May 31, 2010

challenge : scrap a summer photo

Hello, Studio Calico friends! =) Kelly and I are hosting the blog this week, and we are planning on bringing you a week of summertime inspiration. We're winding down the long Memorial Day weekend here in the US, which unofficially kicks off summer. School is almost (or already!) out, the weather is getting warmer, and we're spending more and more time outside.

(partly sunny + rec league,oa word stickers, tiny attacher, turquoise mist, large monarch double punch, photo label punch)

I made this page for the Partly Sunny gallery (and while the main kit has sold out, there are still add-ons available!)- the photo was taken less than three weeks ago. I love seeing how each season impacts our everyday routines - since this photo was taken, the jeans and long sleeves have been packed away and my boys are in full time shorts and sandals mode. Homework has been traded for sprinkler time, and the late nights are no longer a novelty. We're in full on summer mode.

Our challenge to you for this week is an easy one - scrap a summertime photo. Whether it's recent or an older shot, get a little piece of your summer captured on a page. Once you've finished your page, link it up on this thread and let us see it. We'll close the entries at midnight EST on Saturday, and draw a winner for a $5 gift certificate for everyone's favorite shop on Sunday. I'll be back with my summertime page later this week!


karennarelle said...

well i still need to scrap our vacation to sea world (the australian version of disney world)from last summer! but this summer i will be scrapping our camping trip to the north coast.

Suz said...

Looking forward to documenting the every day details of my life and a few family vacations too!

Anonymous said...

We planned a vacation in France, we rented the house of aunt Beppie and uncle Wietse. We went there two years ago and it was sooo fun! The kids are already looking forward to our trip! Of course I'll make a lot of pictures to scrap.

Gretchen Knutson said...

I just want to scrap anything from this summer! I have 6 kids so it's hard finding time to scrap at all

Karina Beck said...

Gorgeus layout. I am so inspired after the blog hopping. Thanks!!!!

Brenda Hurd said...

i have the perfect picture for this - now to find the time..........thanks for the inspiration :)

Lucy Newton said...

It's a beautiful collection, I´'d like to use it to document an anniversary trip to Canada and North of USA!

Cheryl said...

I plan on doing more LO's from our week ends away in our caravan on a lovely little farm with so cute animals x

Anonymous said...

i plan to do a lot of cooking out this summer. K

Edys Gonçalves said...

Yes... I posted there!!! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this fun challenge :o)
Her is my take on it: