow most definately the exclusive papers!!

Malin said...

Can i say everything!!!!
But im so excited about the exclusive papers!!!

mkthomas said...

I can't wait to see the exclusive papers and the little details in your kits are awesome!!!! :)

april_sp1 said...

I can't wait for the exclusive papers! I was very excited to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for it all! Love seeing everything put together :) and those exclusive papers! HELLO!?!? Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Exclusive papers !!! cool... I'm sure that they are fabulous !!!

Rachel said...

Of course the exclusive papers but also the color combinations! From what I have seen from the inspiration and hint thread...I am sooo excited!!

Andi said...

The exclusive papers! I can't wait to see them.

Anonymous said...

Wow - Can't wait to see the exclusive papers !!!

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the patterned paper as usual. Can't wait.

Christie Wildes said...

Can't wait to see the exclusive papers!!! :) And what a fun giveaway - thanks A and S for all that you do make SC the best place to be.


Brian K said...

Can't wait to see your new papers! Yipee!

Stephanie said...

Can't wait to see the papers!

juju said...

What a great start to the new year!

Angela W said...

I love anything exclusive! I can't wait for the exclusive papers and the great stamp(s) you always have!
I love the FaLaLa line and don't have any of those items!

Tracey said...

A fabulous kit! I'm intrigued by the exlusive papers!!

Marcy said...

can't wait to see the new papers and use them.

A girl and three boys said...

The exclusive papers, of course! SO excited to see them!

Jules said...

Are you kidding? I can't wait to see the exclusive papers....and secretly hoping that this is going to be a new feature.

mommy2alex said...

I cannot wait for the exclusive papers and of course the stamp that is always SO fun!!

{Happy Homes} said...

I'm excited and I think the colors are going to be a refreshing WOW!

Kimber-Leigh said...

most definitely the exclusive papers! SC just gets better and better!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your new papers and I love seeing what you name the kits....
Kim Bolyard

Anonymous said...

Its gotta be the exclusive papers! I LOVE SC's exclusive stamps, so the papers have to be to die for too! Thanks for such a fun giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

the papers! oooh and the glitter christmas trees!

Monica said...

definitely the exclusive papers....

Anonymous said...

ooh, ooh, the SC papers!! Can't wait to see them...


Erin said...

I really like the shop addition! papers along with the stamps, cool!

Teresa said...

Wow. This is so much fun. I look forward to the "non-traditional" kit. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what the Studio Calico designed for papers! I'm sure it's going to be GREAT!!!


Anonymous said...

i can't afford to get the jan kit, but i love the givaway and would love the chance to try anything!

Jennifer said...

Why the exclusive papers, of course! Can't wait!! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the exclusive papers, I love this idea.

BrendonJason said...

the new papers, 0f course!!

tessa said...

exlusive papers is always fun!!

Court said...

Definitely the papers and how they'll coordinate with all the great embellishments you find!

Jenny said...

exclusive papers!!!!!!

Erin M said...

The exclusive papers, of course!

Kim said...

definitely the new papers... but I also look forward to seeing the stamps that will be in the kits! I LOVE your stamps!! and hoping to see some fun Valentines colors :)

naomi_m said...

The exclusive papers, it has to be them!!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to the January kit and the exclusive papers!
Happy Holidays to the SC Team :)

AesaLina Compton said...

the new papers. :o) I am so excited to put them to good use!

Anonymous said...

definately the exclusive paper!

Anonymous said...

Everything!! I just discovered your kits and I'm so in love with them! Inspiration comes instantly!So I really can't wait to see the January kits, with the exclusive papers!!!!!

Helsbells said...

Definitely, withut a doubt, the SC papers. I've been waiting for this to happen for so long. Your patterns are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Well i'd love to win I've treid to buy twice now and every thing is gone in minutes, would like to start some where!!! E

Anonymous said...

I look especially forwards to the exclusive papers, I'm sure they are gorgeous!!!
And I also look sooo much forward to having scrap-time again in January :)

Jenny K. said...

