August 26, 2009

Reveal Night Giveaway

Want to win this fabulous prize from Cosmo Cricket?

Just leave a comment letting us know which is your favorite line: Boyfriend or Earth Love.


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Stacy Hamby said...

I love the boyfriend... we need more boyish paper in the world.

Misty C said...

boyfriend - love the colors but love the vintage feel of the earth love!!!

Steph said...

I really really love them both, but I'll say boyfriend if I need to choose!

Donna said...

Love them both but I would say I like the graphics of Boyfriend slightly better

LisaNRoxy said...

Earth love! It is awesome. Boyfriend is cool too but man oh man - Earthlink rocks

Bonnie said...

Love them both! but since I have to choose one I guess it would have to be boyfriend.

Ashley said...

Definitely earth love :)

Candace H said...

My Boyfriend's back and I'm gonna be in trouble, hey la, hey la, my BOYFRIEND's back :-)

Bethany Crowell said...

No doubt my fav is Boyfriend! So fun!!

mamamagoo said...

While I've always had a soft spot for boys - Earth Love gets my vote. Love, love, love that birdie pattern.

GiGi said...

oh my goodness!!! love them both!!!! no way i could decide. how can you go wrong with cosmo cricket? thank you so much for the giveaway. you are always so generous!!!

~ gigi s.

Kelly said...

if I had to pick....boyfriend.

KathyChen said...

Boyfriend line is my fave

Danielle said...

Gotta go with Earth Love!

Kimberly said...

Earth love is my favorite

Tara said...

They're both lovely but I'd have to go with the Boyfriend line ... those woodgrain alphas are the best!

Erika M. said...

Earth love is my absolute fav!

lisa w said...

Earth Love for me too! : )

MarleneMAZ said...

No question about it Boyfriend !!

Joaniebolognie said...

I love the Boyfriend line!!! That clothes-line paper is the BEST!!!!

Anonymous said...

Boyfriend for me... but don't tell my husband.Hehe!

Stephanie B

Stephanie Baxter said...

Argh! That's so hard! If I HAD to choose, I think it's have to be Earth Love. But only just.

Tffny said...

I love Earth Love!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I have to pick one!? I have 2 boys, so if I have to pick one, it's The Boyfriend!

Carole Stirrat said...

Gosh that's hard to choose, but I guess I'd have to say Earth Love. The little birdies, mushrooms, and clouds are adorable!!!

Karen said...

LOVE Earth Love!

Thanks for the chance to win :)

kellee said...


She sews and scraps said...


stinker said...

I like the colors in Earth Love, but much prefer the patterns in Boyfriend. Very cool they're offering them together and very cool you're having a giveaway!

LiserC said...

I'm loving the Boyfriend line.

asuslp said...

I'm going to have to go with Boyfriend...or, as I am going to call it...HUSBAND! I can never seem to find "guy" paper that isn't either little boyish (bugs, trucks, dinosaurs) or old manish (classic cars, golf, fishing), so this will come in handy!

Cheri said...

Earth Love!!

Tammie said...

I love them both but I would have to go with Boyfriend as my fave!

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

Earth love for me!!!

Corey W. said...

earth love for me!

Olivia said...

Oh, I adore the Earth Love collection, such sweet designs! I like anything with toadstools on because it reminds me of my Grandad & the stories he used to make up for me :)

Allison Cope said...

Lovin' that "Boyfriend" line!

Renee said...

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like Earth Love!!!!

Chris said...

definitley earth love....did my time with boyfriends...LOL the new kit looks awesome...can't wait til it's in my hot little hands...>"<

Stacey said...

Gotta say I love the Boyfriend. Must be love at first sight!

connib said...

Hands down winner in my eyes? Boyfriend!

maryb said...

well, I love them both, but if forced to choose, I'll go with Earth Love!! thanks for the giveaway !! you're the greatest girls!! :)


moline/yvonne said...

Earth love is so beautiful! Love the colours and the vintage look!

Teresa said...

earth love..

Victoria S. said...

I do like both, but if i have to choose it is the boyfriend!

Jenn Di Paolo said...

Earth Love!

