March 9, 2009

Lack of Organization + Excessive Scraps = Frustration

I have a pile of scraps on the corner of my scrap desk. I visit it often as I am working on projects, but it never seems to get any smaller...instead it has steadily grown and it taking over more and more of my desk. You see, organization is just not my thing. I really want to be organized and I love to look at containers, jars, baskets and organizational tools but I just can't seem to grasp the concept! I love it when Stephanie Howell posts her flea market finds on her blog and then shows how she took an old cigar box or a cool piece of milk glass and turned it into something useful on her scrapdesk. I just don't see things that way!!

Well, Emily and I have the blog this week and we've been emailing back and forth about things and we came upon an idea. Let's challenge our friends at Studio Calico to help us get organized and use up all of those scraps!

So here is the deal....each day we will be posting a challenge and each challenge will be a little bit different. Some of them will require that you use your scraps and some will require that you share your organizational secrets with us. The winners will receive a free Wisdom, Footnotes or Glossary add on. They are pictured below just in case you have forgotten the wonderful goodies that they contained.


Now that I have your attention, let me give you today's challenge.......Stamp/Alpha/Rub On Organization. Post a comment to the blog and give me your best tip for storing and organizing your stamps, alphas and rub ons. As you can see below, my method is just not working and I need your help! I started out with shoebox sized plastic containers, but I have quickly outgrown them. Pretty soon, I ended up sticking stuff in a basket on the floor too! Every time I need a stamp for a project, I have to pull them all out and sort through them. It's frustrating and causes me to avoid them if I can. It's a crying shame because you all know how wonderful all of the Studio Calico stamps are and they deserve to be used not just sit in a bin!!!

OK ladies, I'm counting on you to help me out. I was telling Emily today that my Mom is planning a visit for Natalee's birthday next month and I MUST have everything in tip top condition before she gets here. She would have a total fit if she walked in a saw my scrap desk as it is right now! Please help me avoid her disappointment! Check out the total picture of my scrap space.....I'll warn you, it's not pretty.....

.....but it has potential! Help me make this lump of coal into a diamond! I'm looking forward to reading your responses! I'll draw for the first winner tomorrow at 5pm CST.
Emily will be here tomorrow with a challenge that you won't want to miss, so make sure that you check it out.

Until tomorrow......


Sasha said...

Right now, I store the kit stamps, alphas, and rub-ons all together on a book ring and then hung on a hook on my pegboard. Then I have all the components of one kit together. It works for me very well!

Jingle said...

I recently switched from a method that may work well for you. I had all of my rubons, stickers, and other embellishments hanging on a bulletin board so that it was all visible. I kept binder clips on nails in the board so I could group many items together (even if they didn't have hang tags). I recently moved them all into a basket because I was looking for something new. I keep my stamps on my IKEA shelving unit and I love that! I have pics on my blog (the post was a couple of weeks ago.)

Jenni said...

I recently bought a cabinet from IKEA and bought a few tall naskets to fit on the shelves inside for my stamps. I like that the baskets are tall because that way nothing is falling out of the sides...everything stays in it's place! For smaller stamps in packages, I use binder rings to keep them together...easy to see! I have my rub-ons stored in a sterilite drawer...they lay nice and flat. My chipboard alpha is also stored in a tall basket like my stamps...but all my Thickers are in a tall pile by themselves...they are in a league of their own!!

angie said...

i store all my alphas together - i'm not sure it's the best system,it may need to evolve a little more. i store my acrylic stamps on an old french door, and i love that i can see at a glance what i have. you can see it on my blog:

good luck with your organization!

Amy Adams (aka Scrapitgal) said...

I love my new storage system for my clear stamps. Rec'd this idea from a gal at a crop I attended a while back. I use an old Crop in Style PSB binder to store. The clear plastic inserts for the binder are avail. in different configurations and I can fit lots of stamps in one binder. I also like that I can easily flip through and see what I have - also good for taking to crops. My wooden stamp sets are in a 7 drawer iris unit. Alphabet rub-ons are in another drawer of a 3 drawer Sterilite unit on table behind my desk, and decorative rub-ons are in a basket on a shelf on the side of my desk. As for other alphabets - I have a couple of clear sectioned organiziers (by Crop in Style??) that I store my thickers and other alphas in by color. Chipboard alphas are in baskets in my room. Keep meaning to post pics on my blog, but want to finish repainting my scraproom first.

Angel S. said...

I keep my sitckers, embellishments and word quote stuff in a office hanging file box and divide things up by theme (sports, love etc.). I keep my metal embellishments in a divided box etc. Good Luck!

Erin said...

I store my acrylic stamps in a binder with page protectors. You can mount the stamps on a piece of acrylic or a transparency and slide them into a page protector. My wood mounted stamps are in little metal bins from the dollar spot at Target and housed in a small hanging wall shelf. I have all my foam stamps and wood mounted alpha stamps in 2 IKEA boxes in my bookshelf.

I store my rub-ons in one big basket on a shelf, so I can just flip through them and my alpha stickers/thickers in baskets, organized by color.

Olivia said...

For my acrylic stamps I use a cheap plastic photo album. Each page is the perfect size to hold the stamp sheets & I can easily see which design I want by flipping through. Means I use them much more now because I don't forget which ones I have.

Anonymous said...

For Studio Calico and other acrylic stamps I use a basic 3 ring binder and various types of sheet protectors. I have your basic full sized protectors for the alphas, cd pockets for medium sized stamps (I keep the little card that comes in the packaging and use that as a divider to store 2 in each pocket.) For the small stamps I use baseball card dividers. Works great for me!!

My mounted stamps are in baskets by category and the alphas are in a small, 3 drawer bin.

I generally keep all the other kit items, papers, rub-ons and such organized in the Cropper Hopper vertical holders inside the little dividers they come with. I print the photo of the kit and put it in the front of the papers so I know what all is in there at a glance. I really like keeping the kits together.

Cassi said...

Hi Ladies, organization is something I continually struggle with due to the constant influx of new product. The following is what I've been using for the past two months and it seems to be working out quite well.
Alphas: These are stored in a Cropper Hopper Paper Holder that is busting at the seams, it's easy for me to see what I need and works in the space that I have (it gets stored in a bookcase).
Rub-Ons are sorted according to theme: alphas, graphic design, or sentiments. Then they are stored in a Cropper Hopper Paper Library where I use dividers to separate them by their type.
Stamps: I have a few different strategies with clear stamps based on how often I expect to use them.
1. Small stamp sets e.g. Hero Arts Sparkle Clear, Technique Tuesday Little Treasures, Maya Road, Scenic Route, & Studio G get stored in baseball card proctector sheets and put in a 3 ring binder. I can quickly flip through and choose what I want to use 2. Regular size stamp sets that I use a lot, get stored in photo boxes by company e.g. Hero Arts, Gel-a-Tins, Studio Calico, Pink Persimmon, CHF, & Tim Holtz. Then there are those other stamps which are great for one reason or another, but I just don't reach for all that often. Those are sorted by type, placed into regular size page protectors and are put into one of three 3-ring binders A. Nature (Flowers, etc) B. Holidays/Sentiments 3. Graphic Designs. All of my stamps are stored on a bookshelf.

Not sure how helpful that was, but it's what is working for me now.

Jenny said...

