March 11, 2009

Sneak Night Giveaway!!!

To win this fabulous prize worth $48.00, just leave a comment on this post. Let us know whether or not you've ever used Maya Mists before.

Winner will be announced at 12:00am EST on 3/14 (just as sneaks are posting, see countdown to the right). We've had lots of unclaimed prizes lately, so please sign up for email updates to this blog (via the Feedburner link to the right).

All mists will be available in the Studio Calico shop on reveal night (3/27), so be sure to stock up since they'll ship free with your main kit purchase.


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Christi said...

ooooh, those sound intriguing. Maya Mists...I have never even heard of them...I can't wait til the reveal! smiles...

Kimberly said...

Well, dang! We will be traveling to Bowling Green, KY on Friday and not sure if I will have internet access. But what the hey, I might win here, huh? I have tried the MR mists just once. I cannot remember the color but it reminded me of Walnut Ink. Remember that stuff?

ArlaMo said...

I just got three bottles of Maya Mist with my March goodies yesterday. Haven't tried them yet...need to do it without the two year old around or he might decide he can use them, too.

Stephanie said...

I have not used the mists...but I really want to! Paint bugs me but I would like to have something a little less dangerous to spray on my layouts!

Teena said...

I never used it but it would be so great! ;)

Jen said...

Interesting! I've never heard of these, but I'dl ove to learn more :-)

Anonymous said...

Have never heard of them. Sounds like a delicious wine spritzer!!

Tammy B said...

never had the opportunity, however have always been intrigued by them!

Nina said...

No, I haven't been able to use them yet but I'm dying to try! I've seen people work wonders with theirs, most notable Dina Wakley. =)


Anonymous said...

I just got some of the Maya Road Mists with MArch's Kits but I have yet to try them. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I have never used or even heard of Maya Mists. I wonder what they are?!
Michele B.

Elisa said...

I haven't tried them yet, though they look great in the LOs I've seen so far.

Ann-Marie said...

I have not yet..but my good scrapping friend said they are great for covering chipboard! I need some!!

Amy said...

Wow!! What a giveaway!!! I have actually never ever tried them, but it is Studio Calico that has been making me want to! I am super nervous about it so that is why I have not taken the plunge yet! Hopefully I will get picked so that I can give these a try! Can't wait to see the Sneak Reveal! *But I am still wondering what could possibly top this last fantabulous kit????!!!!* So Excited! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love Maya Mist. They are so pigmented and give great coverage.

Renee said...

Oh my....I have one and I love it. Haven't found any new colors at my LSS. I would love to play with those. Maybe I'll get lucky!!!

Kimber-Leigh said...

i've never used them before, but i hope too soon!!!

Anonymous said...

I've never used them but I would love to!

Erika said...

The mists sound really cool. I would absolutely love to win this package...thanks so much for the opportunity!! :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't used them yet, but I think I'll need to add at least one to my next order. I just LOVE what April does with them.

Lulu said...

No.. but I'm dying to!!! lol

This would be soooo amazing to win!!! :)

Cassi said...

MM are awesome! The color, the coverage, they're fabulous!

I'd love to win this pack :)

Shannon said...

I have never used the Maya Mists, but they look like so much fun!

kiwithekreator said...

i LLUUUUVVVVV the maya mists and i would love you forever if i saw this in the box with my kit! ;)

Michelle said...

Never tried them. But would love the opportunity!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great giveaway! Have never tried them...but would love to!!! stef4916(at)

Laura L said...

I have never heard of them, but I'm off to see what they are right now. They sound very interesting!

Hanna Long said...

I love Maya Mist - can't wait to get the new Tourq.

Kelleewynne said...

I love Maya Mists. I bought the silver from SC and it looks Spectacular! I am sooo in love with everything SC!

Anonymous said...

no, but i have really wanted to try. they seem like they would be pretty easy to use and would add the special touch to my layouts. thanks:)

Spacebudgie said...

The mists sound very "myst"erious (sorry!) MR comes out with some great stuff. I'm sure the mists will be "cool." Someone stop me....

Denise said...

I bought red. I intend to use red, but every time I pull it out I chicken out. I will use it. I promise. :o)

Angel S. said...

I would love to try Maya Mists. I have never heard of them, but I always like to be the first to know among my friends!! Thanks!