Unknown said...

eaRth LoVe!!

Pam in PA said...

Boyfriend would be it for me. Great way of getting the best of both worlds!

Kataroo said...

Earth love earth love earth love earth love earth love earth love earth love :)

GretaB said...

Boyfriend all the way!! :)

Unknown said...

So hard to choose. I guess moving into fall, I'd have to say "Earth Love."

Suz said...

I would have to say Boyfriend as I have two boys to scrapbook about.

Chelsea said...

earth love.

Stormy said...

are you really going to make me choose?! they're both fabulous in their own way, but if i absolutely had to choose, probably boyfriend.

Deanna G. said...

Earth Love :)

Gracie said...

Earth Love!!!

Cass said...

I love them both, but if I have to choose I'll go with Boyfriend. :)

Donna said...

Earth Love is my vote but I would use them both. Thanks for the giveaway!

Wahkuna said...

Earth Love is the one for me! :-)

Trista said...

Boyfriend for sure!

Anonymous said...

Earth Love, but Boyfriend is pretty special too.

Anonymous said...

Love them both but Boyfriend is my favorite of the 2.

Cameron H said...

Boyfriend for me!

Erin Lazaro said...

Earth Love. I love those little birdies!

Unknown said...

BOYFRIEND looks more my style.

kim and frank said...

I love Earth Love!

Rachel Carlson said...

ah, give me earth, give me love. *sigh*, what a great september bday gift this would be! ♥rachel

Anonymous said...

I adore them both - but Boyfriend is my pick today.

carriegel said...

I vote for Earth Love.

penny said...

Yeah, lovin' that Boyfriend. But don't tell.

my paper love studio said...

oh, it's definitely earth love for me!

Anonymous said...

I choose Earth Love!

lisaplus6 said...

how can i choose between 2 perfect lines????????? alright alright- Earth love but by only an itsy bitsy bit ;)

Gail Brown said...

Well first of all Cosmo Cricket is one of my absolute favourite lines of papers ~ your designers are very gifted!

I really like "Earth Love" ~ I love the outdoors and this paper definitely works to scrapbook all my outdoor photos ~ Thank you!


Melissa said...

the Boyfriend! *swoon*

Anonymous said...

Earth Love for sure!!!!

Melissa C
Louisville, KY

Anonymous said...

Definately definately boyfriend! So retro and cute!

Jennifer.T said...

Love me some Earth Love ;)

Kirsten D, said...

Earth Love is certainly a "must have" for me, and I've been impatienetly awaiting it at my LSS!

Kathie said...

The earth love is super!

Geralyn said...

Tough choice, but I'm loving the Boyfriend :)

mrs.dee said...

its all about earth love, baby!

Sasha said...

Tough call....but I'm going to have to say Earth Love!

Jessie Larsen said...

If I had to choose...I'd pick boyfriend. But they are both yummy.

ashacpatel said...

LOVE Earth Love!

CathyB. said...

Definitely Earth Love!

Jenny said...

I love Earth Love!

juls2000 said...

I think it would be The Boyfriend, no wait, Earth Love, no Boyfriend, no Earth! I love them both!! But, I guess I would have to choose Boyfriend if I was made to choose!

Kristin Kanner said...


lifang said...

I vote for Earth Love!!!

Flo said...

Do I have to pick just one?! They're both amazing!
But ok....Earth Love gets my vote.

Jenni said...


Karen said...

Earth Love is the one for me!

Sandy said...

I TOTALLY love Earth Love! Just looking at it makes me happy =)

Amybeth said...

I love Earth Love! Both are great though, hard decision =0)

Nina said...

definatley EARTH LOVE!! simply gorgeous!! thanks for the opportunity to enter another amazing giveaway that i will never win because if you don't live in the USA you'll definately be overlooked as a winner!!

a down under cosmo lover!!

kristen said...

earth love!

Delia W said...

Hard to make up my mind, but I would say Boyfriend (but only when pushed..)

Amy said...

I love both...probably boyfriend is my favorite!

Ann said...

Earth love, definitely!

Carmem Lucia Calvo said...

I love both but Earth Love is my favorite!