I've adapted Jennifer McGuire's use of storing clear stamps. I use a regular 3 ring binder. I organize my stamps by company (Studio Calico, Autumn Leaves, Tech. Tuesdays, etc). The stamps are kept in regular 8x11.5 clear sheets so I can easily see the stamps. I can take out of the binder which stamps I want to use.

For my rubber stamps, they are just kept on a bookshelf (top shelf) with the image facing out so I could also easily see.

For my rub ons, I invested in a Clip it Up and I store my rubons and embellishments by company.

Hope that helps!

Karen said...

I have my some of my loose stamps in metal boxes from Ikea. I also have Technique Tues. stamps in a binder and wood mounteds in a plastic drawer unit with my ink. I don't have many stamps so it works for me. As for alphas and rub ons I store them in baskets in my Ikea Expedit shelf. I have each basket labeled. Again, works for me as I don't mind digging in the baskets since I recently did a major purge!

Theresa Smith said...

Like some others have said, 3-ring binders are a great way to store acrylic stamps. Use regular 8 1/2 x 11 sheet protectors for large stamps and sets, Avery slide sheet protectors (sections are 2 x 2 for smaller stamps), and trading card sheet protectors (sections are a little larger).


Kimberly said...

Clear can go to Walmart and buy a package of clear CD cases and store them in there. Get a CD case holder that allows you to have easy access to them and that is a simple and inexpensive way to store your stamps.
I have a basket that holds all my alpha rub on's
Another basket that holds all my alpha thickers and stickers

laurie said...

I keep mine in a 3 ring binder that I have on a shelf next to my scrapping desk. Then when I want a stamp I just flip thru the binder. Seems to be working OK....

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

oops, accidentally deleted. (:

I have been storing my clear stamps in a basket like you, Lorie, but it isn't working for me either. ): I am def. going to try the binder, and just keep the one's I use all the time (NOAH) in the basket and see how that works. I keep all my stamp pads on a shelf on my desk b/c I use them constantly!

Jessica Griffin said...

I use something similar to this cart found at Target:

I keep my stamps in the plastic wrap they came in, it's not a quick/easy method, but it keeps everything neat and tidy. Then I just toss 'em into their drawer. I actually separate mine by alphabet (anything, rubons, stickers, chipboard etc), rubons and stamps.

The person who used the 8 pane window had a great idea. Is it possible to hang that on the wall, I would imagine it to take up a lot of space if you couldn't.

Pegg S said...

I got the clip-it-up and love it. It is pretty big, so you do need the space for it. I use it for mostly my clear stamps, but you could certainly put your rub-ons and letter stickers up there. If you have some wall space, I've seen people make their own - buy a rod from IKEA or Home Depot and buy the clips.. Another option would be to get some bins and then then organize them into different categories -- one for clear stamps, one for letters, another for rub-ons.

Good luck! My space is a disaster area at the moment. It's clean for one night and then back to a huge mess!

Anonymous said...

I have two tips: try the Clip it Up for alphas and rub-ons - it works really well. Also, I nailed up a neato pot lid holder from IKEA (very cheap) and it works perfectly to hold these type of items (alphas, stickers, embellishments on a page).

Anonymous said...

I have to say I love the clip it up. I can store the clear stamps there and my rub on's. It's great for me because I need to see what I have in order for ideas to flow in my head.


Anonymous said...

I use a rolling cart ... each drawer has a type of stamp ... such as an alphabet drawer; a floral/garden drawer; a background drawer ... and so on. I like the wheels too ... so that I can roll it away when not using it. Once I get more unmounted stamps though, this might change to a 3 ring binder so that I can flip sheets of stamps.

hjhgjl said...

I have baskets on my desk, but not the big bulky ones you have ;)

smaller pretty baskets that fit much better on a desktop. One just for studio calico stamps, one for alpha, one for the other stuff.

as for rub ons, I want to get a clip it up, but for now, they're in a plastic bin :P

i need to do a major purge in my scrap space I'll be watching the comments for more great ideas!

Gloria Gomez said...

Organization: I try and have like items together, alphas, flowers, flourishes, etc. Either way I do keep them "seperate" by acrylic stamps, rubber stamps, rub-ons, etc.
Storage: I have tall rubber tubs to store each set by category, and I sort them by color, brand or designer, and frequency of use (for example I use flowers more often than butterflies).
This seems to work for me I hope it helps you a bit.

Julie said...

I bought IKEA's plain magazine holders you get 5 for $3 Then I put in a plain piece of card stock and put tabs on them and organized my stickers and rub-ons by themes. It cuts down on time looking through them and I have it out on a shelf so I remember to use them. I plan on covering the containers with cute paper when we move out of our rental and I can really decorate my space. I suppose you could do the same with your stamps, my collection of stamps isn't quite that big YET!

Julie said...

I forgot part of my explanation :) I put the card stock as dividers, I'm sure you figured that out but just in case :)

Jacquie said...

I like to think i am pretty organized. Stamp storage: I use the trusty binder system. It works well for me. I try to organize them by "theme" or "subject". Alphabets, whether they are stickers or rubons are in a divided file folder by color. And Rubons, well they are in another binder, divided by subject, or color, or style (swirls, words, etc.)

Jacquie said...

I like to think i am pretty organized. Stamp storage: I use the trusty binder system. It works well for me. I try to organize them by "theme" or "subject". Alphabets, whether they are stickers or rubons are in a divided file folder by color. And Rubons, well they are in another binder, divided by subject, or color, or style (swirls, words, etc.)

Ayesha said...

shhh im gonna tell you my secret..... ring binders( like a dring album...just cheaper).... i normally punch holes in the side where the companys name is and store them in between colour tabs it works fab and is neat and organised i have seperate files for rub-ons and alphas. stamps go in a photo album i find this just helps me get to everything alot quicker then diving through draws or cabinets to find the ones i want

Cari Skuse said...

You can see my storage ideas in my profile so it is a little more clear.
I store all my rub ons, alphabet stickers, thickers, etc. in Cropper Hopper 7x12 Expo storage holders.
Most of my stamps, with the exception of my clears are stored in a two-tier wire basket on my desk. My clear stamps are in a acrylic album (I'll have to post that sometime).
I store kits in the CH vertical storage paper files. I also put my scraps by color into the paper files, stored in a paper holder.

I also use the Becky & Lisa rail system and love it. Keeps all the stuff right in front of me, but off my desk top.

Heather said...

I keep anything new/unopened/hoarded on my clip-it-up -if I keep it visible, I usually remember to use it. I also have a big drawer for Alphas and a smaller drawer for rub-ons that are opened. I keep all my unmounted stamps in a binder.

Anonymous said...

My stamps are stored in a 3 ring notebook. You can punch holes through the packaging, which will keep the stamps from sticking to the back of another set.
I hang alot of my misc. embellishment together on fancy hooks in my scrap room. They can be grouped and held together with individual binder rings. Otherwise I have a chest of drawers that I had made for my scraproom (fits under counter), that holds the rest of my embellishments.

Gayle said...

ooo! organization! one of my favorite things! I created a blog post so that I could feature some helpful pictures of how I try to keep my stash organized! I hope this helps!


{VICKI} said...

Well, I'm probably not much help--my stamps are stored in baskets on the floor. I don't have aot of rubons--they are stored on top of my work space in a "mail organizer", my alphas are in a 12x12 that stands beside my work table.