Gioconda said...

i have not used it before but would love to. i got my march kit yesterday and can't believe april sneak is just a few days away!

jenney said...

I've never of Maya Mists before. Sounds like a yummy drink! LOL

carpediem said...

I just tried out the Maya Mists this week on some chipboard and a metal embellishment! The coverage was great and I'm happy with the results! Now I need to buy some more in different colors!

Unknown said...

I've never used mists before but I'd love to try them!

RONITIB said...

Well...i have never heard the name Maya Mist :)
Now i can't wait til the reveal! !

Anonymous said...

I've never used them, but they sound like something I'd like to use!

Andi said...

I got my first two bottles of Maya Mists with my March goodies, but I haven't had the chance to use them up. I can't wait to try.

Katherine said...

I haven't tried Maya Mists yet. I have them on my wish list, though!

Kate said...

Never used them before but they DO look fuuuuuun!!

Chelle said...

Oooooh- no I haven't tried these. They sound beautiful!


Teaque said...

Sounds like fun AND I totally didn't realize until today that Studio Calico is in KY!! ME TOO! WIsh I was a bit closer to BG, but it's totally do-able. How about that?!?!

Anonymous said...

I just got a few bottles and am hopping to use it this weekend. I loved Aprils little web demo. Hope I can get some more!!

just me....lynn said...

I have not had a chance yet - but would love to try some out!!

Gloria Gomez said...

Yes I have used these before...they're great and add a cool look to a project

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried them yet but would love love love to! I love the video you put on the SC website about the Maya MIst! Rock on April :)

Anonymous said...

I just got my first bottle last month and I'm loving it! I'm used to glimmer mist and Maya is much richer color!
I can't wait to get more colors! Too much fun!

Kirsten B in MN

Anonymous said...

No, but I'd love to.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh! I have not used these yet, but I am very interested because they seem like they would turn out so pretty! And what beautiful colors!

ruth said...

I haven't tried them........I want to but I just kept putting it off until we moved into our new house (just one more thing to have to pack). But we just moved this weekend!! :) Time to try them.

Angela said...

I tried the mists once while working at a scrapbook store - and loved them! Fun product.

Lauren said...

I am loving these and would be thrilled to add more to my collection! :)


I havent tried them but would love to!!!

Unknown said...

No I have never used Maya mists, but it sounds like a lot of fun! I would love to try it out!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been able to get hold of the Mists yet, but oh how much I want them :)
What a generous giveaway!!!

I am sooo looking forward to reveal :o)

dr said...

UUUUUUU- what's Maya Mist? I want some!!

young said...

Ooh, great! I have heard of the mists, but have not used.

scrappinkn said...

I haven't used the mists yet... but I'm up for the challenge.

ellen s. said...

no i haven't tried them yet and dying to! they are my {very long} wish list for sure. the scrubster lost his job so i need to hold off with only one income but i will have some. i have glimmer mists and i {heart} them & my colorwashes.

Cynthia Baldwin said...

I've never used Maya Mists...I'm intrigued.

Unknown said...

i'm intrigued... i've never used maya road mists before!

Kristi B. said...

I was able to try the mists once & fell in LOVE! I want some soooo bad!!!!

Amy said...

Maya Mists....what's that??? Sounds interesting! :-)
Amy in CA

Harley Dee said...

Woot! I love Sneak Night.. almost as much as Reveal Night :D

I have never used Maya Mists before, but I would love to try them!

Houston said...

Oooh la la! I have used the mist and I LOVE it... I would love to win some!

Becky said...

I do use them. I love them. They are really great. I love the glittered ones. They are definitely a favorite.

Musicmom-Amy said...

Nope! I've never even heard of them :(

Shay said...

I have never used Maya Mists, but have joyfully used similar products....

Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

PamJ said...

Haven't tried maya mists before but would LOVE to...

naomi_m said...

I've not tried them yet but I have one waiting in my parcel at the post office!!

Kelly McGarry said...

I have heard of them but have never used them. I can't wait to try it!

Kelly McGarry said...

I have heard of them but have never used them. I can't wait to try it!

Anonymous said...

I have heard good things about Maya Mist but have not taken the plunge yet :)

Jingle said...

I have not yet had the chance to try Maya Mists, but I have used mists before and I like them a lot and Maya Road always produces such high quality products, that I'm sure I will LOVE these!

chris a said...