Agnes said...

Both them both but earth love is my favorite. Thanks so the giveaway SC!!

Angie Tieman said...

They're both totally fabulous! But if I have to pick just one, I will go with Earth Love! Yummmmm-o!

Julie said...

Earth Love.

Amanda Profumo said...

It's hard to choose, but if I can only have ONE, I'd pick the boyfriend line. Both are so fun!

apron girls said...

love boyfriend -

tfiskers said...

I LOVE Earth Love and boyfriend is a close second! Love them ALL!!!

Stephanie said...

Boyfriend is my fave!

jeanie de la rama said...

earth love!

Becky said...

LOVE Cosmo Cricket! I'm thinking boyfriend- but love them both!

Kellie Marie said...

Boyfriend gets my vote!!

Cassie said...

That's tough because I like them both but I'm picking BOYFRIEND because I love the colors

Ginny said...

Both are so so so cute...I guess Boyfriend....

Cassandra West said...

Love this type of boyfriend!!!

Anonymous said...

I love them both but if forced to choose, Boyfriend wins out!

Anonymous said...

Boyfriend - although they are both really cute!
Traci from Ga.

jenney said...

Very tough call but my fave is the Earth Love line. LOVE the colors in it!!!

Missy said...

earth love...such cute birdies!!!

Laci J said...

Lov'in Earth Love! NICE!!!

Lindsay said...

Love Earth Love - I have lots of ideas to use the line for pages about my DD!

Laura said...

I choose the boyfriend just because it is a little different

Unknown said...

Love the boyfriend line!!!

Anonymous said...

Love, love the Earth Love!!!

Crystal said...

I like them both but Earth Love is just a tiny bit better for my work.

Nicole Carro said...

Definitely Boyfriend - so adorable.

Alby said...

Earth Love for me!

KellyL. said...

Boyfriend, please!

Unknown said...

I am totally in love with Earth love! So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Do I really have to choose one, umm ... the boyfrined, np wait perhaps I mean Earth or perhaps I ....EJ

The Cox Family said...

Earth Love is my fave. Both are superb. Cosmo Cricket never disappoints.


Rachel said...


Anonymous said...

I would have to say boyfriend, because it rocks!!! I have a hard time finding paper for boys that I like and CC NEVER disapoints me!!!

Ali Scrap said...

I am in Love with Earth love! Cosmo cricket is quickly becoming my fav brand!

Unknown said...

Earth Love, baby!

Shannon said...

Earth Love - love the 'dusty' color scheme

Erin said...

BOYFRIEND...eventhough I haven't been having much luck with snagging one!

Mel said...

I love Earth's my favorite, but I like both collections!

Amy Kim said...

i fell for earth love first, but boyfriend is definitely growing on me. i'd still probably pick earth love if i had to pick just one. i think it's those clouds... clouds get me every time! :]

Kiwi The Kreator said...


janie Hewitt said...

I love the Boyfriend because we need boy themes, but it also can be used for other thing too. I love the arrows and the clothes line the best. I am already thinking of different ways to use them.

Andi said...

I love boyfriend!

joscelyne cutchens said...

Boyfriend! :)

S@lene aka Yati said...

Boyfriend all the way!!

Unknown said...

I can only choose one? Boyfriend is my fav!

Scrapbean said...

Boyfriend!! Way cool stuff!

Shawninaz said...

Earth Love but they are both awesome!

Diana said...

Earth love is my choice. The birds and clouds are too stinking cute!

Ann Marie said...

Def. The Boyfriend..
I already have enough paper and embellishments with mushrooms and trees on it to outfit an entire Smurf Village and Fraggle Rock.

Groovy Deborah said...

Like whoa Man Earth Love is so far out!

sylvie said...

Do I really have to choose? I guess I would have to say Earth Love wins my vote for now.

Virginia said...

i (love) boyfriend!

Laney said...

Earth love!

Gina said...

Love love love them both..but if I have to choose..then it's earth love :)

Laura Stewart said...

the boyfriend!

Book Bling said...

Hard choice but I will go with boyfriend.

Shirley said...

Earth Love - the birdies in a row are so cute!

annie said...