Shay said...

What you could do with the clear stamps or unmounted stamps is organize them in your favorite categories (could be by subject or even company--like all Studio Calico stamps together!) and place like stamps in page protectors or gallon ziplocks (in their individual wrapping or on laminated cardstock, acrylic sheets, etc). Once in the page protectors (you could use cardstock & labels/tabs to divide the different categories so you can have as many page protectors as necessary for categories) place them in a basket/crate/box, etc.

Wood mounted stamps are a whole different issue! And I am still trying to come up with a system. If you have the space (and not too many wood stamps) you can either buy or create ledge shelves to show off the beauty of the wood stamps and also keep in order. Stampin' Up! sets are easy to place on a bookshelf (or shelves as the case may be).

I love dreaming up organizational solutions, but am not so keen on implementing them. lol

Kathy said...

I store stamps in three categories....alphabets; journaling; pictures. Each category is in a draw of a clear storage sytsem so I can pull them out for ease.
Letters/Alphabets are stored by type e.g letter sticker, chipboard, acrylic etc then within each type in the colour of the rainbow order. Where possible all are in a ring binder in plastic pockets.
Rub-on letters go with the alphabets and then rub-on patterns are stored together, in a box so I can flip through easily.
I purge regularly so don't have too much stuff to remember or to go through, and try to "live within my scrap storage space" and not outgrow it.
Phew! There was a great article in The Jan/Feb SImple Scrapbooks magazine ( it was on-line too the last time I looked ) whci helped you identify how you scrap and therefore you should organise based on how you scrap. For me "colour" was the overriding factor and I went back to this method of organisation. Hope this helps. Thankyou for the chance to enter the drawing.

Anonymous said...

All my clear stamps are stored in CD cases. I have them numbered and stamped the images inside them on 4X6 cards which hang on a ring over my desk. It's easy to find them, and easy to add to the CDs. My sticker alphas are filed by color in a hanging file folder that I keep in my desk drawer along with 8.5X11 paper, also sorted by color. My chipboard alphas, large sticker sheets, etc. are stored in a basket that sits on the book shelves. It all works well and it's easy to clean up after working on a layout.

sheree' said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
liz mataraza said...

here's my storage solution for all my stickers, stamps, etc...

looky here

Teena said...

I store my Clearstamps in the drawer of my little cabinet. The Alphas are storde in two baskets, divided in "Chipboard" and "others". My other stamps just found their new home this weekend. Look here! :)

Anonymous said...

I like to store my scrap things again and again. Looks like playing with it. But i store my clearstamp in clear CD-cases and they ar stored in a photobox that looks nice and organised on my desk. My rub-ons and alpha's are stored in an organiser in clear folders. I store them on colour or theme.

Anonymous said...

To be quite honest, I totally suck at organization as well. The only thing that I can think of is to just send some of your goodies my way, I can mess my space up even more and yours will be neater??? :)

Anonymous said...

For stamps, I also use the 3 ring binder method. My addition to this is black or white cardstock behind each stamp or set so I can see it w/o being distracted by the page behind.

This method also works great for my embossing folders. I have a binder for each type - cuttlebug, shape stamps and alpa stamps.

Kirsten B

Ann said...

I put all my clear stamps in a 3 ring binder - alphas and rub-ons in a hanging file on my desk. Nothing like getting new ideas from all these comments! I love it! :)
Good luck Lori! :)

Ann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linh C. said...

Clear stamps are stored in page protectors in 3-ring binders.

I don't have many wood stamps so they are stored in a clear shoebox-type container.

Alphas are hung on the clip-it-up.

Anonymous said...

I bought some canvas baskets from Wal-Mart. I made dividers from cardstock & keep my stamps in one of these. It's easy to flip thru & find what I'm looking for. I keep my abc's in the baskets,too. I have chipboard in one & stickers in another. I keep them divided by colors. These baskets sit on bookcase shelves & keep everything tidy, easy to use & they look nice.

Steph said...

My acrylic stamps currently live in two fabric baskets one for alphas and one for everything else.

Rub ons and letter stickers are on book rings hung on pegboard. It's easy for me to see them, and it's easy when Im packing for a crop to just grab a ring of Thickers and know I have my alphas covered.

~kelly marie~ said...

I actually just organized my stamps this weekend! I am using clear CD cases for clear stamps (when the stamps fit). I then store them in a box from Ikea made for CD cases. It really does keep everything organized. As for other stamps, I have two three-ring binders with those protective folder sheets in them. One has background stamps and one has larger unmounted sets in it. I then stamped my wooden block stamps on to pieces of card stock by company and added those sheets to the binder. I keep the wooden stamps in these clear organizer (bead type) boxes, also from Ikea. I like that I can go through one binder and see everything I have!

Anonymous said...

Give some thought to how you use your product. If you want to stamp words, maybe all your alphabets should be together, instead of sorted by brand. I use 3 ring binders for my clear stamps. One is for alphabets only, the other for design elements. I use plain white printer paper behind each and put them in page protectors. I use photo pocket pages and collector card pocket pages for the small stamps. It is easy to flip through them in a binder. I put wooden/rubber stamps in a plastic container. While they would look good and be easy to see what you have if on a shelf, I don't like to dust! Rub-ons all go into a box, standing upright on a shelf, easy to flip through. I find the more stuff you have, the more organized you have to be or else you miss out on using it!

addicted2paper said...

oh, lorie, your scrap space is not messy at all! but organizing my stamps was an issue too, so now i'm using the storage folders from making memories ( i love it! (no more wood stamps for me)

Anonymous said...

Check out my blog post that i just shared a couple of weeks ago about organization.

I store my stamps by theme in either the baskets that are stored in my PB work table (see blog for pics)- but special stamp collections, such as SC stamps, are going in my MM stamp binders or the little monkeys. My alpha stamps are the stored the same way- in these special binders so I can find them easily. Also, one thing that I forgot to mention on the blog post was that I have made a binder that has stamped images and where its located so i can just flip thru the pages to find what i have, or for inspiration..instead of spending alot of time searching for that one stamp or whatever.
For my rubons, stickers,etc. I have them in a basket- sorted by theme so that all i have to do is take that basket to my table -leave the product in it, and put it right back on my shelf when i am done with it(again, its all in the blog post). Hope this helps!!

lori said...

I am always organizing, I think it is one of my favorite things to do in the studio....I am a junkyard junkie, that means almost 100% of my storage comes from a vintage items repurposed.. I have wooden stamps in clear big coffee jars,wooden boxes and in this great red cubby. My rubons and alphas are stored in my draftsman table drawers, what I love about them is they are right at my fingertips and I can close the mess out of sight too.
My clear stamps are stored in large 3 ring binders, with 4x6 clear sheets and a white card to fit the slot. The larger ones are in page protectors that come with a tab at the top where it closes.
Studio Calico Stamps are all in front of course...:)love it

Alison said...

I have various sizes of pretty wire baskets on my desk for my stamps. Alphas and rub ons are stored in my Artbin Super and Slim satchels which are stored in cupboards especially for them.

Erin M said...

I like to store rub-ons and sheets of alpha & other stickers in 3 ring binders in clear sleeves meant for reports and the like. I usually group them by "theme" or color would work well too.
Good luck with your organization.
p.s. my room looks WAY worse than yours!!!!!