I LOVE the orange and blue color combination as well as OA papers. And, I can't wait to see what the exclusive papers are!!

Jackie L said...

The exclusive papers of course! Knowing everything will be as beautiful as always!

Trace Geworsky said...

Im excited about everything in the upcoming kit, but especially the stamps(Im a stamp girl at heart:))

Susanne P. said...

i think i am looking forward to the stamp. they are always so cool. the exclusive papers are going to rock.

Sarah said...

EVERYTHING- as it will be my first ordered kit EVER! YAY!!!! I'm intrigued by the exclusive papers but I'm just soooo happy to finally get my mits on a Studio Calico kit I could burst! Creative goodness....i need, i need.

Rani said... about Everything!!!!!!!! New Year, new fantastic papers, that make me drool!!!! What cool way to start the new year!!!!xoxo!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your exclusive papers...and of course, I'm dying to know if you've got an exclusive stamp in this kit as well!

Anonymous said...

I am most looking forward to being able to use it at my weekend crop in January!!!! I cannot wait! Jane

Anonymous said...

such a stashylicious plunder to scrapbook with

sylvie said...

Those exclusive items always get me excited! Can't wait for the 28th!

Beth said...

Love the CM Christmas treats!

Louchia said...

Loooove the stickers :)

Vanessa said...

i cannot wait to see the papers! and if there is a stamp in there im sure it is lovely!

Traicee said...

Looking forward to seeing your exclusive papers!

mprondzinski said...

I cannot wait to have the Studio Calico paper....I just love having supplies that can't be found at stores! And of course...I look forward to a stamp. My collection is getting fabulously big thanks to Studio Calico!!

AllyW said...

Exclusive papers by SC!!!!!! Pick me Pick me!!!

Bethany E. said...

The new exclusive papers!! They look beautiful!

fran h said...

The beautiful new papers & also what the design team creates with them.

Carrie K said...

so cool...would love to have this

Anonymous said...

Exclusive papers sound exciting, but really I love it all!! Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

No doubt is the exclusive papers!!! We are so spoiled at SC and I am so glad to be part of such an amazing company!!
Stephanie P

Lisa Olson said...

I'm excited about the paper...and the embellishments, I always love the embellishments!

Anonymous said...

I'm an embellishment girl!
Can't wait to see it all!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I couldnt possibly choose one thing. It would have to be the new papers you will have! or of course the stamps, I'm definitely a stamp girl!

ConnieC said...

I can't wait to see the SC papers.

Wendy said...

I can't wait to see your own paper!

kathleen said...

Are you kidding!? The exclusive papers, of course : ) I love the colors in this kit! They will certainly brighten up my dark days of January!!

Unknown said...

Papers, papers and even more papers! I love papers and you can never have to many!
Really looking forward to the papers.
With love from a Sweden covered in a lot of snow
Katarina Skylare

ArlaMo said...

Can't wait to see the new papers!

Mandie said...

I can't wait for the Studio Calico papers! Very exciting!

Lisa said...

Oooh!!! I can't wait!!

Jennifer Cowan said...

The SC papers... hopefully this will be the start of something wonderfull.

Tiffany said...

papers and embellishments!!

Carla said...

Oooh, do I have to decide.....Well I guess the papers. I can't wait!!

Sophia said...

Nice to win this prize...

Sophia said...

Papers please...........

Chelsea said...

Oh my goodness, definitely the SC-designed papers! It's like your creativity and awesomeness knows no bounds!

Just_a_bean said...

The fab new papers of course!!! Can't wait to get them and play xx

Unknown said...

Omigosh- Studio Calico gets better and better. Can't wait for the new papers :)

Tamara said...

Love this! Thank you for offering this.

Anonymous said...

As well as the exclusive papers, which will most likely be fabulous, I'm curious to see what kind of stamps you may have to offer. I absolutely love your stamps and have used them more than any others in my collection!

Stacey said...

Definately the exclusive papers!!! Love Studio Calico!

Anonymous said...

the papers look really, really pretty!

Michelle Springer said...

All the oranges and blues that I am seeing. Love that color combo!