I have read great things about Maya Mists and would love to try but unfortunately they are not in the budget right now. thanks for the chance to win.

Lisa and Penny said...

Have one, but never used it...can't wait for the new sneaks!! lisa k in tx

vtpuggirl said...

I have the green mist, just not enough guts to use it. Ha!

Rebecca Keppel said...

I haven't used Maya Mists yet, but I keep reading such good things about them--would love to give them a whirl!

Anonymous said...

I haven't used these before but they sound wonderful. I'd love to try them out. Lots of possibilities with these

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'd love to have some more Maya Mist! It's my fave! (thanks to April!) :)

Anonymous said...

I have 3 bottles now and have used them on chipboard, velvet ribbon, and paper. Love, Love, and Love!

Anonymous said...

Not had a chance to use those! Nice.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I'd never even HEARD of mists until I joined SC! I haven't tried them yet, so I'm thinking this will help kick start me!

debra lynn said...

I haven't used Maya Mists, but would love the opportunity to try them out! Looking forward to the reveal!

Anonymous said...

i have never tried maya mists b4, but am willing to try new things...and free makes the experience even nicer

lynda in calif

Unknown said...

never used maya mists - saw them on their blog and would love a taste!

Anonymous said...

i have never used it ...yet! someday i will have the curage to try it ;)

{Happy Homes} said...

I've never used them, but would like too! I did watch the tutorial and they look like fun!

Anonymous said...

I've got to say this is the first I have heard of them...and they are intriguing. Would love to play around with these.

Stéphanie said...

never used them YET ! But as I see the fantastic LO done with them, I can't wait to get my hands on them !!!

amy said...

I've heard of them, but I've never used them.

jeanie de la rama said...

never tried maya mists before. would love to have this chance to try it. :)

kathleen said...

:O What a great giveaway!!! NO, to answer the question! I've never used the Maya Mists, but I am SO tempted after seeing all the amazing layouts from the DT and others. April's tutorial makes them look so easy and fun!!!

MAM said...

I've just started using Maya Mists and ADORE them!! This makes life so easy.

Jenny said...

I've never actually used Maya Mist before. But after watching the tutorials, I can't wait to get my hands on them :)

Anonymous said...

i would like to try them...looks cool for plain chipboard.

Tricia Wilson said...

I have not tried Maya mist before but would love to give it a try!

Diane B. said...

nope. hadn't heard of the maya road mists before. i love me some glimmer mist so i'm sure these would be right up my ally!

Mia said...

Oh my! Maya Mists I totally love! And of course I've used them before! They're so much fun!

The Mom said...

We will be on vacation that week but how cool would it be to win when I am not around *hint hint*


Mabel said...

Maya Road Mists? sound absolutely fun! I need it for sure! =)

Anonymous said...

ii've never used them, but i'd love to win this and give them a try!!


Ms. Cheryl said...

I have never had the opportunity to use maya mists but would absolutely love to! If i win this i will. LOL, ms.cheryl

Jennifer Larson said...

I never have...they sound pretty though!

Anonymous said...

ive never used these before but cant wait to get my greedy little crafty paws on them so i can start creatin;.

Tiffany said...

i'm so excited!
haven't been scrapping for a while (SATs are coming up!), so I hope this giveaway will help me scrap again!

Stephanie Baxter said...

I've never used them, but I've ALWAYS wanted to.

wena said...

well...i did buy a bronze bottle with my march goodies, but haven't had the chance to play with 'em yet. i tried a little on a small page & it definitely makes the page stand out in a subtle way :)

bethchien said...

Hi there! I was just talking about Maya Mists with some scrappy friends today! I have never used them! I have been wanting to mist for a while now...but, really don't know what to buy first?? I had already checked out your 'store' and have some in a "cart", but haven't actually bought it yet. lol There are just so many colors, it is a bit overwhelming for the misting virgin! lol
I hope that I can win this and just be sent what I need to start with! lol That will take the nervousness out of it. Thanks for having a giveaway! Have a great evening! ;P

CRH said...

I have never used Maya's mists before, but they sound pretty darn cool...cant wait to see how they look, work!

scrapping4twins said...

I hear that the Maya Mists are awesome! I'll need to get a few!

HeatherQ said...

I haven't used them, but I've seen samples of them used by others. They're beautiful! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Cavie Family said...

No, I have not used them. How do you use them?

Jason and Danielle said...

wow they sound wonderful. I have never heard of them before, how exciting. I would love to try them out. Can't wait!

Jess said...

Never used Maya Mists, but I'd like to!!

Jewel said...

I have never heard of them. Would love to learn more about them!

McMcKenzie said...

I just recently tried the mist with one of my scrap friends. It is different from any other paint type product we've tried. Like it! :)

Rachel said...

I haven't tried the maya mists before, but I do like glimmer mist!

Diva Loca said...

i've never ever ever used them before.
but i'm willing to try :)

Kelly said...

I haven't tried them...but seriously want to!

sue-bubbles said...

No, I havent used Maya mists yet....but I SO need to!!!
Sue x

Vanessa said...

i have never used the mists before and would LOVE to get these : )

Tamikko said...

Really? I've never heard of them, but, boy do I want to use them :)

Britta Swiderski said...

I've never tried them before, but I hope I win so I can. :)

jill marie barrett said...

i haven't played with them yet...

Deanna G. said...

I've never tried it before but this looks great!

Anonymous said...

no, but they look awesome! I love the screens too.

Kristie said...

I have never heard or tried of Maya Mists. Would love to try them out though. Thanks

brenda j said...

I've never tried the Maya Mists. I'm so excited to try them out and see what they're like.

Christie Wildes said...

Can't wait to see the sneaks...but it will have to be when I get back from my womans retreat on Sunday!!

Christie Wildes said...

Oh and I haven't used my mists yet, but plan to next week for sure!

Sandy said...

Can't wait to find out more about Maya Mists! Sounds like a good one! =)

Unknown said...

I have not used Maya mists, but I used to use a sprayer for walnut ink and created a wonderful aged pieces.

AllyW said...

I have just started to use the Mists and they are sooo much fun. Can't wait to get my hands on some more of them

Anonymous said...

never used maya mists before, but always have wanted to! would love some to try!

Sweet Peripety said...

oh yes i have and i would love to win this! oh please please pick me! i do not have those colors!!!

Beth S said...

I have never used the Maya Mists, but I have used Glimmer Mists. I love the mist concept, sometimes you need pure color without the glimmer; that's what I've considered investing in Maya Mists for...and it's Maya Road product. Love that company!

Anonymous said...

I've never used Maya Mists, however, I have masked and would love to try them with the masks I have.

Janie R.
Moorhead, MN

Anonymous said...

I have not even heard of these - they sound fun and if you guys are endorsing them, I know they are good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh Ive been wanting to try these guys! I love Maya Road so the mists have gotta be great.

Anonymous said...

I've never used them...but, just think...?...I could if I won!!!

Anonymous said...

Not yet :-)

Lee i. said...

I haven't tried Maya Road Mists but would sure like to.

Anonymous said...

Haven't had the chance to use the Maya Road mists....

Momma Twitch said...

I've never used them before, but it'd be fun to try 'em out! :)

Whozz Me???... said...

I've not used Maya Mist... but heard very good review about dem.. Planning to get dem to add to my collection of mist...

Jill H said...

I have 3 mists but haven't scrapbooked that much in the last few months to use them very often!

Anonymous said...

Haven't tried them yet but would love to try. Thanks for the opportunity.

Linh C. said...

I've used them on a make and take project at my lss. I love the mist and would love to try them with acrylics.

elissa said...

I have been trying to find Maya Mist, but apparently the scrapbook shops around me don't sell them. I would love to win some and I will buy some from the shop.

Anonymous said...

I have used them but they belonged to somebody else. I don't have my own...sigh.

Nicole said...

I have a bottle but have never used it! ACK!

Anonymous said...

I have not try Maya Mists yet. I've got 2 bottles coming together with my March kit. I will definately try them when they arrive hopefully by next weekend.

Chelle said...

ive never used them, but i sure would like to try!

Anonymous said...

I've never used them, but would love the opportunity to win so I can....thanks!

Daniele Soares said...

Yes, I have already used Maya Road Mists. They are gorgeous to backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

i have 3 colors now! i have only used one color so far yet... and i'm not great at it, but i guess i'm not a total failure.


Igagnon76 said...

i have been dying to get my hands on these but my LSS doesn't carry them! i can't wait to see the new colors

Tracey said...

I actually tried some for the first time on the weekend and they are fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen them before. I am excited!

sclugo said...

I have tried the Maya Mist but only have one little bottle of blue mist. Would love to add more to my stash! Thanks for the chance to do so!

Anonymous said...

I've never used Maya Mist. I'm curious, my dh name is Maya. I'm intrigued.

hjhgjl said...

Nope! Haven't tried them but I would like to ;)

Kim said...

I have used Glimmer Mist and Stuart Superior mists, but NEVER Maya Mists...would love to give them a try. Thanks for the giveaway...see you on Friday

Deana said...

I have never used them, but learning to do some masking is on my list of "things to do..."


Anonymous said...

I just bought a bottle of lime green Maya Mist and love it! I would love to add more to start a collection ;) I cannot wait for sneak night, the two weeks following that, reveal night, the wait, and FINALLY...receiving my April kit!

Jenn said...

I have not used Maya Mists before but have used Glimmer Mists by Tattered Angels. I love all things Maya Road though! Thanks for the chance to win.

nailgirl said...

I've never used the maya mists but do have a few of the glimmer mists! if they are anything like these, then i'm sure i would love them! it would be great to win some of these! so exciting!

Ginajam said...

No...I have never tried the mists. I'm sure they are lots of fun, so I would love to get my hands on them and play :-)

maryb said...

i can't wait to try them!! thanks for the giveaway..

Robyn said...

Never tried them, but would LOVE to!

kilismom said...

i haven't had a chance to use the mists yet, but would love to give it a try!

Anonymous said...

ooo how exciting! Ive never used the maya mists before but i have used glimmer mist... The colors sound awesome! pick me pick me!

kmwca said...

I did use some type of 'mist' at a workshop a few years ago, but not since...excited to try them out :)

my cup-a-joe! said...

I'm diggin' the Maya Mists!! I've only used them takes some getting used to but loving it nonetheless! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Melissa said...

I have never tried or heard of these. But after reading some comments they sound really cool. I can't wait for the reveal. Have a great day. and thanks for a chance to win.

Staci said...

Nope, I've never used Maya Mists, but they sound like a fun toy.

Unknown said...

I love the layouts I've seen with the Maya Mists, but have not used them myself and would love to try them.

Anonymous said...

I have never used the Maya Mists, but almost buy some from the SC store every month. Guess I'll have to get some this time around!!!

Christina O said...

I love the Maya Mists! I received the new turqoise color with my March kit, but haven't tried that one yet. I'm sure it'll be beautiful as the others.

Rita said...

I haven't tried them yet, although I have used Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist. Would love to have some to try out with all of the wonderful ideas in the gallery :)

Molly said...

I have never used Maya mists, but man oh man I would love too! If I hadn't gone so hog wild with add ons in March I would have gotten some.

Jess said...

I've never used Maya Mists before, but I would love to try them out! Thanks!

Angie Tieman said...

Ooooh, they sound very cool! I've never used them, so thanks for the chance to win them!

JuJu Bee's said...

Very nice giveaway. I have never used them before but would LOVE to try them out. =)

Anonymous said...

Maya Mists, I've never heard of them before! Hope I'll be the winner.. I didn't win the previous Sneak Giveaway :(

Jennifer said...

I haven't used them yet - looking forward to trying them though!

Anonymous said...

I'm so loving the maya mists. I love how SC intruduces me to all of these amazing products.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have heard about them...and I thought I was pretty hip to new products coming out. Tell us more!

Erin S. said...

I have never tried them but I love to get chance to try them.

Jenn N said...

I haven't tried the mists yet but I would love to. I haven't seen them here in my local stores so I might just have to be adding them on to my order.

Heather M. said...

I haven't tried it but I've seen the coolest stuff done with it.

Anonymous said...

Nope never tried it, would love to though!

Adrienne said...

I just bought my first Maya Mist last month and I'm totally hooked! I think a new color will have to find it's way into my box every month!

Anonymous said...

I have heard of them but not used them, can't wait to try.

Anonymous said...

never heard of maya road mists..... but you have DEFINETLY caught my attention!!!!

Reed!! said...

Never used 'em. Think they're great -- give them to me!! You'll be glad you did!

Reed!! said...

Never used 'em. Think they're great -- give them to me!! You'll be glad you did!

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