Laura L said...

Right now I do not have a good solution for stickers and rub-ons. They just seem to be multiplying in a drawer! I have finally found a good solution for my stamps and limited space though. I am in the process of unmounting everything - even my {gasp} stampin up! I have pictures of the shoebox style storage at my blog here:

munchkin mama said...

all my rubons/things in packets are hung up on a line with those mini pegs i've never found a use for. i just put some string lines tied onto nails on the wall, and just peg 'em up.


Michelle said...

I don't think my system will be helpful to you because I use a basket! I bought a canvas basket that fits inside the Expidit from Ikea. I labeled it "alphas" and placed my letter stickers and rub-ons in there. The taller packages are in the back while the smaller ones sit up front. I just flip through to see what I want! I have a few stamp sets that I house in a small paper "suitcase" from Paper Source. Again, I just open it up and pick out what I want. My two small hero arts alphabet stamp sets sit on top of my ink organizer on my desk. I have a small bowl from anthropologie that holds my wooden stamps since I only have a handful of those.

Kristyn said...

I don’t have any tips of my own (my stash just isn’t that big!) but I love the way Ali Edwards stores her wooden stamps in an old chicken coop box ( . I have also seen acrylic stamps organized in binders using clear page protectors-just remove the stamps from the packaging (but keep the stamps on the plastic sheet they are stuck to) and stick the whole thing into a page protector-they come in different sizes or full pages can be sewn into smaller pockets.
All of my letter stickers are stored on a 3in binder ring (through the store rack hole) that hangs from a hook on my chalkboard.—hope this helps!
Kristyn G

1scrappycat said...

I found a binder and storage pages for my acrylic stamps at Hobby Lobby. It's working well for me right now, and it was cheap too! As far as my rub ons go, I found these large white storage boxes at Walmart that i keep them in. Geat for large amounts. I have one for stickers, rub-ons, Christmas, Halloween, etc. They fit perfectly inside the Ikea wall cube thing.

Vanessa said...

i have chipboard, inks, stickers, rubons, and bling each in separate drawers in a small filing cabinet i got at ikea. i try to keep my stash under control which helps me know where everything is and what i have

Anonymous said...

I'm just starting out scrapping, so I don't have many stamps yet. Right now, they're stored in a plastic art box. Rub ons and stickers are in my top desk drawer. Thanks for all the good ideas.

Eva said...

One of the good things about being new to scrapbooking and living in Italy (where supplies are really expensive) is that I don't have to much supplies.. I have to do the best with the things I have...
I keep my stamps in a chest and that works for me, probably because I don't have a bis quantity. I think I will use the binder system once I have more stamps...
I keep my stickers in rings (I then put them in a hanger). I organize them by type: rub ons in one ring, epoxy in another one, letters, 3d stickers, etc...
I would like a "clip it up" because I think it's a good system but I can't afford one. I'm trying to make my own "clip it up".
I have just posted some images on my blog if someone wants to take a look! (It's just a scrap-bookshelf, someday maybe I will have a scraproom!!!)

Anonymous said...

My stash isn't HUGE so these work for me: alphas and rubons are in plastic sleeves in separate binders. Easy to flick through, and if any alphas fall off their sheet they stay in the plastic pocket with their 'friends'.

Clear stamps are in clear CD cases. Again, easy to flick through, and they stay nice and clean :)

Jennifer said...

I store all my alphabets together. I'm definitely looking for ideas on stamps though - I'm NOT the best person to ask. :)

Unknown said...

I have a clear accordion folder that I holds my alphas and rub-ons. I like it as it contains the clutter and can be tucked away when I am done. Nicole H. had a great solution for clear stamps, putting them in a binder (that's my next organizational goal!).

carpediem said...

I use my clip-it-up to hang all of my clear stamp sets. They are sorted by manufacturer. You can use the same system for stickers, rubons, chipboard packages, etc.etc.!! Space in my studio is limited so I love vertical storage!

Cass said...

well, i certainly don't have AS MUCH stuff as what i see there ... ! :)

but for me ... rubber stamps are kept in a 2 stacker drawer set from Staples ... pretty chocolate brown though - gotta look good too!
rub ons and clear stamps are upright in baskets ... as seeing them helps to remind me what i have and then will be more prone to use them.
i also recently bought an drawer/file cabinet from ikea .... best purchase ever! the wide/long thin drawers allow for alot of product/papers inside without making it too deep or too full or too cluttered. best way to stay organized for me.

naomi_m said...

I have all my SC stamps hanging from a piece of BIA wire next to the desk and all my thickers in my tote on the desk but other than that it's fairly packed away and jumbled. The thing is the kits are so complete I don't use much else!!

Anonymous said...

I love organizing. Honestly wish I could come help. I put all my rubs and stickers in a scrap-in-style 14 x 14 binder. I must have 30 sheets of different sized protectors that house everything. That way, I just have to thumb thru what I have. On the top corner of the protector, I have label "floral stickers" or whatever the items is so I can quickly peak by just thumbing thru the top.

Tiffany Heilman said...

My single wood stamps get stored in a large glass jar. My wood stamp sets are stacked by theme (b-day, background, nature, words, alphabets etc.). My acrylic stamps are in a plastic accordian file folder by theme. My thickers, rubons and flat embellishments are storeed in a monster 12 x 12 binder with plastic sleeves and pockets of various sizes. This way and can flip through my beatiful embelishments rubons and letters like a book.

Anonymous said...

my biggest tip is just to choose a container and stick with it! if your stash outgrows the container, it's time to pick and choose your favorites! :D I posted some pics on the mb to show my methods.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimber-Leigh said...

I keep my stamps in an acrylic album I made...similar in idea to those that Tina and Nicole H. shared.

I blogged about it you can see it!

Anonymous said...

I also use the 3 ring binder method for my stamps , I seperate by Category. I use a clip up for my rub ons and I use Baskets for all others.

Anonymous said...

i would approach your mother from another angle. Rather than organise your stash how about making her something with it instead. She would be blown away by your thoughtfulness and skills and would see your scraproom in a whole new light.(hopefully LOL) sorry thats my only solution for you...thanks all the same for the challenge. Heres my rubon/alpha/stamp usage solution??! LOL. - hera

Anonymous said...

This weeks theme on the blog suits me perfectly as I am going to reorganise scrapping- and craft stuff this week.

I am a huge fan of using what you have in the house for organising and storing, like cookie boxes and emply jars and things ;)

I have made a quite simple system for my stamps. My old foam stamps - yes I was hooked on them a couple of years ago - arestored in cookie boxes from when we buy chistmas cookies and they are labelled with Dymo-tape.
For my clear stamps, I found an old binder and put in ziplock pockets where I store the stamps sorted by brand, labelled with mask tape. Easy to find and easy access.

I did a post on this on my blog today, you can see it here:

The post is mainly in Norwegian (I have trouble bloging in English, feels a bit awkward...) but I did a note in English at the end of the post for you, and you see the pictures ;)
Hope it's ok!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sorry... seems to be a problem with my link...
Here it is:

jeanie de la rama said...

my foam stamps and mounter rubber stamps stay in their boxes and are stored in one box. for the unmounted rubber and clear stamps , i keep them in one box. the unmounted rubber stamps are in ziploc bags by set and the unmounted clear stamps are by themselves. i havea few rub-ons, mostly those i get from kits so they stay with their kits unless i specifically bought them in which case, they go into a ziploc bag. i know, i love ziploc bags. they're cheap, light and you can easily see their contents. :)

HeatherQ said...

I use the ScrapRack and LOVE it! I can find all my flat items in seconds. I have a section for stamps, one for alphas, and one for rub-ons/bling. (I also store my scraps, collections, stickers, and other flat items in there, too.) It's great!!

You can see some of it on my blog, but you'll have to dig way back...

Staci said...

OK, *I* don't have this system, but it seems like that "Clip it Up" rounder (in the tall size) is a good way for people to store things that are in cellophane packages, as they can be clipped on and it spins to look through your stash. I like to keep stamps in those multi plastic drawer towers from Rubbermaid. HTH!

Geralyn said...

For stamps, I store them in clear plastic sleeves in a binder for easy viewing. I bought these cheap, $2 magazine holders and I use them to store all my alphas/stickers, sorted by company. As for my rub-ons, they are currently in a clear, plastic container, sorted by company - need to find a better way to sort that one out!

Mandy said...

For my rubon swatched I have a nig cylinder container and for other rubons I store in vertical paper storage thing.
Stickers are in a big basket,on hooks,and in vertical storage just depend on the brand, how much I use it and what size the sheet is as to where its stored.Stamps are in a basket but it getting kinda small so I'm trying figure out what I will do with those I am thinking I will more then likely use one of the suggestions above.

Anonymous said...

Alphas are sorted by manufacturer in cropper hopper page planners and then set in a wire rack:

Rub ons are sitting in the orange metal bin on the left:

And stamps are stored in plastic CD cases:

nicole said...

I have two drawers in my desk designated for my clear stamps. rubber stamps are displayed on an old bookcase. rub ons and bling have their own special, rectangular containers - one designated for each. i find that this system has been useful enough and things do get used. HTH!

Lauren said...

Clip It up Baby! You def. so need one!!

MAM said...

I love how I store my alphas - with an IKEA kitchen organizer!!! Here is a picture of my new favorite thing.

schmidthouse said...

I put the little clear stamps on a round book ring and keep it in my basket with my essentials. I am still in the process of organizing too but my hope is to look like Erikia Ghumm's space...ha ha, in my dreams!

Anonymous said...

Mine are all mostly on my clip it holds all of my alphas, rubons and stickers...i have very few stamps, but the ones that I do have are clinging onto a plain acrylic album that sits next to the bin of inks that sits in one of the cubbies on my ikea expedit shelf

Ms said...

I put all my stamps in clear CD cases- just take the grey part out that was supposed to hold the CD and stick the stamp right to the case. You can use both sides- then I label the case and store in a wooden cd drawer from good ole'IKEA. I have over 24 cases in each drawer.

Ms said...

My rub ons are stored in my home made clip it up- an IKEA towel rack with IKEA curtain clips (exactly like the Clip it Up clips)- I like that is attached to the wall right next to me rather then on my desk as I lose enough table real estate to my kittens!

Lulu said...

I made this awesome vertical storage bar for super cheap.. hope the idea helps you out!! :)

Anonymous said...

All my stamps are in 5 tim holtz binders and I have them grouped - alphas, journalling, occassions, travel, and SC shares one with Ali. My rubbons & alphas where they are just in a plastic clear container, but if I didn't have a space constraint I would use a clip it up.

Hanna Long said...

Here is my scrap space - I share our front/room dining room w/ our son, so I need things were everything can be put away. I love the Alex drawer unit from Ikea and the big white boxes are also from Ikea - I love how much they hold.

Marcie said...

My alphas are sorted by color in a generations accordian file. I've used this system for years and just love it!
I just started stamping, actually I don't even say I stamp, but I have some stamps now...these I have in a desk top iris drawer. And all my rub ons that aren't alphabets are in another desk top iris drawer. I love these drawers, they keep everything right at my fingertips without being out in the open.

Anonymous said...

My clear stamps are in a Little Monkeys system. I have like 4 rubber stamps, so those just go in a basket in a drawer with my inks.
My Alphas and Rub-ons each have thier own drawer in a 7 or 8 drawer vertical unit. Works well as I can just open the appropriate drawer depending on what I am using.


Missy said...

Hi. I have several of those white drawers you can buy at Walmart or Joanns. I have my stamps grouped buy category into different drawers. I have all of my rub-ons in a drawer, case thing. As soon as I find what I need the case gets put back in its place.

Scraps...I have a drawer case thingy for them too. I pull it out and look through it for what I need. Looking through my stuff does take a little bit of time, but I have a small space that needs to remain neat. I can't work in the mist of chaos.

So I find that with a drawer for my scraps (it's big too) and drawers for my stamps, ink, rub-ons and stcikers seems to work for me. I try not to keep a big stash.
I need to see it to remember to use it. If I don't have the room for it, then I don't get it. (I haven't figured out what will happen once I buy too many stamps...hopefully I will have a scrap room all my own by the time that happens.
Anyway, good luck finding a system that works for you.

Anonymous said...

Binders, Binders, Binders!! In all shapes and sizes. Filled with big and little pockets, small and large slots, and various sized organizer pouches. I store almost everything in my stamps, stickers, embellies, ribbon, etc, even paper. All my scrap stash binders are labeled and stored neatly on my shelves. Not only do they look pretty, but everything is organized and easily accessible for scrapping!
Michele Bailey

chemgirl said...

I love my stamp storage system because it can accommodate various sizes of stamps, including those that are clear acrylic, wood mounted, rubber, and even roller. I have five 12X12 art bin containers that lay flat and open up, exposing the entire 12X12 surface. They are categorized by alphabets and numbers, journaling and words, nature, animals and children related, and finally images and ornate designs. One of the best things about it is that you can make layers using the dividers that come with the container. Also, they fit perfectly in my closet that has the container stores Elfa system in it. It looks like these containers would fit perfectly on your shelves too. It's funny because everyone must be so excited about THEIR system. I know I am.
As for letter stickers, I use a file folder system that has a zipper top and a handle. I divide by size and brand, which ever there is a lot of at the time.
All that said, I am always open to improvement of my system.

Andrea said...

I use clear jars and have my ribbons, buttons, etc. color coordinated. I have an entire old dresser that is dedicated to my supplies. I have bins in my guest closet for my paper. Works really well for me.

Houston said...

I store my stamps in the MM binders by theme "cards, holiday, scrapbook, SC". Rub-ons are on the Clip It Up!

Anonymous said...

I have three long baskets on a shelf... one with phrases/words, one with alphabets, and the final one has my recently purchased goodies. I love these baskets because they are long enough to place stickers/sheets on their sides so that they dont stick out the tops.i love this way because i can thumb through it and find what i need. my clear stamps are in a tin.... those i would like to organize much better... maybe i will find a better way here :)

Stormy said...

Right now I have a lot of stamps in a binder, much like many others have described. I also have a basket with bigger sets (Fancy Pants 12X12 sheets) that I've been meaning to transfer to the binder. But I think the best thing is the big metal cup I have sitting on my desk, it holds some basics like a calendar stamps, background stamps, etc. Since it is sittin gon my desk I am more likely to see them and use them when I'm working on a project! Most of my SC stamps stay with the kit until the kit is used up, then they usually get added to the cup (although it's getting pretty full so I may have to move some to the binder) Even if the stamp is not in the cup, seeing the up full of stamps often triggers my memory of a certain stamp that will work and I am off to find it.

As for my alphas and rub-ons, I have all of my alphas in a basket and all other rub-ons and stickers in another basket, although I'm not sure that this is the best method. I also have a 3-tiered basket thing (from the kitchen dep a Target) that I keep odds and ends in, again they are easily in sight so more likely to get used.

I am trying to convert my scrap space into cool vintage jars and containers, love the look, but I know it's going to take some time to accumulate those things, so it's a work in progress!

Erin S. said...

I store most of my acrylic stamps in 3 ring binders that zip close. I also have a lot of CTMH stamps which I recently moved to fabric boxes from the container store. Love them!

I keep my alpha stickers and rub-ons in a sterilite 3 drawer container.

I love reading thru all the great ideas. I am always organizing and re-organizing as my stash grows so its fun to get some new ideas.

Chelle said...

well, i dont have the same problem as you. all my stamps fit in a shoe box sized box. but i am slowly working on my stamp collection and my plan when it gets too big for the box is to get one of those rolling plastic drawer storage things(with shallow drawers).

have a specific spot in each drawer for each stamp (im thinking about wood-mounted rubber stamps) put a sheet of white paper at the bottom and stamp each stamp in the spot where it belongs.

totally not my original idea! i saw it on the carroll duvall show many years ago.

Jess said...

I actually use a rolling storage case. It works well because there are so many drawers. I label each one so I know what is in there. It also rolls, so I can move it where ever I need to.

yyam said...

I store my stamps in clear plastic folders with pockets that I get from my local dollar store, which are then kept in a ring binder. The plastic folders are document sized and have different size pockets. The largest pocket fits a large stamp set (I usually take them out of the original packaging to reduce the bulkiness). The big one has 2 pockets, the medium one has 4 pockets and the small one has 8 pockets (just nice for single stamps). The ring binder and the individual stamp sets are labeled so that it's easy to put them back when I'm done. Hope this helps you.

nailgirl said...

i recently got the stamp binder from making memories and i love it! it also has a metal bookplate on the spine so you dont have to open it up to know which ones are inside. also for my alphas, i keep those in a somewhat deep basket and this seems to work for me. as for rub-ons i keep these in drawers like the small sterilite ones from target or wal-mart that have 3 drawers. hope this gives you some help!

Stephanie said...

For rub ons, I simply organize them in largest packages in the back and smaller ones in the front. That way the small ones don't get lost between taller packages.

Anonymous said...

I buy those 8x10 plastic pockets for portfolios. I cut the pocket on the left side (as so to have a cover for the stamps on the inside) I stick the stamp images into the pocket and I stick the stamp on the adjacent side. I then put the cover over top of the stamps to protect them. HTH!

Lynette C said...

Here are my storage methods:
1)clear stamps:
Binder with page protector and embellishment holder (lools like page protector with little pockets). Store the whole sheet of stamps in the page protector or the single ones in the embellishment holder.

2)rubber stamps with wooden block:
In plastic stackable trays that was meant for paper.

3)alphas and rubons
In wire mesh bins from Target. Sorted by colors. Seperate alphabets and non alpabets. You can have more than one bins in each color when it get full.

And all the above can then be placed on a shelf.

Anonymous said...

I scrap in a tiny corner of my lounge so organisational is KEY... my stamps have to be visable so I have them in a cupcake type stand... as for alphas... they are all in a clearfile book so I can flick through them with ease.. I also have a basket on my desk with rub ons and the alphas I use the most... also have a smaller basket of scrap paper on my desk and USE THEM first... and this is cleared out often!!!!! hope it helps and look forward to reading other people's hints...
mandyb from New Zealand

Sophie P. Waquet said...

I store my unmounted stamps in a binder, classified by theme. when i'm working on a layout, i look through the binder and choose the right stamp(s) very easily.

I store my wood-mounted stamps on a small shelf from Ikea. It was meant to hang on a bathroom's wall, but it's very nice standing on my desk... and stamps are very decorative ;o)

I store my stickers, rub-ons, alphas, etc, in a kind of wood box, hard to decribe. It came with a gift for my husband's birthday from a friend and contained an assortment of belgian beers. The box is meant to display the bottles in a pretty fashion (it's all open) so it displays my things very well. and it could have done for the re-use challenge too ! :o)

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha... very good subject !!!

I put my clear stamps in CD's box, transparents... and my rubons and alphabets on red boxes for magazines : I put the chipboard alpha together, the stickers alpha together and the rubons alpha together...
I hope, on day, we can have a big big house with a scrap room for all the stuff !!!!!

have a nice day...

Stephanie Baxter said...

For your clear stamps, how about putting them in pages protectors (or baseball card protectors for smaller ones) and put them in a folder/album so you can flip through and see them all?

Lyn said...

I don't have a large stash of stamps... actually most of mine are Studio Calico stamps! I love how easy they are to store. I keep mine in a turning storage bin my SIL bought me. Love it! I posted pics on my blog. I keep my current kit embellishments in a basket on my table and then transition things over to the storage bin as the new kits come. Fun challenge!

Anonymous said...

stamps - an altered typesetter's drawer hung on the wall houses my most-used and i have my larger wood-mounted and acrylic sets in the drawers of my dresser.

rubons and stickers are organized by type (alpha, sentiment, etc) in these trays i also have thickers stacked separately in a drawer nearby.

Anonymous said...

The BEST way, without a shadow of a doubt, is to send half of your stamps to me and you'll discover that your remaining stamps will be sooo much easier to organise and locate!

Christina O said...

I have my clear stamps in binders that are inserted in page protectors, cd/dvd sheet protectors, 4x6 photo pages & baseball card sheet holders. One good find I found is the page protector that has a flap on the top to close it so the heavy stamp sets don't slide out.
All my alpha stickers & rubons are hung on a railing using hooks that I purchased from the Ikea kitchen area. I love seeing everything out in the open.

Heather M. said...

I use pegboard and LOVE it. I love that I can see everything that way. For stuff that doesn't hang, I have wire baskets that I put stuff in and they go inside an IKEA shelf with a door on it. So far, it's working good for me.

Nora said...

Stamps: I don't have alot yet, so I just keep them all in a small box from IKEA :) When I buy clear stamps I take them out of their container and put them in a ziplockbag and the bag goes in my box. I also keep all my inkpads in that box so it's all easy to get to when I want to stamp!:)

Rubons and alphas: I have a 12x12 archivemap that i got with my Mimitote, and I keep most of my rubons + alphastickers in that. It's easy to look through it and easy to bring to crops.

My thickers I have hanging on the wall. Some on a nail on the side of my shelf and some on hooks on a uhm..thingy from IKEA that I think is intended as kitchen interior. I have a photo of it here:

Nora said...

Hm..the link in my previous post didn't work very well, but this one should:


Bealor said...

Make your own version of the Clip-it-up. Get a Grunton lamp base at Ikea. Get a lampshade that's fasten to the base and not the light bulb, remove the fabric/plastic so that you only got the metalwires. Then hang curtain rings with clip like Dignitet (Ikea too) to clip up whatever you like to hang, like rubons, thickers ect.

Anonymous said...

