April 27, 2010

National Scrapbook Day at Studio Calico.

hey everyone...you DO know what this Saturday is, right?
the day we have to celebrate our favorite hobby...and the best part is that we have fun ways lined up to enjoy it with you all, even though we may be far away.
from 10am to 7p (EST), we have hourly chats scheduled with the Design Team. we are pairing up to chat about anything you'd like...the new Kit, the new Punches (good gravy, they are AMAZING!), Glee, WHATEVER YOU'D LIKE!! when the list is complete, i will update and post it here so you can come on if you have a specific question for someone. then again, we'd love for you to stay all day!!

Each of us is hosting a Challenge...WITH A WINNER OF A $10 STUDIO CALICO GIFT CERTIFICATE for each challenge! here is a list of what everyone has in store...so you can print out some pics and get ready ahead of time if you'd like!


Each DT Member will be posting more info on their personal blogs regarding their specific challenges...so feel free to click on the links to the right for more details on each.

Did i forget to mention that we will be repeating the giveaway we did last year where TWO lucky people will receive a 6-MONTH STUDIO CALICO SUBSCRIPTION for FREE??
check back for more details!!
looking forward to spending time with you all this Saturday!!


Anonymous said...

And I was wondering what I was going to do on NSD! Great challenges ladies!

Courtney said...

Can't wait!

Sarah said...

This should be a blast! Great challenges!

Gracie said...

oh my gosh, i'm so excited!

Curlywiggles said...

So excited about Saturday! Thanks for listing all the challenges so I can get started!

GretaB said...

I can hardly wait. I know it will be lots of fun, although I'm not sure how productive I'll be if there is chatting.

So with the chats - I'm thinking we should pull out some crazy questions to make the DTers spill stories. ;)

Scrapamum said...

I am sooooo stinkin' excited!

Lynnette Davis said...

Excuse me while I pick my jaw up from off the floor......a 6-month subscription to Studio Calico????? That has got to be the most coolest prize EVER!!!! Studio Calico has some of the most drool worthy-over kits around. I'm IN!!!

Marianne Levy said...

Love all the challenges! Can't wait to play!!!

Nicole said...

Can't wait to see what is in store!

Ursula Schneider said...

Sounds like amazing fun, and that giveaway alone sounds like a great reason to hang out. LOL,not that it would save me much in the grand scheme of my spending, LOL.

Kristin said...

The papers are great! I really love the punches and the ideas you gave with them!

cortaline said...

I'm so excited ... I can't wait Thanks to the DT for all challenges La Biz la Delf

Morwèna said...

OMG! So excited about Saturday!
Great challenges!

Anonymous said...

fantastic challenges, cant wait to get started :0)