Anonymous said...

what else but the SC paper!!!

Linh C. said...


Sophia said...

The exclusive papers...hands-down!!!! Oh, always look forward to the exclusive stamps too! :) Hmmm...common word seems to be "exclusive" here. ;)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the papers and everything else you have in store this month! You girls are awesome!

Anonymous said...

The papers and the stamp!

Sharie said...

It is so much fun guessing what you have in store for us in the coming months - sneak night is definitely something to look forward to and this month is no exception!

Harley Dee said...

For January I'm most looking forward to maybe actually owning one for the first time :D Those papers are not to be missed :)

Ms said...

Like 98% of us, the exclusive papers!

Anonymous said...

I'm way excited to see the new paper; but, I always love everything in every kit! You guys are awesome!

Anonymous said...

definately the exclusive papers.
giveaway is awesome too, i hope i win.

*Paula* said...

papers, no embellies, no...ah, who am I kidding...EVERYTHING!

jeanie de la rama said...

oh lovely! :)can't wait for january.

Anonymous said...

Just the thought of scrapbook stuff makes my heart sing!!! :)

Mandy said...

So sxicted about the exclusive papers and of course the stamp since they arew so cool every month too.

Cynthia Baldwin said...

I'm a paper kinda girl!

Sasha said...

Well, the question should be "what am i not excited for?" because I am so pumped up for the whole thing! So cool!

julie.schellin said...

from what I can see on themessage board, I love the blue/orange color combo!

Erin said...

I'm loving the colors in the kit for sure and can't wait for some yummy SC papers!! Yeah! Is it January yet?

Anonymous said...

Well of course the exclusive papers!!! Can you please cut mine in 1/2 before you send it so I won't fret about cutting into them????

Lindsay said...

I am looking forward to snow (cross our fingers) and a fresh new start to a new year. We always clean out and organize in January. We are hoping to oganize our basement so that the kids have a better space for their toys.

Kristii said...

The exclusive papers for sure!!! I can't wait for the reveal!!

Anne aka Anniescraps said...

Papers, I have to say... how very exciting!

Lalunatique said...

Not really original after all those comments but I'm also really looking foward to the exclusive papiers for January ! :)
Can't wait to see them !

Hanna Long said...

are those new rip strips too?? Kind of looks like it to me.

Jaime Lee said...

oh! boy can't wait to see the exclusive papers...and wondering what is January kits would be like. :D

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to some new OA!

Sara*P said...

Can't wait for the sneak - thanks for the chance to in an awesome prize!!

Anonymous said...

omg! my jaw literally hit the floor when i got the email about the exculsive sc papers!!! so fricken excited!!!


Teresa M said...

The papers!!! but I always love your stamps, they're great!

CK Chai said...

Oh boy! I can't wait to lay my hands on the SC exclusive papers!

Anonymous said...

Oh it's got to be the papers!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I can't wait to see the exclusive papers.

Carol in Las Vegas

amy said...

The map stamp, the exclusive papers, the Jenni Bowlin stickers, the chipboard houses (in the add-on)... And working in a library, might I add that I LOVE the kit titles for January. :) Fa la la. Thank you for making 2008 bright and merry. Merry Christmas!

Amy Kim said...

add me to the list of those looking forward to the exclusive SC papers! :]

Angel S. said...

New Papers!!! Thanks for the chance to enter~

Kathy said...

The exclusive papers for me too. Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Love the look of the map stamp!!!! Another for my collection!

Vera said...

I can't wait to see the exclusive papers and more of the goodies that are in the kit, especially the stamp!

Anonymous said...

the exclusive stuff from SC
I love having limited stuff (like your stamps)... everybody has the same stuff ... with your exclusive (and great) products, I actually can scrapbook more personaly with stuff that few of us own :) and everybody to ask "where did you find this"
Sorry for my english ... I'm french :)
CĂ©line H

Melanie Stanczyk said...

It's the exclusive papers for me!!!!!

Actually anything exclusive, if it has SC name attached, I know it's gonna be great!

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