I made up a clip it type system from inexpensive items at IKEA, you can see pics of it here
it's worked really well for me, everything is visible and it didn't cost much at all.

Kelli said...

I store my acrylic stamps, rub-ons, stickers,etc. each in their own plastic container from Costco, think clear plastic shoeboxes. I labeled the end of each. I can see in them, they stack on top of eachother and if they get too full, I have to purge.

Sophia said...

Acrylic stamps are stored in a binder with page protectors. All my rubons are stored in one basket on my table for easy access, when needed.

Anonymous said...

3 words: clip it up for my rubons and other stickers & embellies I want to see. Also, love, the binders with acetate pages to store clear stamps.

Good luck organizing - nothing like a visit from mama to get you going!

Anonymous said...

The best tip I have is from Jennifer McQuire about using a binder with page protectors to store acrylic stamps. The rest I am useless at!!!

Anonymous said...

Book rings book rings book rings! They have totally changed the way I organize. I put everything on a coordinating ring either by theme or mfg and just grab n go. I hang the rings from a pegboard my sweet husband put together for me. Good luck, organizing is a real bear!

Laura said...

I keep all of my alphas,stickers and rub-ons hanging on pegboard. My stamps are in a binder in plastic sleeves. For now this system works for me.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the process of organizing. What I have decided to do ois put all Christmas and Halloween paper, stickers, rub-ons and other embellies in their own separate 12x12 storage container. With that pulled out of my stash, I was able to organize my alphas (stickers and chipboard) into separate drawers in a rolling cart. It's a work in progress.

Nina said...

Even though we've been living in my Mom's vacant house for 4 years, we always knew we wanted to move into our own place. Thankfully, the time has come come May this year! Yay!

So, for 4 years, we've literally been living out of our luggages and everything, all our stuff, are in big plastic containers. Same goes for my scrapbooking stuff.

My acrylic/unmounted stamps are in plastic CD cases, organized according to brand and set. My wooden-mounted stamps are in hard plastic briefcase-like envelopes so that when I open each one, I can see the designs right away.

I really don't like collecting rub-ons because they stick like crazy no matter where I put them. But I do keep my stickers and rub-ons in their original packing in a plastic briefcase-like envelope too. I read a tip somewhere that you're s'posed to staple your rub-ons to their original backing sheet so that they don't stick elsewhere.

Good luck on the organizing and do share how it goes!

P.S. So totally can relate about Moms visiting! Hehe.


Renee said...

I have my stamps in clear sleeves in a binder. Alphas/journaling in one, Images in another.

I keep my rubons all together in a case so I can flip through them easily to find what I need.

Thanks and good luck with finding a system that works for you.

RONITIB said...

I store my rub-ons in one big box.
My clear stamps storage in CD cases and all of them in a box.
All the Studio Calico kits are stored in my new closet that my husband built for me
you can see it on my blog:

Donna said...

I store my clear stamps in a binder with page protectors. I was inpired by a donna downey post
For wooden stamps - as soon as I have room I am planning on getting the following ikea set of drawers I like the look and the shallow drawers will be great for being able to see all the stamps at once and the deeper ones will be great for other supplies.

Anonymous said...

I have this long red containers from hobby lobby that are about 13 inches long and about 7 or 8 inches high. I have 4. one for alpha rubs ons, one for design rub
ons, one for alpha stickers or epoxy, and one for design stickers or epoxy.

For stamps I have wall units and the 12 by 12 cases for paper that I use for my wooden stamps also. I try to group all of my wooden stamps together. I also group all of my word stamps together. On my table where i work is all of my wood journeling stamps. . My best one is 3 ring binders for my acrylic stamps where I label each set of stamps on a white sheet of paper and insert into the sleeve . my categories and I try to put one category in a binder, flowers, journaling, alphas, swirls and designs. My technique tuesday stamps are in 2 technique tuesday binders. I am still a work in progress. fay

thekreativelife said...

I have yet to get this little jewel implemented, but here's a link:

It looks pretty simple to do, and you could store your wooden stamps on the little shelf part, and clip up some of the other stuff by category.

Good Luck! I know how mom's are, too. Mine lives right across the road and she's forever giving me organizing tips, when all I really need is a babysitter! ;)

Anonymous said...

I store my stamps in 3 albums I have created for :
Easy to realised and very handy.

lisa truesdell said...

i store my stamps in the making memories stamp folders that are supposed to go in their binder, but i have them in a amy butler tool tote on my desk - makes it super easy to grab and use the ones i want!! my alphabet stickers, thickers, etc are in wire baskets.

LisaNRoxy said...

I have a wonderful acrylic stamp organization method. I purchased 3 three tier metal organizers. Each one has three "heavy metal squares that slide over a post. The post has holes in it. You stick a metal bar in the holes at the level you want the wire square to be stationary. I put the three together and created a pole with 5 wire squares at equal distance apart. I used th rest of the pieces to make little organizers for other things.

Back to the big tree pole. Each square has a + in the middle so there are 4 outsides bars and 4 inside bars. I purchased 250 clip it up clips and have hung all my acrylic stamps from the clips. It is 5 layers high and filled with stamps. Best part - each level roates independently. It rocks!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, i keep my rub-ons in a bin similar to yours and it is also getting full! but i thought one of those carousel clip thingies would be awesome where you can just twirl it around and check out what you have. As for stamps, i'd put the clear ones in a binder for easy viewing and the block ones stacked in one layer in a drawer storage. hopefully you'll have space for that! happy organizing!!

Amy said...

I put the alphabet stamps in little metal tins to stay together, they don't take up much space. Or small plastic boxes so I can see what's in there before hunting inside.
My new stuff I put in a silver stadium office paper keeper (does that make sense...LOL!), and it helps me to remember it is there and use it! :-)
Amy in CA

Zorina said...

i use a extra large plastic container for all my kit stamps and it is organized by maker and theme of the stamp. it is hard to keep up with kit stamps, i know. i used to be an SU! demonstator also so i do have 2 big IKEA cabinet for all those SU stamp sets.


Lot of good tips here.WOW! Mine is more frugal.
I would take a chest of drawers (found a perfect antique one for mine and painted it and distressed it) and store stamps lined up in one drawer.I would take the rub ons and put them in a binder and store those in a drawer also.Unless binders are decorated they just don't look good to me black or a solid color unlessit matches the toom.

Jenn said...

I must tell you that I don't really have the best way to store all my clear stamps - I'm about halfway there, but my rubber stamps are sorted into 2 3-drawer 12x12 units I got from Target. I have them labeled into 6 different catergories. I seems to work really well for me so far!

CRH said...

I got really excited about this even took pics..then realized I think i'm to late...but anyway My Acrylics are in 2 zip up Binders (like a trapper keeper) Inside are Baseball card holders with small stamp sets (studio G) and The Ink Boutique or Tim Holtz stamp keepers for larger stamp sets. Wood Mount are in Photo boxes labeled by theme/brand. Alpha sheets and stickers reside in my Cropper Hopper vertical storage with my paper, and my rub ons are kept in Accordion folders. Hope this helps!