I'm liking the Earth Love.

Jane said...

love them both but I'll say Earth Love!!

Denise said...

I thought this would be an easy answer until I took a closer look. Now I am confused. I like them both, but Boyfriend wins by a hair.

Jennifer Johnson said...

Love the Boyfriend!

Kim said...

oh gosh! this is a TOUGH question! I have bought a few sheets of both and I totally love them both but for different reasons! if I'm being a good mom I'll say Boyfriend because I scrap my 2 boys a lot.. but I just LOVE how whimsical Earth Love is...
so my answer is..
Earth Love, I think. :)

Anonymous said...

boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!! oh may be both....

tccba said...

I think I have to pick boyfriend--only because I have three boys. LOVE Cosmo Cricket!

kathleen said...

I adore all things Cosmo Cricket!! Boyfriend wins my heart, even though I'm a mom of two girls : )

Dapoppins said...

I hope #365 is a lucky number, cause I like Earth love and I adore the cricket!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Dang! Pick one?????

They are both hot... but if I really really had to pick just one...
Earth Love...

I am a gal who loves all things natural! LOVE the name - and of course, the line is super cute!

Frances said...


northcarmen said...

Hmm... that's hard. I'll go with Boyfriend, but I like them both. :)


Ashley & Josh said...

Boyfriend for sure! I have a husband who is like a teenager so they fit him well. I also have a son on the way (17 more days!) so I can envision a LOT of cute layouts in the future!

Abby said...

While I love the boyfriend line, I think Earth Love is my fave. I pretty much think any cosmo cricket ROCKS! Thanks SO much for the chance to win! Uber cool prize!

MandeeM said...

i love both, but for different reasons. love the bright colors of boyfriend and the softer side of earth love. what can i say, i love me some cosmo!

Kimberly said...

Oh shoot, I am torn. I love the little birdies from Earth and I love the clothes paper from Boyfriend....So, I am figuring this would be perfect for me. I can have BOTH, huh?

Anonymous said...

I love myself some boyfriend:)

Unknown said...

Oooh, Boyfriend gets my fav vote! But I would still love both!

angelaoakcliff said...


angelaoakcliff said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cynthia Marie Pettigrew said...

Love the Boyfriend collections and here is to wishing for a nice surprise!

Rachel Anderson said...

boyfriend. love it.

Laure said...

I love them both but since we make me choose I'll say as of this minute Earth Love, maybe tomorrow it will be different, lol.

Unknown said...


Erika said...

if you MAKE me choose Earth Love gets my vote - But my oh my I love them both!!!!

Joann said...

Love them both, but would have to pick Earth Love.

Celeste said...

Gotta go with Earth Love.

brooke said...

Love the boyfriend line probably because of the boys in my life (hubby & 3 sons).

brandigirl said...

earth love, i even love the sound of that!

lohersh said...

EARTH LOVE. LOVE it! But I like both.

amy said...

Earth Love, but then there are some pieces of Boyfriend...

Ami said...

Happily, Earth Love gets my vote. I adore just about anything CC, and think that Boyfriend is cute, too. But I cannot wait to get some Earth love.

Create a Change in Me said...

Ooh that's tough. I think Boyfriend wins by just a hair. Thanks for a chance at a giveaway!


Cass said...

hmmm, I think 'Boyfriend' ... has great colors!

Nitasha said...

Major crush on the boyfriend!

Anna said...

loving the earth love!

Anonymous said...

LOVE: (strong positive emotion of regard and affection)

EARTH: (the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on)

Powerful words!

Laura said...

The boyfriend is my fave.

Jayne said...

Both are super cute but I have to say Earth Love - it just speaks to me!
feelingscrappy at yahoo dot com

Julie said...

I LOVE earth love!!!!!

heather skye said...

EARTH LOVE....been eying this since it was released;)

heather skye said...

EARTH LOVE....been eying this since it was released;)

Jody said...

If you're twisting my arm,
the answer I would
scream out in pain is
"Earth Love"!

Nani said...

Definitely Earth Love! I love the clouds! I want to get this one to make a cute mini album!

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