Anonymous said... - Love this place. My craftroom has built-in bookcases (bottom half has doors) so all my wooden stamp sets are stored in there. In here I also have baskets bought from thecontainerstore where I store products (i.e. Making Memories, Basic Grey, Heidi Swapp). I have the same basket sitting by my desk and that houses my SC Kits. I took advice from Stephanie Howell and put my kits into 2 lb storage bags with little baggies for the embellishments inside. I labeled the outside with the names of the kits and add-ons and it makes it easier to see what I'm looking for and not have to dig. I have clear acrylic storage boxes from the container store that house my rub-ons, chipboard and the 12 x 12 paper storage to sort through different themes (Valentine, Halloween, Christmas) and that's also where I keep my scraps (SC scraps in one; Basic Grey in another, etc.). Baskets, clear acrylic containers, jars and little buckets keep all my supplies organized. I am quite the hoarder soI appreciate that I can see all my supplies. It works well for me.

Janie R.
Moorhead, MN

dr said...

My stamps are all stored in file folders- alphas in one, flowers, florishes in one, word or sentiments in another.
Rub-ons- filed according to theme with stickers- alphas in one, birthday, sentiments and or words...

Sandy said...

I have a ton of clear stamps and rub-ons so to keep them in order I house them in cute mini-suitcases. I keep them out on my scrap table because they're so adorable and I can easily access them. Thank you for your great store and blog!

Anonymous said...

I have a big shelf unit from Ikea and in it are big square baskets, I label each basket, rubons, alpas, etc and in that basket goes those items..I take a medium white tag, tie it with yarn , label it and tie on the appropriate basket..I found this has worked really well for me and looks nice as the items are hidden in the baskets...

Splendorfalls said...

I know I'm late but wanted to share my storage systems with you.

I store all my stamps on these EZ Mount storage pages. ( They are crazy sturdy and hold a TON of stamps. (I unmounted all my wood block stamps and placed EZ Mount foam backing on the backs so they cling to these pages too - and my acrylic blocks). I keep these in large three ring binders. Since I don't want to lug out each big binder to browse I stamped each stamp on a plain sheet of paper to keep on my desk as an index. Works great - I use my stamps so much more now!

Alpha stickers and rub ons go in a bin on my table separated by letters vs. rub on. Nothing fancy but within reach.

I'll try to post some pictures to my blog since this is hard to explain!

bethchien said...

Well, I missed this post yesterday..but, I wanted to give you this idea that my mom does and it works wonders. But, only for your acrylic stamps. Store them in jewel (CD) cases and you can organize them in sections with tabs. (i.e. alphas, journaling blocks, bday, etc)
They stick to the sides and it really works well for should see HOW MANY she has! lol And then, you can take what you want by putting them in a CD case holder when traveling. Let me know if you want a pic and I will have mom send me one. ;P

Laura Stewart said...

I use a free standing revolving spinner rack - bought from a retail shelving type store online. Everything hangs from it. I also open up a lot of stuff and put in jars.

Anonymous said...

I put the small ones in CD cases by themes: scrolls, words, animals... and all of them into an IKEA white box for CDs. The big ones are in another white box for DVDs.
I'm still looking for a method to store alphas and rub-ons....

Anonymous said...

Clear stamps I store in a 3-ring-binder. For the smaller ones from SC I have simply sewed on a page protector to make pockets that fit the stamps. All my rub-ons and stickers are stored in baskets (I store the sheets upright & by size in the basket so that I can easily flick trough the assortment to find something that fits my project).

Deanne said...

my clear stamps are in 12 x 12 binders in page protectors (you can get many different divided ones)and my wood blocks are on a shelf unit that was designed for cd's(makes it very narrow so they don't get pushed way back)

Anonymous said...

I turned an old 3 hole binder (album) into a storage of stamps. I simply tuck the holes of the plastic wrapping of my clear stamps and punch holes on side of ziplocs for other stamps then in to the album. So when I'm searching, I can just flip them like pages easily and to finish it off, I wrap the whole binder with an elastic band. Hope that helps...and it saves me money getting a ready made one.

Teresa Loop said...

WOW! A whole post of organizational yumminess! My dh swears I like to orgainze all my things more than I do use them!

I have all of my acrylic stamps in sheet protectors in binders like many others have mentioned. This method takes up the least space for me.

Wood mounted stamps are in 'Kassett' boxes from Ikea, by category. I have 4: alphabets, sentiments, seasons, images. I broke all of my sets apart and kept just the stamps I liked and knew I would be most likely to use (my stampin up demo about died).

All sticker and rub on alphabets are together by color in a great box from Cropper Hopper. It's huge, like 9x13, so it takes up almost a shelf on it's own. It's got 13 divided sections, and I have all white letters together and so on.

All other stickers are in an accordian file by category ie: baby/child, nature, flourishes etc. I don't have a lot of stickers so this doesn't take up as much space. The alpha's were the majority of what I have.

It sounds like you need to make an Ikea run! Have fun!

Kristin said...

So Many great ideas! I am in the process of organizing my scraproom, I am blessed to have a space but I can't say I end up doing much in there because I have a lot to organize. With my clear stamps, I like to have as much out in the open so I can see what I have, I put them on an old window I bougth at one of my fave lss. It has 4 pains on it and I am going to put fabric behind all for of the pains, or maybe paper so I can see the clear stamps a tad better. I have alpha's in one pane, words in another and then the other two are a bunch of things. For my wood mounted stamps I have this tower of three bowl like things that connect to the tower and come on/off. I have it sorted Alphas, words, other. I have a fair amount of stamps but this tower as I call it is pretty large, got it at Hobby Lobby. For Stickers and rubons I have a wire that goes across the wall, I have them attached with binder clips and the rub ons are at the first section, alpahs next and others on the last third of the wire. Again I am a visual person so I like to see it all. I also have a lot of ribbon. I bought for 7 or 8 dollars an old ladder and I hang all my ribbon from it, it has 5 or 6 rungs on it and even the bottom one is far enough off the floor it works well. For embellishments I like to use old printer trays as holders, it can lay flat on a table but it can also store a ton of things that I don't have to get out a little tub and sort through, already done. I also have a printers tray on my wall that I use to store stamps as well. These are the ideas that work the best for me right now, hope that you can use some of them for yourself. Good luck with it all:)

Anonymous said...

I am totally redoing my scrap area! I even have a special section just for my SC kits!

For my stamps,I picked up some cute baskets to go on my Ikea shelf so they are sitting out,so that I can easily access them.

My smaller stamps, the 1.00 ones that we all have are in Baseball crd sleeves in pretty green binders.

I can't wait for my room to be done!

Tiffany said...

store them in baseball card holders (like pages) in binders

Woodberries said...

My best idea is for rubons or other sticker ALPHABETS. I have 3 of the narrow cropper hopper holders. Like this but only 3/4" wide or so (they come in the combo pack)

I have one for small alphas, one for medium and one for large. Because size is the #1 determinant for an alphabet for me. Then I can easily try different styles and colors to see what might be unique to the page.

It doesn't sound exciting but it really has worked for me.

My stamps are currently stored in rubbermaid-style stackable drawers, aligned sideways on their long side so I can kind of flip through them. Something like this:

I tried a binder before, but it got so heavy. That was with rubber unmounteds, though. Maybe clear are better.

Lee i. said...

I keep my acrylic stamps inside clear books, sorted by categories like alphabets, swirls/flourishes, flora, faun, sentiments, etc. These are stored vertically within reach of my crop table.

la zaz said...

into boxes like you... with alpha stickers in one, and alph chipboard in another...